High 32, Low 27. Man, What a beautiful day yesterday ended up being. Sorry Larry, the camera i'm using doesn't have that capability. snow tonight? Here comes a big picture post since i'll be gone most this weekend, enjoy.
1/20/2011 12:23:18 am
WOW!!!!! Alex, these photos almost make me want to return to work. I am impressed. Good job. I will see you tomorrow night.
1/20/2011 12:30:20 am
Alex, once again some awesome pics!!! Enjoy your time off the mountain and good luck in Knoxville!!!
1/20/2011 12:53:52 am
Good luck on the beard competition and have fun in town.
Paul Benzinger
1/20/2011 12:58:08 am
You are raising the bar again on the photos and videos! Absolutely beautiful! I would enjoy the snow more with views like these as opposed to driving in city traffic.
Jimmy Rowlett
1/20/2011 01:22:55 am
Wow great pics! Can't wait till we get up there this weekend.
1/20/2011 01:25:29 am
How about a picture of the beard?
1/20/2011 01:43:46 am
I was leaving for work and saw the beautiful pink and blue sky and thought "I wonder how gorgeous this must be up on LeConte and I hope Alex is seeing it!"
1/20/2011 03:10:21 am
Those pics are amazing. I've been going to Leconte since '97 and so enjoy checking out your pics every day. Thank you for all you do.
1/20/2011 03:45:31 am
Pictures are great. I have enjoyed checking blog everyday since I discovered it. Have a good few days down.
1/20/2011 05:48:26 am
Only GOD could give you something so beautiful. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us. Be careful, have fun and make many memories.
Meg Waff
1/20/2011 06:33:34 am
Beautiful pictures. Like Allyson said they (photos) make you want to be there. Have a great time in town!
1/20/2011 09:57:38 am
Great pictures! I'm really hoping I get to do this hike before I leave for my AT thru in March.
1/20/2011 11:21:49 am
Beautiful Pics. How do you become a caretaker and is there any compensation other than the beautiful scenery and peaceful solitude you get? Just curious. My wife would never make it. But I would love to try!!
1/20/2011 05:51:29 pm
Hello. These pictures are amazing. I have been to Leconte one time, over 10 years ago. I would really like to visit again, thanks for posting these wonderful photos.
1/20/2011 10:42:13 pm
So is your blog counter showing total hits or new hits? I just noticed it last Sat and it was at 6,877. Today over 14,000 hits.
High On LeConte
1/20/2011 11:31:59 pm
Gene- In order to become a caretaker, we require them to have worked on the crew at some point. They are compensated for their time on the mountain.
High On LeConte
1/20/2011 11:35:08 pm
Sorry Ronnie, I just saw that and Alex must have added that. That would be for total hits since he added it. The blog had over 5,000 hits for yesterday.
Tammy J
1/21/2011 01:28:15 pm
AWESOME! AWESOME! Comments are closed.
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