The high yesterday reached 49 degrees. The low was 9 degrees. It was 9 degrees and cloudy at 7am observation. The mountain received 3.93" of rain yesterday. The mountain also received 2 inches of new snow. The winds were impressive yesterday. _ The trails are sure to be icy, be sure to pack traction devices. Be sure to pack extra layers if you plan on summiting. It shouldn't get warmer than 20 degrees up here today. _Morning,
The high yesterday reached 48 degrees. The low was 39 degrees. It was 47 degrees and raining at 7am observation. The mountain received .77" of new precipitation yesterday, mainly in the evening. The patchy snow has melted off. It's quite windy up top. Be sure to pack extra layers if you plan on summiting. Morning,
The high yesterday reached 44 degrees. The low was 36 degrees. It was 43 degrees and clear at 7am observation. The mountain received no new precipitation yesterday. There is still some patchy snow left up top. The mountain had some warm weather and sunshine yesterday afternoon, resulting in some good melt. The trails should be in better shape than the past few days, but I would pack some traction devices just in case.The blowdowns on Alum have been getting taken care of by the Park Service's trusty trail crews. That trail is in good shape. I've heard that Rainbow has 2 or 3 blowdowns and that Bullhead is still a tough climb. _Morning,
The high yesterday reached 46 degrees. The low was 34 degrees. It was 37 degrees and foggy at 7am observation. The mountain received some light drizzle in the late evening, totalling .06" new precipitation yesterday. There is about 2 inches of snow left on the ground. The trails are very, very icy. Be sure to pack some traction devices. _Morning,
The high yesterday reached 36 degrees. The low was 22 degrees. It was 34 degrees and clear at 7am observation. The mountain received no new precipitation yesterday. There is about 2 inches of snow left on the ground. The trails are very, very icy. Be sure to pack some traction devices. ![]() Sorry for the delay in posting. Computers and phones have been out at the office. It was a nice morning at the Lodge. Clouds are clearing. High was 26, low 5. It has been very windy. Snow has not melted so still about 5 inches. A front is heading this way with ice, freezing rain, sleet and possibly snow. Higher elevations may get ice rather than snow because of a temperature inversion. JP is due in sometime tomorrow so he should be posting late Friday or Saturday. ![]() It's a cold morning at the Lodge. High reached 12, sometime after dinner and low was 6. It was 8 at observation. Depending on where you measure the snow there is still about 5 inches and still very icy. Picture to left is the spring where the caretaker gets their water in the winter. Water from the spring must be treated. ![]() Good morning, The high yesterday was 28, and a low of -5. It was 2 at observation. It is very windy and gusty at the top. Trails are still very icy. As hiker yesterday reported there are two sections where root balls are in the trail and make it difficult to navigate around. Coming down from the Lodge one is located at the start of the saddle and the other one is just above Alum. The one at Alum is the most difficult. There are about 5 trees between these two areas but they are not bad to get around. Photo above looking out of kitchen toward Pigeon Forge with solar panel, weather station (white box) and crew quarters in the background. ![]() It is a nice cold, but sunny Monday morning on the mountain.The high yesterday was 33, low was 23. There is still five inches of snow at the top. This report has been relayed from his relief to the office. To let everyone know that does not follow information on road closures in the Park, that Hwy 441, Newfound Gap Road is not open to thru traffic from Cherokee to Gatlinburg. There is a major slide on the North Carolina side of the Park. If you enter the Park from Gatlinburg, must turn around and head back down at Newfound Gap. If you enter from the Cherokee side you may only go as far as Smokemont Campground. The Park has yet to announce how long they think the road will be closed. The most recent trail report is that there are about 7 trees down on Alum. A tricky one just above the Bluffs that caused many hikers to turn around. I hope to have an update later today as the relief makes a trek down Alum. Good Afternoon! My apologies for the delay in posting...JP is taking a few days off therefore this update comes to you from the reservation office in the valley. Overnight snowfall High On LeConte was 8 inches and left a beautiful scene to share with the sun glistening from above. High and low temps were reported at 11 and 42 degrees...not bad for January!
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025