Good Morning, This mornings low was 9 degrees with high winds. I estimated the wind chill to be around - 9 degrees. There is still 4” inches of powdery snow on the ground. Clouds have, again, taken over Mount Le Conte. Plan and prepare for winter conditions with snow and ice on the trails. I consider ice-traction mandatory for a safe ascent / descent in these conditions. 24 hour temperature range | High: 9 Low: 2 NOAA 7-Day Forecast Mountain - Forecast Weather -- Entering in the cold silent kitchen, I made my way to the nearest kerosene lamp. Once lit, I took to heating water. Check and check, only one more thing to do before sunrise. The snow was measured and the contrast in temperature recorded. Dispatch confirmed my weather report and I sat down with a cup hot lemon water, waiting for the time to strike. Wind howled against the cedar shingles. I waited. Cheeks tight, my boots broke the windblown trail. The preferred morning commute was well under way. Golden light seeped through the evergreen canopy, painting fallen neighbors suspended above the earth. The pinks hues illuminated the belly of the clouds. The scene numbed the cold - time slipped away. My aching hands were happy to head for home, but my mind was happy riding on the wind. It felt like winter; and for that, I was happy. Onward, Seth “There are two things that interest me: the relation of people to each other, and the relation of people to land.” - Aldo Leopold
Good Morning,
Walking out to sunrise it was 4 degrees with high winds. I estimated the wind chill was -15 degrees. There is currently 4” inches of powdery snow on the ground that’s being blown all around the mountain. Clouds have rolled in with the winds. Plan and prepare for winter conditions with snow and ice on the trails. I consider ice-traction mandatory for a safe ascent / descent in these conditions. 24 hour temperature range | High: 25 Low: -2
Blinded by the reflection of fresh snow, I stumbled around camp with my camera in hand. The snow storm went as quickly as it came - lightly covering the thick bed of ice below. I slipped, caught myself, and decided to put my traction on. The dusty like powder didn’t stick to the ice below, it only made it more slick. Pausing to take a photo, I smiled at how quickly Mt. LeConte reshapes itself. The mountain was always different, always changing…
There was a beauty in that. Onward, Seth
“A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”
― Henry David Thoreau
Good Morning,
It’s currently 16 degrees with bluebird skies and an inversion of the clouds. We received a quick 3.5” inches of snow this morning after I called in the weather. — Plan and prepare for winter conditions with snow and ice on the trails. I consider ice-traction mandatory for a safe ascent / descent in these conditions. --
The sun rose quietly out of reach. A cloud enshrouding Mt. LeConte waited patiently for what the day would bring. I mimicked the sentiment - where was the snow? No sooner had the coffee brewed, the snow came in on a wind. Large flakes quickly erased the earth beneath me.
Just as the snow really began to accumulate the clouds ripped apart; bluebird skies smiled down. My schedule for the day shifted, o Ski o Write o Play in snow o Ski o Eat o Repeat It was time to check some things off the list. Onward, Seth
"A year of snow, a year of plenty." — French proverb
Good Morning, It’s currently 20 degrees and bluebird skies. There are still lingering bits of snow on the ground. Plan and prepare for winter conditions and heavy ice on the trails. I consider ice-traction mandatory for a safe ascent/ descent in these conditions. If you plan to overnight in the higher elevations, a winter weather warning will be in effect this evening. Plan your start/end trailhead accordingly. 24 hour temperature range | High: 26 Low: 18 NOAA 7-Day Forecast Mountain - Forecast Weather Smokies Road Info -- Feeling the cold air slice through my wool sweater, I ignored the change in climate. My legs thumped up the trail; my lungs knocked in return. Ice had accumulated along the north face of Mount LeConte. I caught my breath and slipped on an aging pair of ice traction. Home was within reach…I continued on. Waking to the soft push a west wind, yesterday’s tour lingered gently on my bones. Closing my eyes, the kitchen came to me. The smell of coffee grounds and the taste of mountain water took me off standby - I was ready for another dance in the woods. Predawn pastels began bleeding on the horizon. I grabbed my camera and made for the door… disappearing up the trail. Onward, Seth “The mountains are fountains of men as well as of rivers, of glaciers, of fertile soil. The great poets, philosophers, prophets, able men whose thoughts and deeds have moved the world, have come down from the moutnains — mountain-dwellers who have grown strong there with the forest trees in Nature’s work-shops."
- John Muir Good Morning, It’s currently 23 degrees and partly cloudy. There are still lingering bits of snow on the ground. Plan and prepare for winter conditions and heavy ice on the trails. I consider ice-traction mandatory for a safe ascent/ descent in these conditions. 24 hour temperature range | High: 23 Low: 11 NOAA 7-Day Forecast Mountain - Forecast Weather Smokies Road Info -- Moving down the level path, my appreciation for the Smoky Mountains grew with every step - the geographic scale of the landscape was equally humbling and inspiring. The crushed gravel corridor of the Gatlinburg Trail spit me into the edge town. I had begun my tour from the nearly evergreen landscape of the LeConte Lodge. Down the Bull Head Trail, I linked into the Old Sugarlands Trail, which brought me close to the Gatlinburg Trail. It would be eleven miles to my mailbox. Leaving the NOC, I stood out like a sore thumb. The landscape was alien, the smells were too intense. Perfume coated necks, laundry detergent saturated clothes, and fried food wafting doorways overtook the forest. It was hard to breath. Pushing further up Airport Road, the signs of ‘progress’ slipped away. The trees became thicker and more numerous. Nature, again, became the dominant feature on the landscape. Five-thousand vertical feet stood between me and my mountain top home. I smiled wearily at the prospect… I was grateful for the opportunity. Onward, Seth “No more cars in national parks. Let the people walk. Or ride horses, bicycles, mules, wild pigs--anything--but keep the automobiles and the motorcycles and all their motorized relatives out. We have agreed not to drive our automobiles into cathedrals, concert halls, art museums, legislative assemblies, private bedrooms and the other sanctums of our culture; we should treat our national parks with the same deference, for they, too, are holy places.”
