First things first. I will go ahead and get the trail report out of the way. We had a cold day yesterday. The temperature hovered around 30 degrees for the most of the day. There were a few snow flurries through out the day. The low last night was 23 degrees. The trails are still icy in spots. The guests have been making it up with out ice walkers. Today is starting out to be a beautiful day. I believe the forecast calls for warmer temperatures. Yesterday was the ninth annual crew pumpkin carving contest. The crew members that wish to participate get to carve a pumpkin for dinner on Halloween. The guests are the judges. The crew member that receives the most votes get to sleep in one morning. The winning pumpkin was actually carved by our chaplin, Lindi. She decided to give the prize to Dave since it was his birthday and he had to work. One of the ways the crew keeps it exciting on the mountain is by playing tricks on one another. I thought I would share our Halloween shenanigans. We have had a bear that has been coming through camp during the early evening. We think he has an ear tag, which means he has been an issue before. The park service asked us to put the bear trap out and see if we could catch him. They would then hike up and check him out and possible relocate him. Chrissy, our enthusiastic crew member, was super excited about the possibilities of seeing a bear up close. We thought we would play a little joke on her. We told her we caught the bear. Play the video and you will see what happened next.
11/1/2011 01:48:44 am
Oh this is awesome! Love the pumpkins and scaring the girl was priceless! :)
Paula B.
11/1/2011 02:27:12 am
I absolutely love your blog. It's one of the first things I look at each morning. It helps me feel as if I'm back up on the mountain. Sorry to be techno challenged, but where is the link for the video?
High On LeConte
11/1/2011 02:39:52 am
Pat N.
11/1/2011 03:08:11 am
Great pumpkin carvings! I'd say you all had a super Halloween...especially Chrissy. Love that scream!
Mike Clarke
11/1/2011 03:42:05 am
Hello, Loved the video of the prank. Hey do you know who is going to be the winter caretaker yet? Alex again by chance?
Kathy W.
11/1/2011 03:43:17 am
I, too, Love reading this blog. Getting very excited; I will experience my first hiking adventure to Mt.LeConte next week, staying for 2 nights. I'm ready for this, somewhat apprehensive, the weather, the bears, oh my!
Wanda Kohlmann
11/1/2011 04:57:13 am
loved the pumpkins!!! When is your last day for guests? We came up in November but the weather was hot that year
High On LeConte
11/1/2011 05:09:22 am
We have a new winter caretaker this year. His name is John. He will join us the last week we are open to learn the ropes. I will introduce to him as soon as he has reached the lodge.
11/1/2011 05:26:57 am
Chrissy, you should get to sleep in after that prank!! That's one Buckeye looking out for another.
Doug Y.
11/1/2011 05:42:35 am
Who carries the pumpkins up to the lodge ?? Enjoyed the video----more videos would be nice to see of activities at the lodge......
11/1/2011 11:01:24 am
My vote would have been the bear pumpkin. It's awesome...
11/1/2011 11:34:36 am
Great job with the decor, did you have any trick or treaters? Just the bear huh. Oh well I am sure he likes treats as well as the next.
11/1/2011 03:25:54 pm
The pumpkins are great! And the video is hilarious. Great fun!
Starlit Tomlinson
11/2/2011 04:39:21 pm
My thoughts exactly Doug.....How did you all get the pumpkins to camp? They looked great by the way! Ready to visit again but I'll wait for warmer weather. Comments are closed.
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