I am sorry to keep posting pictures from my hike up the mountain on Tuesday, it has been completely swamped on the top and I have not had a chance to get out and about. Plus, the pictures from the lower elevations are much prettier then the top right now. The vegetation is in the stage where everything is waiting to be covered in snow. I have no doubt that is coming sooner then later. As for those who are requesting snow for their trip up the mountain, I will get on that as soon as the fall rush dies down. I thought I would address some of the questions I have seen on the posts. As for the term "leaf peeper", that is a term a lot of locals use for the folks who visit the park to admire the wonderful show that we get to witness every fall. I have been asked why I do not put up more guest sightings, the people who you see on that page usually approach me. I am sad to say that I get busy with my daily routine of running the lodge and it slips my mind. If someone stops by and asks for their picture to be taken, I will gladly accomodate them. As for the elevation that is on our sign, I am sorry if that offends people. I guess we kept the tradition from the Jack Huff days. The elevation of the peak was usued on the t-shirts and it was synonymous with the mountain. We have always been open about the fact that the elevation is the actual high point of the mountain. We use it in the tradition of the mountain, the same way the oil lamps and hudson bay blankets are a part of the mountain experience. I hope this helps explain some of the questions you all have had.
Now on to the weather, the high yesterday was 51 with a low of 38. We had a small break in the clouds yesterday. Currently, we are socked in. If the weather follows the forecast, we all know the end of that story, it should clear out of here to make for a beautiful day for a hike.
Tony Ga
10/13/2012 01:59:38 am
Nice pic.
Brian N bama
10/13/2012 02:10:24 am
Allyson, you just keep on keeping on. As for those who have an issue with the sign on "our dining hall", you don't have to look at this blog or even go up the mountain. If you have negatives to say, say them somewhere else. The mountain is a happy place and has no room for negative talk. That being said, I will see ya'll nov 9th at 6593'. HAVE A GREAT DAY LECONTE CREW!!!
10/13/2012 02:32:05 am
I agree. If you love LeConte you love it. Great pictures Allison. Thanks for everything you do, with all the responsibilities you ALL have I truly don't know how you find time to do all you do.
IN Tony
10/13/2012 06:07:10 am
Well said Brian.
10/13/2012 02:17:47 am
What could be an issue with the sign??I guess I missed that!! Unless someone got there picture taken on a day they were suppose to be somewhere else!! we are staying in Gatlinburg next sunday and headed up your way Monday morning for twwo nights, need a trail or something to explore all day tuesday while we are up there , Any suggestions?? Oh Im bringing homemade apple butter, or fresh sorghum for those buiscuits. just ask I'll share!
Lee Cato
10/13/2012 03:01:59 am
Don't apologize for the pictures! They are beautiful and I look forward to them. It is as close as I can get to actually being there right now. You have a gift for transferring the feel of the mountain to us who can't be there in person
Sherry L. Jennette
10/13/2012 08:19:09 am
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO CHRIS & ALLYSON... What a great couple & may you two be blessed with a lifetime of happiness. Hope you two are having a fabulous day & may your evening be even better.
Pat M
10/13/2012 08:19:50 am
No apology necessary for any pictures. The first thing I do every morning is check this site to what beautiful images you have posted. It may not be quite the same as actually seeing it in person but it sure comes close!
10/13/2012 08:20:47 am
Very nice photo. I think I'm familar with that little bridge. All your photos and postings are welcome and I enjoy them very much. What's all this fuss over a sign !? It's just a sign, and whether it's the elevation at the lodge or the elevation up at Mt. Leconte's peak makes little difference. I haven't seen any negative talk about the lodge, and I agree that this site isn't the place for such discussions, but it appears that a newcomer to this site is simply wanting to learn more about it so I just don't understand getting so worked up over a simple inquiry. I love the lodge as much as anyone, and Mt. Leconte, and the Great Smoky Mountains !!
Tony Ga
10/13/2012 09:24:22 am
I think there has been a couple of "misunderstandings". Welcome to the LeConte Blog Doug. Enjoy.
Rebecca Moore
10/13/2012 12:30:54 pm
My daughter and I hiked up Friday and stayed the night. As always, we had an awesome time. Thanks to all the staff for doing a wonderful job! Our next trip up will be August, 2013. Until then I look forward to the daily posts, pictures and information.
10/13/2012 02:05:59 pm
Love your photos. We call 'em "Leaf Lookers" over here in Maggie Valley
10/13/2012 04:41:18 pm
Great pic, used it for wall paper! Go Vols!
10/14/2012 02:18:51 am
Tony Ga: thanks, but I've been coming to the lodge and this site for over eight years, and have hiked in the Smokies for about 55 years; I've hiked every trail in the Park at least once, camped at every campground, and most of the backcountry sites, but for the last eight years Leconte Lodge has been my favorite spot. I was hooked from the first time I stayed there ! Love it. Comments are closed.
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
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