It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and there is a slightly cool breeze blowing through camp. Yesterday's high was 69 and the low fell to a clear and chilly 41 overnight. As the clouds dissipated while we were sleeping, so did the humidity. It is incredibly pleasant on the mountain today, 65 and clear! See y'all up top!
Good morning from a rare early blog post! It's foggy up top, but warm this morning, already 60 degrees. Yesterday's high was 71 and the low was 54 and we received .05" of rain in the very early morning hours of the day today. And now, I'd like to introduce you to Kenneth in his own words... Hi, my name is Kenneth and this is my first year as a crew member here on Mt. LeConte. My Passion for cooking and love of hiking has brought me here from my hometown of Knoxville, TN to fill the role of assistant cook.
My desire to spend as much time in the woods as possible lead me to complete a through-hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2013. It was an amazing experience. Though upon returning to Knoxville, I couldn't help but feel like something was missing. That something, I came to realize, was the peaceful environment of the mountains. To watch the wildflowers bloom out of the kitchen window and feel the cool mountain breeze against my skin has been a welcome change from life in the city. It fills me with joy to be watching the seasons change up here. As the snow thawed and the squirrels came out in full force to rejoice in the coming of Spring, I sat cozy in my cabin sipping on my daily cup of tea, content with listening to their playful chattering. Now the coneflower and bee balm are in full bloom and the warm sunshine makes their colors even more radiant. I look forward to the dazzling fall colors and the time when the firs will droop under the weight of fresh snow again, but most importantly I am so thankful to be living in this present moment. I feel so blessed to live a life working on this mountain. Oh, what a beautiful morning! While yesterday yielded mostly rain and clouds, this morning started out that way and has turned lovely and blue. Yesterday's high was 65 and the low was 52. We received 1.6" of rain in a heavy afternoon down pour yesterday, but the clouds broke and let a little color through for sunset last night. Right now it is 63 degrees and sunny! Y'all have a great start to your week and we will see you on the top!
Good afternoon trail hikers, blog readers, and mountain enthusiasts alike! Writing from the mountain top which has once again decided to keep us on our toes about the weather! This morning was clear and beautiful, but just like yesterday, the clouds have rolled in and are battling it out with the sun for sky time. Yesterday's high was 68 and the low was 51. Currently, we are (for the moment, at least) at a sunny 63 degrees. There is a chance of isolated thunderstorms in the mountains this afternoon, so needless to say, pack for rain and as park dispatch advised me this morning "don't stand in the lightning!" (That made me giggle early this morning!). Happy hiking!
Happy Saturday to all my fellow hikers! The weather so far today is keeping us on our toes, sunny and clear one minute and cloudy and dark the next. There is a chance of isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon, so pack for rain. Yesterday's high was only 61 and the low was 51 overnight. Chilly enough for a jacket for sure! We received .01" of precipitation, mostly in the form of mist and humidity. While the temperature isn't necessarily hot, the air is very thick both down below and up top. Drink water!
It is the weekend and you can tell it up top! It's only 10:15 and the mountain is already crawling with day hikers who seem to have gotten an early start this morning when the sun was still out. We started the morning off with blue skies, but a thin layer of clouds has moved in...and hopefully will burn off with the afternoon sun!
Yesterday was a bit on the dreary side, but in a relaxing sort of way. A half an inch of rain fell yesterday, mostly in the late afternoon. The high only reached 60 and the low fell to 49. Everyone have a great start to your weekend! Well, after a full day of sunshine we are back in the clouds today...Yesterday's high reached 70 which made our overnight low of 54 feel cool and crisp. We had zero rain all day and overnight. Today the temperature is only 58 as of yet and we are socked into a lazy cloud that may or may not produce some rain later in the pack that rain gear just in case!
We are starting to see bears again up top and also on trail, so everyone be vigilant about food, trash and remember- if you see a bear on trail, DON'T RUN! Stand your ground, make lots of noise and thrown rocks if you need to in order to deter the bear and he is most likely going to turn and scamper off! Most importantly, be mindful of your surroundings and respect the wild space that you have chosen to visit! See y'all up top! Sunshine at last! We are having a warm and sunny day on the mountain and I think I can speak for the whole crew when I say we are thrilled! Yesterday's high was 62 and over night low was 53. While we stayed pretty much clouded in all day yesterday, no rain actually fell. Today is sunny with a few rough clouds and the temperature is a warm 66. Happy trails, y'all!
Hello again, dear readers. I hope that everyone is starting their week off right today. Up top, we are awaiting a stormy Monday to set in sometime this afternoon. For now it is pleasant, 65 and overcast, but there is rain settled heavily in the slow rolling clouds that are making their way up the mountain as I speak (well, type). Yesterday's high was 67 and the low was 56 and .05" of scattered rain fell through the afternoon. Everyone stay dry and have a great day!
Hello again! Kind of a cloudy day up top so far. Yesterday's high was a warm and sunny 71 degrees and the low was 50 over night. We finally had a full day with no rain yesterday! Unfortunately, the clouds have settled back in today and we have had a few showers through the morning and early afternoon. At least it isn't as chilly as it has been as we are currently at 64 degrees! Happy trails, y'all!
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025