Good morning! We are stuck in the clouds this morning and the temperature seems to have settled in the low 50's. Yesterday's high was 60 and the low was 50 and the mountain received 1.25" of much needed rain. Everyone stay dry and warm in your journeys today!
Good morning to all.What a beautiful sight to wake up too.It will be a SAD day for all the LeConte famlies.I first heard about Jenny missing from Doug Y.web site.My heart took a leap and almost came out of my body when I read that she had been found.We were in Greenbriar in Apr.2015 and have been to Ramey's Cascade and Porters Creek 3 or 4 times.It doesn't seem like we have been to the Smokies if we don't go to Greenbriar.Tammy(Tx) would you be so kind to give my Jenny's web,site.I am 565 mi.from the SMNP so I will have to get on to get the latest report.If someone would like to keep me informed I would appreciate it very much.
6/9/2015 08:01:05 am
cgb, I followed Jennys blog which was called, "Endless Streams and Forests". If you Google that Im sure it will take you to it. Many of us I'm sure are still dealing with the sadness from her passing. I also am out of the regular listening range of WBIR and have not checked the web site today for any news. Have no idea how long we will have to wait to find out the cause of death. Such a loss.
6/9/2015 08:28:44 am
I'm really hoping that she didn't suffer. That thought has eaten me up today.
6/9/2015 04:28:03 pm
Kent, I shared those exact same thoughts today. I pray that her passing was quick and peaceful. The thought that she may have been out there for some period tears me up. She is at peace and maybe the results of an autopsy (which I feel confident was done) will bring her friends and family some comfort to the sadness we are experiencing.
6/10/2015 03:44:21 am
I think what I'm hoping for is that they find she died of a massive head injury -- that would have been quick. Thanks Elaine,I went to wbir about an hr.ago and didn't find anything.I have just gotten off her blog and you can't believe what an outdoorsman she was.Be sure and read her Bio.and go to off trails in the SMokies.It shows pic after pic in diff.countries,with Bob and Steve and it would take a read and soak in all the beautiful pics.etc.She is an artist and writer and if I read correctly she has a new book about LeConte .(I could be wrong)I have sat here reading and looking until I am going through this chair and have to get outside before I start screaming.LOL Looking to talk to you again soon.
6/9/2015 09:03:06 am
Jenny's books are on
6/9/2015 10:43:51 am
Thanks, ut-k.My thoughts go out to her family and her most closest of friends, for their pain is far greater than mine.
6/9/2015 08:30:58 am
I just purchased 2 weeks ago two of Jenny's books...Twelve Streams of LeConte and Murder at the Jumpoff to take to Germany with me as reading material on the plane. So sorry to hear about her death. I logged on several times to her blog and was always interested in reading her latest travels.
6/9/2015 11:08:00 am
You will love "Twelve Streams," Marilyn. I read it after it came out last year and was astonished at what an amazing writer Jenny is.
6/9/2015 10:44:28 am
She died doing what she loved to do which is what most people hope for but don't get to do when it's time to move on. I can only hope I can be surrounded by the mountains when it's my turn! Like many others I think, I am hoping to learn a bit more about the cause of death of Jenny B. I wrote about her on my site. Even though I never got to meet her, I nonetheless feel a loss. I will be camping next week near where they found her and I like to believe that her spirit will always around in the Smokies ! G'day
6/9/2015 12:02:44 pm
Just read on wbir site they euthanized the bear that attacked the 16 year old. According to his dad, the bear pulled the boy from his hammock and was dragging him to the brush.
6/10/2015 02:05:49 am
Here is the story of the 16 year old's recovery:
6/9/2015 12:05:07 pm
Make that the wate site
6/9/2015 12:12:14 pm
WBIR repeated it.
Tammy (Tx)
6/9/2015 12:17:42 pm
Cgb, I Google searched "Jenny Bennett's blog" and it listed her blog first (I believe). Her brother, Peter Bennett, has a site on regarding her disappearance. Also on those that knew her personally have started a wall to post on in her memory. Kent knows more about this as he was a personal friend of hers (I believe). Jenny's blog is a wonderful site chronicling her many hiking adventures. I only wish I had known about her blog earlier and not under these circumstances.
Tammy (Tx)
6/9/2015 12:32:37 pm
You know I have been thinking about this all day......they say home is where your heart is and even though we all live in different parts of the country, I feel I can say that a lot of us consider these Smokies "home" as evident by the many times we come back to them again and again.
Susan. Berger
6/9/2015 01:21:24 pm
I live here in StL and I wish the Smokies wasn't so far away. We are able to visit once a year and yes, it's home. For me personally, it brings me peace and solitude. One day I hope to live closer to my mountains.
6/9/2015 01:49:26 pm
Jenny will missed dearly. Thanks so much for the Info.Tammy.I don't know if this could have hurt any more if I had known her personally because talking to each one on the like we have become a big happy family.I haven't gone back and read any of her comments since I heard this sad news but I remember her name real well.My first time on the blog was Sept.12,2011.I am so glad I went on her blog today and read her bio.and looking at all the off trails with Jenny,Bob and Steve is priceless.She was a jewel and she is in a better place now,but she will be missed by all that knew her if only on paper.Has any one heard from Alex lately? I bet he knew her and would like for him to know if anyone still has his add.He also did some awesome hiking when he left Leconte and went to Europe he kept in touch for a long time but haven't heard his name in a yr.or two.I just thought about Allyson and Chris, I am sure they are really upset.GNevery one and sorry I wrote sooooooomuch.
6/9/2015 04:36:24 pm
Apologies not necessary, cgb. It is a good thing that we have a way to share with each other in times like this, one that was so totally unexpected. I bought a copy of her most recent book a few months back when I attended a book signing of hers. I am so glad I have that autographed copy and will not part with it. E
6/10/2015 04:20:57 am
Sorry to go on about this, but posting my feelings, and other sites, is helping me cope with the grief. Jenny came into my life at a time when I was at an emotional low, I lived variously through her blog and her words lifted my spirits on some very bad days. The love she expressed for these mountains – especially Mt. LeConte – touched me very deeply. When I last saw her in April, we talked about my plans to relocate to the Smokies in the future. We shared a deep connection to this place. I had hoped to visit her in the White Mountains down the road.
6/10/2015 05:09:38 am
Kent, know that your grief is completely understandable, and those of us who are regulars on this page appreciate not only the passion we all share for these mountains but for the relationships we develop as a result of time spent here. I can think of several people (and furry four-legged felines who thought they were people)in my life who have had a profound influence on me. The time I got to spend with them made me want to be a better person by learning to slow down and savor the little things in life.
6/10/2015 07:01:16 am
Thank you, elktonbrant. I know your words will resonate with many here. Comments are closed.
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