My, what indecisive weather we're having today. Yesterday was cool all day, the high 54 and the low 45. A beautiful lightning storm rolled in at dusk last night and it was a spectacular show to watch from the back porch of the dining room. Early thunderstorms dropped .56" of rain this morning before breakfast and it looked like that was the trend for the day but as of right now, I am looking at clear skies and it is a very comfortable 59 degrees. I'd say just pack for all the weathers today!
Hello, hello! I hope your Monday is going well so far. We woke up to a chilly and clear 40 degree sunrise this morning. Yesterday's high was 59 and it was so clear and the the air was so crisp it almost felt like a fall day instead of the dead of summer. Today started out with blue skies, but the clouds have rolled in and it feels like it might rain this afternoon. Happy trails!
Blogging on a Sunday afternoon....and what a beautiful day it has been! Yesterday was dark and gloomy and a steady 1.55" of rain fell. The high was only 59 and the low this morning was a very chilly 44. Today we have had a flawlessly blue sky and the temperature has stayed in the upper 50's, a much needed relief from the heat of last week. Everyone have a wonderful day!
Hey y'all! We've had a beautiful morning so far today and I'm hoping the sun stays with us all day. Yesterday's high was a very humid (even for us up here) 73 and the low was 55. No rain fell yesterday, but there is a lot predicted for the weekend, so keep that in mind when you're packing your packs to come up! Right now, it is partly cloudy and 67 with very little will be warm today for sure. Water, water, water!
Hello again, dearest internet, I hope that everyone is having a good day so far. Today started out in a soupy fog this morning, but by mid morning we had clear blue skies...and now we have clouds again....and as I am writing this, the sun is coming back out. Well, that's mountain weather at its finest. It is already 66 degrees today so it looks like we are in for another very wamr day up here. Yesterday's high was 69 and the low was 51 and we received .01" inches of precipitation which, in my opinion, was purely humidity being rung out of mid air. Everyone have a wonderful day today and if it's too hot for coffee when you arrive here, don't worry - we are making extra lemonade today!
Hello, hello. Writing from a bit of a grey day on the mountain top today. We are securely wrapped in a thick blanket of clouds and the wind is humming quietly through camp. It's warm though, despite the fog, already almost 60 degrees. Yesterday's high was 70 and the low was 51 and although around lunchtime the whole mountain shook with thunder, only .02" of rain actually fell.
It is HOT and humid down below this week and as I mentioned yesterday, pack lots of extra water and be sure to drink as you hike, even if you don't necessarily feel thirsty. Preventing dehydration is leaps and bounds easier than treating it! The most helpful piece of hiking (and any other kind of activity!) advice I have been given in a long time: Drink before you are thirsty, eat before you are hungry and rest before you are tired. This will keep you hiking at your best! Hello all! We are having a beautiful start to the week on the mountain! Yesterday's high was 70 and the low was 49 with .2" of rain. Today it is already 70 degrees and humid with sunshine and clouds overhead. It is going to be a very hot week, so if you are hiking remember to pack extra water, take extra breaks, and stay cool and hydrated as you journey up to visit our beautiful mountain!
Good morning, all! I hope that everyone had a wonderful day yesterday and that today is going well also. Yesterday's weather had trouble making up its mind and swapped between sunny and cloudy all day. We received .08" of rain over night. The high yesterday was 62 and the low was 46. Currently, we are already to 62 and the clouds are once again in a, indecisive mood. Pack for rain and pack for sun, but most of all be safe and smart when you leave out for a hike. Happy trails!
Good morning! We are stuck in the clouds this morning and the temperature seems to have settled in the low 50's. Yesterday's high was 60 and the low was 50 and the mountain received 1.25" of much needed rain. Everyone stay dry and warm in your journeys today!
Good afternoon everyone! So sorry about the absences of blog yesterday, we were busy catching a bear! Bear "618" got the full work up from the Park Service, including a brand new GPS collar to see what he is up to when he isn't hanging around with us.
Yesterday's high was a very warm 67 and the low was 52. The mountain received .4" of precipitation. Today has been wet and warm, the temperature at 56 and a few afternoon showers coming and going. Stay dry out there! |
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025