Morning y'all, It's a beautiful, clear morning on LeConte. The high yesterday reached 27 degrees. The overnight low was 7 degrees. It was 7 degrees and clear at 7am observation. The mountain received no new precipitation yesterday. Our snowfall total is still at around a foot. The trails are still pretty deep, although Old Sugarlands to Bullhead is packed down due to 6 tough guys who came to stay in the shelter last night! I'd still recommend Microspikes, winter boots, wool socks and gaiters if you want to ascend in comfort. I spent an hour last night wandering around at dusk, marveling at the snow laden trees and darkening sky. I talked to the tough guys in the shelter. At first, I was concerned when I saw the tracks, but I could hear them laughing before I saw them and knew that I had nothing to worry about. If you're laughing at 15 degrees, you're fine. I noticed their Feathered friends jackets and Reactor stoves and was able to discover - (I'm basically a backcountry Sherlock Holmes) - that they'd been mountaineering all over the world for longer than I've been alive. It's always a pleasure to meet other crazies, it makes me feel more at place in the world. There are others who chase experiences like leaves in the wind, who risk everything in efforts to create more memories, who feel most alive challenging themselves in wild places. The deeper the cut, the better the scar. I am not just a lonesome outlier, but a part of a community that lives in moonshadow. My brothers and sisters are out there, for reasons just as difficult to pin down as my own. We will meet in the best of places.
2/27/2015 02:06:50 am
Thank you for labeling the pictures this morning. It really adds to the magic of your narrative. It is sunny here in north knox county this morning but one of my friends living over in one of the hollows ("hollers") on the SW. side of Chilhowee Mtn said it was snowing there again around 8:45 am. When one has no plans and can stay warm and fed, the snow days can be cozy. But to tell the truth, I am really looking forward to spring.
Sharon S
2/27/2015 02:38:46 am
I love it! The mountain's human population just increased by seven-fold. Are you crazy, or are all of us who read your blog crazy for not making the leap ourselves?
2/27/2015 02:43:24 am
I'll bet those seasoned veterans of backcountry adventures had a blast last night in the shelter. Let's hear it for the community of "crazies" who venture out in extreme conditions to fulfill a soul-enriching need to reconnect with something we've lost along the way.
Mary Anne
2/27/2015 03:05:07 am
Those wild and crazy guys are supposed to be hiking down Maddron Bald Trail at some point. Glad to know they are all doing splendidly. Some are also white water paddlers. And one plays guitar and sings blues, and drums in circles too. Glad you got to meet them J.P.
2/27/2015 03:45:56 am
Can you post a picture of what the shelter looks like? Thanks
2/27/2015 06:39:20 am
Just google Mount Leconte Shelter and all kinds of pictures pop up.
2/27/2015 09:43:49 am
YouTube has 831 video results for "Mt LeConte Shelter" too!
2/27/2015 09:54:33 am
Thanks guys
Pat N
2/27/2015 11:57:02 am
Love the wintery pics
2/27/2015 04:40:35 pm
"Trees in their snow coats" Comments are closed.
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