The high yesterday reached 49 degrees. The low was 9 degrees. It was 9 degrees and cloudy at 7am observation. The mountain received 3.93" of rain yesterday. The mountain also received 2 inches of new snow. The winds were impressive yesterday. _ The trails are sure to be icy, be sure to pack traction devices. Be sure to pack extra layers if you plan on summiting. It shouldn't get warmer than 20 degrees up here today.
Dan B
1/31/2013 12:57:31 am
and Doug Y's (Jan 30th) poem is the reason I hike the Smokies !
Richard C
1/31/2013 01:12:18 am
JP, if in fact you are JP, todays photo is eligant in its simplicity, exposure and clarity. I hope the muzzel will be removed soon.
1/31/2013 01:31:37 am
Here here!......Jay, where does the ransom bounty stand for JP's safe return?
Paula B.
1/31/2013 01:24:50 am
JP, I love the picture. Now maybe you can track Bob Kitty. I miss your usual posts, but am glad you are still keeping us informed. How is the knee?
1/31/2013 01:27:58 am
Just enjoying the pics but wondering where JP is and whats happened, someone needs to clear this up, please, and lets get over it and move on! I think so many people look everyday to see what he had to say and see his pics and read about his daily adventures!!
1/31/2013 01:30:04 am
I took Alum Cave trail to the lodge last year but want to try a new trail this yea. I am thinking about taking Trillium--can anyone give me some details about this trail?
Susan B
1/31/2013 01:39:02 am
We took Trillium up last year and loved it. It took us about 5 hours or so and unfortunately, there was just one other group on the trail. Being girls, I like knowing there are others on the trail. We did get to see the llamas coming down. Coming back down, we took Alum.
1/31/2013 02:06:29 am
Trillium was ok, but I would not hike it again. Except for seeing the llamas, it was kind of boring because there are almost no views, and it is not heavily traveled. I think we met only two people on the trail going up, and no one going down, even though it was the day the llamas went up.
tomk in SC
1/31/2013 02:47:13 am
Each trail has it's own thing. Trillium is not my favorite trail, but we hike it every third year or so as we like to mix things up a bit. Trillium (Brushy Mountain), like Boulevard (The Jumpoff) and Rainbow Falls (Rocky Spur) has a side trail worth taking. The short climb from Trillium Gap to Brushy Mountain is unbelievable in May when the Rhodo (or whatever it is) is in bloom. A $1 million wedding might match the floral display. The view atop is nice, both looking down toward Gatlinburg and up toward LeConte. Years ago, we swore off Boulevard for its surprising amount of climb and our own inexperience. We skipped it for at least 15 years until a small group of us did it again and included a stop at the Jumpoff. It's my favorite now, but it is really the side trip that sets it apart. And, all the trails end at our beloved LeConte Lodge.
1/31/2013 11:05:45 am
I'm hiking up in early April and was considering going up either Trillium or the Boulevard, and down Alum. To do this, I'd need to utilize one of those shuttle services. Does anybody have a recommendation?
1/31/2013 02:03:30 am
The photo looks like one published last year
1/31/2013 02:56:17 am
I thought I saw a dupicate picture recently as well. One from the porch of that cabin looking off to the left.Whatever has happened to J.P. I wish him well in all he does. He is a special guy and has made a difference with his time on top. I miss him. J.P...if you see this..I hope you one day get a glimpse of those elusive Bob Kittens. May God richly bless you in all you do.
Cindy in GA
1/31/2013 03:53:31 am
I think you may be right Wanda. The photo published on 1/27/13 was also on the blog dated 12/19/2011.....
1/31/2013 02:07:47 am
Love the picture!! Miss the old blog :-(
1/31/2013 02:29:54 am
I don't think JP is there either , his knee must have gotten worse! JP, if you are there just know that we miss your wonderful quotes and your daily adventure on the mountain. Although we appreciate the trail and weather still is not the same. Take care JP and stay warm!
1/31/2013 02:37:22 am
If everyone on here cares so much, just hike up there and find out for yourself what is going on. Get over it and enjoy life.
