A pleasant 52 turned into a savage, windy 32 overnight, pushing all matter of things across camp. Herbert II, the outside bucket, has completely disappeared along with some laundry off the clotheslines. It is still extremely windy, with no rain so far. If anyone is hiking up today, especially Trillium, please let us know if there are downed trees or not.
LL out. After a chilly 41 afternoon and chilly 32 night,we are treated to clear skies and pulsating stars. While doing camp yesterday we were treated to a jam session going down in the office, musicians are highly appreciated up here! There's a rescue going on down Alum so if you are hiking up or down that way please wait for them to direct you.
Please look out for your fellow hikers! Just because the ice is gone doesn't mean you should lose caution. If you ever come across an injury on the trail notify other hikers and park staff so the word can get around and get them off the trail asap! A cloudburst early in the morning gave way to 41 degrees, sunshine and roses yesterday, creating a fantastic atmosphere for porch reading. Right now it's 21, still dark out, with a very thin veil of mist, creating a rainbowed halo when it crosses the half moon. Now marks the second Tuesday of the season! We apologize to yesterday mornings guests. Our beautiful stove experienced some technical difficulty which unfortunately made some of the food go out late.
We are getting it fixed today! Llamas come up tomorrow! LL out. Easter was a warm, misty, 46 which dropped to a rainy 39. We were treated to a gentleman bagpiper who serenaded us through the fog while we were making camp yesterday. We greatly appreciated your gift of music sir and hope you come back! It is chilly, overcast, with off and on showers- bring your rain gear!
It is definitely a good day for grilled cheese sandwiches. Now begins the second full week of the season! LL out. A chilly 30 warmed to 52 degrees on Saturday, along with the guest appearance of the Eater bunny himself. A LOT of people hiked up yesterday for the first time which was really cool to see. We ask that whatever you hike up with you also goes down with you! It is a misty breezy morning right now with the potential to be gorgeous or a rainy mess.
We had a lot of cool guests up last night, a few of which were students in the musical style of prog rock, aka, Yes. You never know who's going to show up on the mountain! We have Llamas today! They should be back in their Mon/Wed/Friday schedule in May. As of right now it's Sun/Wed/Friday. Remember to engage in proper llama nearness etiquette or else you'll get spit on! Don't forget to check us out on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/lecontelodge/ LL out. The morning started out foggy with a low of 32 with a hint of impending doom but soon burned off to an ice sunny 52. It is difficult to tell what the weather will be like up here, but just in case, pack a raincoat! The llamas came up for the second time this year yesterday, fan favorite Chuck in rare form, trying to nail both humans and llamas.
They will be coming up Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays this year with Alan and Chrissey as their wranglers! Park service said there are downed trees on some of the trails but as of right now they are all passible. Be careful hiking up, there are still some patches of ice out there that should melt off during the day. LL out. A warm 35 gave way to an even warmer 54. The majority of the day was sunny but a strong wind rolled in around 12, bringing stronger rains in the late afternoon. As of 6am it is misty and drizzly. If you come up today waterproof is key! We have llamas coming up today! Hopefully they get here safely and don't get blown off the trail.
Yesterday was crew member Matthew McConaugheys birthday! We made sure it was one he would never forget. Safe hikes everyone. We had a fantastically gorgeous day yesterday. A chilly 34 night was replaced with a sunny 52. Right now the mist is rolling in a we are expecting rain- pack your waterproof gear! The llamas came up for the first time this year and boy was the crew excited. Most of the trails still have ice and today mud will most definitely be an issue, bring foot traction and gaiters.
Head over to the "Leconte crew" page! Safe hiking to all and to all a good day. After a chilly 19 night we received a hot flash of 46 up here yesterday! The snow is melting, refreezing, and making a generally questionable mess. Patches of ice, slush, and snow spot camp and more than likely the trails are equally hectic. It's great to see all the college groups on spring break enjoying the mountain and guests who brave the icey trails to get up here! They will more than likely melt more today but please be careful, it's bound to be squirrelly.
The moon was as bright as the noon sun on this snow this dark, clear, windy morning. Let your imaginations run wild with that one. LL out. After a chilly 11 we were treated to a nice 26. It was overcast most of the day but the sun managed to pop out long enough for our guests to feel welcomed. After an awesome first day we are looking forward to the rest of the season and all our guests! Yesterday morning we went out and shoveled camp out. It is supposed to get up to 60 degrees in the valley so the snow will most likely turn to a mushy mess.
All roads are open as of right now but please use caution, there is ice, snow, and treacherous spots on all trails. It you find the trails up too risky please call the office and let us know! If any hikers venture up today please keep a lookout for struggling hikers so we can help if needed. Safe hiking guys! |
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025