Edward Abbey Good Morning, It’s currently 11 degrees with clouds rolling in. There is still .5 inches of snow on the ground. Plan and prepare for winter conditions and heavy ice on the trails. I consider ice-traction mandatory for a safe ascent/descent in these conditions. 24 hour temperature range | High: 20 Low: 7 NOAA 7-Day Forecast Mountain - Forecast Weather Smokies Road Info -- Coffee numbed the cold. Hard winds pressed eagerly against my cheeks. I zipped my parka completely closed, intent on holding my ground atop Myrtle Point. I smiled - my cheeks felt like leather. It didn’t matter, nothing mattered when I was floating through the clouds. I stared deep into the sapphire depth of the Greenbrier. Foreboding and yet it invited me into the depths. The ache of freezing fingers convinced me to reel in my ambitions. The thought would have to be enough... for now. Onward, Seth "Clouds suit my mood just fine."
Marie Lu Good Morning, It’s currently 15 degrees and clear up top. We received .5 inches of new snow. Plan and prepare for winter conditions and heavy ice on the trails. 24 hour temperature range | High: 30 Low: 7 NOAA 7-Day Forecast Mountain - Forecast Weather Smokies Road Info -- Running smoothly down the trail, I felt the temperature drop - my cheeks tightened. It was getting colder. Clad in a running vest and wool sweater, I continued sojourning though the mountains. Breaking fresh trail, the sign for Charlie’s Bunion came into view. For a second, I regretted not bringing my camera, but then I remembered that not all moments were meant to be shared. I continued through the mist… These shy smoky mountains were showing me their best because they knew I’d keep the secret. Smiling, I made for home. Onward, Seth P.s. - the Bunion tour took, 2:35’:00” "For what reason have I this vast range and circuit, some square miles of unfrequented forest, for my privacy, abandoned to me by men? My nearest neighbor is a mile distant, and no house is visible from any place but the hill-tops within half a mile of my own. I have my horizon bounded by woods all to myself; a distant view of the railroad where it touches the pond on the one hand, and of the fence which skirts the woodland road on the other. But for the most part it is as solitary where I live as on the prairies. It is as much Asia or Africa as New England. I have, as it were, my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself."
HENRY DAVID THOREAU Good Morning, It’s currently 21 degrees and socked in up top. The sun is trying to break through as I write. We received 2.65 inches of precipitation and received trace amounts of a sleet/snow combo. The mountain has cooled down since my initial weather report this morning. 24 hour temperature range | High: 40 Low: 21 *US Hwy 441/Newfound Gap Rd from Gatlinburg TN to Cherokee NC is temporarily closed due to unfavorable weather conditions. NOAA 7-Day Forecast Mountain - Forecast Weather Smokies Road Info -- The winds howl like a pack of wolves, my cabin shivers with anticipation. For all the beautiful peaceful days on LeConte, there are plenty filled with a fury only Mother Nature can muster. An angry winter storm in on the forefront, but it’s still too warm to be anything more than cold rain and lingering ice. Book in hand, I wait patiently for what may come. I woke to the patter of rain. No, it was a higher pitch sound than rain. Peering out my window, sleet began accumulating on the summit of Mt. LeConte. Gearing up, I laughed at the weather predictions. The mountain was doing what it wanted to do. Outside, a mixture of snow and sleet continued to rain down. Onward, Seth “Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.”
Brandon Sanderson Good Morning, It’s currently 31 degrees with dense fog and high winds. We received trace amounts of precipitation during the evening. There is still an inch of snow on the ground up top with plenty of ice on the trails. In my opinion, these are not the best conditions to be out hiking in. 24 hour temperature range | High: 31 Low: 20 *US Hwy 441/Newfound Gap Rd from Gatlinburg TN to Cherokee NC is temporarily closed due to unfavorable weather conditions. NOAA 7-Day Forecast Mountain - Forecast Weather Smokies Road Info -- What remained of the snow clung to shadows in the distance. Golden rays of late afternoon light coated the nearby ridge in a kind of celestial gold. I focused on the Chimney Tops. The rugged exposure placed a smile on my face. Deep in the creases of the Smoky Mountains a quiet winter continued, unaware of the setting sun. Laying in the myrtle I closed my eyes, letting the sun’s warmth dictate the passage of time. A cold gust of wind hinted toward what was to come. Onward, Seth “The more a man knows, the more he forgives.” Confucious Good Morning, It’s currently 21 degrees and clear on Mount LeConte. Strong winds have begun blowing from the south. There is still 1 inch of snow on the ground. Plan and prepare for heavy ice if you’re looking to hike up top. 24 hour temperature range | High: 29 Low: -2 NOAA 7-Day Forecast Mountain - Forecast Weather Smokies Road Info -- The sun set with a quiet solitude. Moving through the forest, I admired how cobalt shadows met with the with the lavender glow of evening. Approaching the shelter, I couldn’t help but stop and soak in the scene, the moment. The shelter stood stoically where it always loved to stand. Nearby Fir protected the stone structure from the arctic wind. Without a watch, time could be told by the light disappearing from the tips of the sentinels. Just as the evening submitted to darkness, the moon rose up to meet the occasion, stepping in for the golden sun. At full capacity, there was hardly a difference between the great ball of fire and the lunar mirror. The mercury dropped as the evening drifted deeper into night. Bundled, I lingered around the mountain longer than usual… How could I not? Onward, Seth “The moon is a silver pin-head vast, That holds the heaven's tent-hangings fast. “ William R. Alger |
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025