1/31/2013 02:40:20 am
JL - if you have 2 vehicles, drop one at rainbow. trillium and rainbow make a nice loop. should be lots of water at both falls.
let it go
1/31/2013 02:52:51 am
Perhaps if everyone would leave JP alone his regular blog style will come back. I miss it & him too. Give a rest folks. Try discussing the mountains, hiking, etc. If you will hush he may come????? 1/31/2013 03:22:40 am
Question for JP and anyone else that'd like to contribute: What "traction device" would you recommend? My wife has used YakTraks but I've always just kinda "went for it." I'm giving that second thoughts.
1/31/2013 03:40:17 am
Katoolah Microspikes. We have 4 pairs (have extra for when we're hiking with friends who don't hike regularly). Have owned them now for about 4 years and absolutely love them. I think they're a bit more expensive than YakTraks (between $45-$60 now, it's been awhile since I've bought a pair) but when I was doing research, I felt like the design and build of them was superior than that of YakTraks. And I tell you what, I would rather hike an Iced-Over trail in my Microspikes than a regular, dry trail ein my boots any day.
Steve D
1/31/2013 04:38:02 am
Yes, Kahtoola microspikes are the only thing I would wear as well. They are now $60.
1/31/2013 05:06:09 am
@Steve, Thanks for correcting the spelling. I thought it looked wrong, but had been awhile since I typed it out. It's definitely Kahtoola. Great little company with some great solutions!
1/31/2013 05:17:05 am
Agree, Microspikes, NOC in Gburg sells, but might want to check availability as it is getting late in the season.
1/31/2013 05:37:48 am
1/31/2013 07:05:22 am
JP free? 1/31/2013 07:51:55 am
Thanks! I'll check 'em out. Messaged you on fb a coupla days ago. Hope to come up soon as well.
1/31/2013 03:38:35 am
This is so childish...JP man up or Leconte let him go or let the people in on the secret
1/31/2013 03:46:56 am
I agree. If they want us to move on, just explain the situation to us and let us move on. Don't leave us with unanswered questions.
1/31/2013 05:51:34 am
Yes, why all the secrecy? A simple explanation would put this discussion to rest. I hope all is well with JP.
tomk in SC
1/31/2013 06:53:28 am
It could be anything. If it is health related, whether bad knee or psych or hangnails, HIPA rules prevent anyone from the lodge saying much of anything without risking a lawsuit. That would explain staff side silence. Someone else posited the teenager notion. It's possible. If that's it, pressure will simply force the subject to double down, to go back to what he loves would be to concede defeat and that just won't happen if that is the case. Given all the conversation it could be impossible to just restart.
1/31/2013 04:37:34 am
Day 4.........The Free JP reward is now 2 dozen Krispy Kreme hot ones and 1 dozen assorted, a bag of Green Mountain coffee, a quart of Cocke County's finest shine, a bag of Jack Link's Beef Jerky, a dinner at J. Arthur's in Maggie and 2 Camacho Corojo Toro Cigars delivered to your office.......No questions asked.
1/31/2013 07:42:13 am
Hey all, we (4 of us) are hiking up this spring( mid june) one in our party has some knee issues, we are leaning toward the boulavard trail in hopes of less elevation change, the wife and i have hiked up Alum cave and it was easy enough, but were afraid of some of the slick steps and steep climbs. your thoughts.....
H Clark
1/31/2013 08:18:09 am
Dar, the Boulevard is one of my favorite trails to LeConte, but please look at the elevation changes prior to your hike. The elevation at Newfound Gap is approximately 5,000 feet and you will climb to 6,000 plus in 2.5 miles. Within one half mile you drop to 5,500 and the last gradual climb to LeConte Peak seems to go on forever. With two vehicles, you could leave one at the Alum Cave lot for the return trip. 1/31/2013 09:29:40 am
"I do more rescues on this trail then any other trail leading to the mountain. I am talking about people needing assistance to a make it to the lodge because they are warn out from attempting this trail." --Allyson Nov. 4, 2012.
1/31/2013 08:22:20 am
I'll throw in a King Cake!
1/31/2013 12:22:21 pm
So Jay. Could that reward be for anyone who finds out the truth and then post it. The reward is getting really good!
1/31/2013 06:35:33 am
they try and they try but everything that they do is the ghost of a trace of a pale imitation of you. JP's lead in to the blog post on December27, 2012 ........
