The fog is burning off and there are patches of blue sky above. Today has the makings of a splendid day on the mountain. The crew is getting camp ready for our next wave of guests to arrive. I am sure the day hikers will start trickling in before to long. Hopefully there will be a little "me" time today. I am itching to get out of camp and explore my back yard.
The rain held off for a while yesterday. The llama wrangler was able to get a couple of new guys up the mountain. We have retired a few of our old timers and put them out to roam the pastures and enjoy their retirement years. There will be some new faces on our llama teams. I think I will wait to learn their names once they have a few trips under their reigns. I will have to thank Dr. Seuss for my title today. He was such a wise man. The weather has been the same for the past few days. We did have a few sounds of thunder and sprinkling of rain yesterday in the late afternoon. The high was in the mid 50s again. The lows have been in the mid 40s. It has been perfect weather for hiking, which would explain the amount of day hikers we have had on the mountain the past few days.
We have been doing some straightening up around camp. Chris decided to tackle one of the rock walls that was starting to tumble. He has made some progress since this photo was taken. "Standin' on the corner, with the low down blues, is a great big hole in the bottom of my shoes. Honey, let me be your Salty Dog. Let me be your Salty Dog or I won't be your man at all. Honey, let me be your salty dog." -Earl Scruggs
( I felt a need to pay a homage to Mr. Scruggs this morning. RIP Earl Scruggs) A storm came through in the middle of the night and watered the mountain top for us. The clouds are hovering this morning. It is definitely a foggy mountain top. The high yesterday was 55 with a low last night of 44. I could hardly believe my eyes when I spotted the first wild flower of the season. This delicate spring beauty was sitting proudly in my flower bed on the top of the mountain. I was in shock to see this sign of spring before April. The weather has been unseasonably warm. Yesterday's temperature was 59. John and Bonnie hiked down Bullhead to check out the flower scene. They reported several species in full bloom. The crew has been trying to soak in every minute of the sun's warmth. You never know when winter could decide to return to the lodge for one more show.
"Please human kind wake up and realize the very real consequences of your each and every action. In today's society it is not that 'can we make a difference'...we do make a difference and therefore it is up to each and every one of us to decide what kind of difference that is going to be."- Julia Butterfly Hill, The Legacy of Luna.
Yesterday was a perfect day to lace up the hiking boots and grab your day pack. The sky was clear and the temperature had a nice chill to it. You know the feeling when it is cool enough to awaken your senses and make you feel alive? It looks as though today is going to be a repeat of yesterdays weather. We have been so lucky this spring. It makes me wonder if we are going to get a big snow like they did in 1993. If memory serves me, the winter and spring were mild ones like we are experiencing now. The past few days have been cloudy and rainy. It is hard to get the computer charged when the sunshine is not cooperating. We finally have a beautiful day and plenty of rays to charge all of the electrical gadgets. Unfortunately, the thermometer for the outside temperature is broken. We are currently waiting for a replacement. I can tell you that it is going to be a great day for being outdoors adn h
Spring time in the mountains equals crazy weather. We started yesterday in a blanket of fog. The fog lifted for a while and gave way to a teasing of sunshine. Later in the afternoon, the clouds moved in and dumped buckets of rain on the mountain. As the temperature dropped to the low 20s last night, the rain turned to snow. We had a nice dusting on the ground. ![]() The temperature is on the rise this morning and has turned to rain. Most of the snow has melted, leaving evidence of its existence around camp. The wind is blowing pretty fierce up top. Who knows what the day has in store for us. We learn to except ![]() It was impossible to sleep late this morning. The sound of hail impaling my roof woke me up at 5:30. The hail storm was accompanied by a crazy lightening show. Chris said it was like trying to make the biscuits in a disco tech. The temperature last night was 35. It rained most of the day yesterday and stayed on the cool side. The high was 46. I keep reading facebook posts from my friends talking about the flowers that are in full bloom in the valley. Spring has hit the mountain so much sooner than normal. The deer are out and about. Chris found ramps on top of the mountain. They usually do not come in until late April. It makes me wonder how early our wild flowers will bloom around the lodge. I am thinking we may see a full display of color toward the end of June. It was hard getting out of bed this morning. There is a thick blanket of clouds covering the mountain. The weather guy is calling for thunder storms today. I thought I would plug in my "happy light" and get a good dose of sunshine to start my day off. For those of you who read the blog last year, you often heard me talk about my "happy light". It is one of those lights that helps fight off seasonal affective disorder. In reading my comments about the lack of sunshine, my dear friend Pat Lawley whom I met on the mountain, decided to make me a gift. He is an incredible stain glass artist. He decided to bring the sunshine to me. ![]() He and his wife, Jeanie, live in Birmingham. We met up with them when we went down there for our marathon. That is when he blew me away with such an amazing gift. I was honored to have had someone, besides my husband, spend so much time in something that would bring me such happiness and peace of mind. "Another glorious day, the air as delicious to the lungs as nectar to the tongue."- John Muir
A girl could get spoiled with weather like this. The high yesterday was 58 with a low of 45. We have been walking around camp in shorts and short sleeve shirts. It is going to be a rude awakening when we wake up to snow with in the next month. I am sure we are not done with winter just yet. In the mean time, I will take what I can get. The mountain is currently covered in clouds. Yesterday started out the same way and turned into a gorgeous day. Who knows what the weather has in store for us today. |
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025