1/31/2013 07:06:18 am
Love the picture of quite solitude. Calmness in simplicity yet at the same time extraordiary design.
1st Time Trillium
1/31/2013 07:24:59 am
With Roaring Fork closed, what is the best access to Trillium? 1st Rainbow lot, 2nd Rainbow lot and cut thru to Rainbow trail, or walk up Roaring Fork till you get to the access trail for Trillium?
tomk in SC
1/31/2013 07:34:13 am
If you are a purist or the road is icy, take the trail. If neither, take the road, it is a lot flatter.
1/31/2013 08:05:21 am
tim line.please give info. on j have my goes on but we are concerned.thanks,papawlg.
1/31/2013 08:20:27 am
I can't speak for anyone else, but i will say this. I believe that most everyone that visits this blog each day does it basically for the same reason as I. I love Mt. LeConte. I have visited once a year for the past 14 years and because of circumstances that I cannot control I will not get to visit it this year. Therefore, I visit this site each day to connect with the mountain. It's my escape from work and problems for just a few minutes where I can put myself on that mountain and look out over the Clifftops or Myrtle Point. To envision hiking those beautiful trails by looking at the pictures that are posted each day. I have two of the most beautiful pictures JP has posted as screensavers on two computers. To place myself on the porch of the cabin and look out over the stunning scenery while taking in the words of JP of activities and sitings he shares with us. This blog is my little visit to Mt. LeConte each day. However, this blog isn't what it used to be. I know what gear to wear up the mountain in any weather condition, because I've done that. I can get the weather report from numerous sources. People that have never been to Mt. LeConte look to this blog for information but they used to get the wonderful stories from all the regulars and a welcome from JP to come on up and meet the magic that lives on that mountain. My reason for visiting this blog is going away. It isn't special anymore. I'm losing interest. I'm tired of reading about the old JP and what has or hasn't happened to him. JP if you don't care anymore about the people that love that mountain then don't come back after this season. If management is suppressing this site then shame on you. Whatever the reason, if things don't change soon, there is no need to come back to this site. I'll just wait and bond with the mountain when I have the good fortune to do so in person.
1/31/2013 08:39:36 am
H Clark..we had maybe planed on doing just that, with that said as far as going up, do you think Boulevard is tougher than Alum ? ?
Fraley Family
1/31/2013 10:34:44 am
The Boulevard is much tougher than Alum. Prior to the Boulevard trailhead you have an almost 2 mile uphill grind on the AT. It's an up and down assault on your legs and just as your almost worn out you start your steeper ascent to the Lodge. Alum doesn't begin it's steeper ascent until past the bluffs. Not taking away from Mt. Washburn but its just a fire tower road...still paved in sections. We climbed the Dunraven Pass trail this past summer. Three miles up...three down..nothing like any of our LeConte trails. Was really surprised about the trail ratings in Yellowstone. They listed Mt. Washburn as strenuous..but clearly not in the same class as the LeConte trails.
H Clark
2/1/2013 01:25:55 am
Dar, I agree with the post by the Fraley Family. Refer to the website for information on the Alum Cave and Boulevard Trails. Alum has a difficulty rating of 16.53 verses the Boulevard rating of 21.60.
doug y
1/31/2013 09:54:23 am
tom k in SC: absolutely great, spot on comments ! lai: your comments, too, were great ! I have to agree with the notion that time marches on and the lodge atmosphere and ideals will outlast all of us; Things simply change and all we can do is adapt, improvise, improve ourselves. I often fail at that, but I'll keep trying until my last breath. Nature blesses us with a bounty of wondeful sights, sounds, aromas, and much more. Me, well, my body was blessed by Mother Nature but cursed by Father Time !! So be it my friends ! Whatever is or is not happening with JP and the lodge management, I have no real clue, but as some have stated. it's time to move on, wishing it all well. Maybe I'll get up my courage and post my Orion poem sometime soon. Snow tonight perhaps !? We'll see I guess. Good evening !
1/31/2013 02:14:04 pm
O. **
1/31/2013 02:18:38 pm
+shoot; I'd made a -perfect- Orion ! but he came out lined up wrong
1/31/2013 02:56:38 pm
2/1/2013 08:24:13 am
Wow, what a difference a day makes. Got your snow JP
JP Comments are closed.
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