It is the weekend and you can tell it up top! It's only 10:15 and the mountain is already crawling with day hikers who seem to have gotten an early start this morning when the sun was still out. We started the morning off with blue skies, but a thin layer of clouds has moved in...and hopefully will burn off with the afternoon sun!
Yesterday was a bit on the dreary side, but in a relaxing sort of way. A half an inch of rain fell yesterday, mostly in the late afternoon. The high only reached 60 and the low fell to 49. Everyone have a great start to your weekend!
7/24/2015 03:23:48 am
Hi, Y'all! Can Someone Tell Me What Is The Easiest And Best Trail Up To The Lodge? Also, Do You Know About How Long It Takes To Get Up There? Thanks!! :)
7/24/2015 03:46:08 am
It's mostly personal preference. Personally, I like Bullhead as it is generally lightly used. Alum is the shortest but a lot of people use it. Rainbow Falls is heavily used but the falls are nice. Boulevard is the longest but has nice views. You can't go wrong on any of them.
7/24/2015 03:48:55 am
It took me about 4 1/2 hours to go up Bullhead in April.
7/24/2015 07:00:57 am
That's Not Too Bad! Seeing The Falls Would Be Nice, But The Less People The Better For Us! Lol Thanks, Mike!!!! :)
7/24/2015 04:30:45 am
At the top of this page is a tab labeled "LeConte Lodge Facts" Click on it and it will give details on each of the trails.
7/24/2015 07:02:46 am
Thanks, Chris! :)
Glenn Oh
7/24/2015 04:33:11 am
I like Trillium up Alum down, my wife and I have done it this way several times, we allow 1 hour per mile, that way you can judge your time so your less likely to be late to where your going, Lodge, shelter, dinner, DARK !!!!
7/24/2015 07:09:11 am
That Sounds Good, Too! I'll Look Into That As Well! Yeah, We Are Not Staying At The Lodge And I DON'T Want To Hike In The Dark!!! Lol Thanks, Glenn Oh!! ;)
7/24/2015 04:58:11 am
ahhh... the age old 'which trail is best' question. which came first, the chicken or the egg? depending on your expierence and conditioning, neither is really difficult but neither is really easy either. the best one is the one you find yourself on at the time. if youre going up and down the same day, check the amount of day light you have and divide in half. if youre not at the top then, turn around. allow for an hour or 2 up top to take it all in, enjoy and have a great hike.
7/24/2015 07:13:33 am
I Know, I Know.......I Was Almost Hesitant In Asking Because I'm Sure People Are Tired Of Answering! Lol But, I REALLY Wanted To Know! Lol So, Thank You Very Much For The Info! We Do Want To Spend Sometime "Up Top" So We'll Be Sure To Make Time For It! I Wonder How Often They "Run Out Of" Sack Lunches? Lol Thanks, Ric! :)
Linda Lennard
7/24/2015 06:57:08 am
My husband came up Rainbow yesterday. He said awfully rocky then what it was 2 years ago. With the rain, I guess, washes top away. He's coming down Trillium. They like to see llamas. Each trail has pros and cons. And they change every year to me.
7/24/2015 07:32:49 am
Hmmm, We Might Have To Skip Rainbow Then! It Does Make It SO Much Harder When You're Hiking "On" Rocks! I Really Wanted To See The Llamas, Too! Lol Thanks So Much, Linda!!! :)
7/24/2015 07:32:22 am
first time up? majority of 1st timers take alum. it wont be lonely, is the shortest and in summer has the best scenery, and milestones to click off to measure progress (arch rock=1.25 mile, alum cave= 1/10th mile from 1/2 way, log steps=1.25 miles to go, fir tunnel=300 yd sprint to the end). 10 miles round trip.
7/24/2015 09:13:09 am
Yes! I'll Be A Newbie! My 1st Time "Up Top"! Lol The Only Problem Is It Will Be On A Tuesday & Isn't Alum Closed On Tuesdays? Lol I Know, I'm A Pain! Lol ;)
7/24/2015 09:47:28 am
yes, unfortunately alum will be closed. for a first time, I'd probly take trillium. footing is good, you get to walk behind grotto falls and its a steady climb up, not too steep. is about 3 miles round trip further though. leave early and enjoy. my personal favorite is rainbow but it is rocky and there are step places in it.
7/26/2015 01:52:44 am
Trillium, It Is Then! Lol Yeah, Already Planned On Leaving Early. I Wanna Be Able To Have Enough Time "Exploring" Up Top! Lol I Really Do Appreciate Your Input!! Thank You!!! :)
Tammy ( Tx )
7/24/2015 03:34:37 am
Ruthie, other than the llama pictures, the pictures you post of the flat trails through the woods are my favorites. I never get tired of seeing them! You all have a nice weekend!
7/24/2015 07:10:27 am
I'm driving down on September 12 to attend the memorial hike and picnic which takes place on Sunday the 13th. Unfortunately, I can only stay two nights. After driving 9 hours on Saturday, I've made the crazy decision to hike up Rainbow Falls, if I can get on the trailhead by 4:00 p.m., linger for the sunset, then hike down by headlamp. I'll probably be right done in by the end of the day.
7/24/2015 07:23:21 am
Kent that sounds awesome, always admire those that make the most out of every minute because that's how we have to live, such a long time to be gone and a short time to be careful
7/24/2015 08:48:56 am
Thanks, Steve. I'm hoping the hike and gathering the next day isn't too early! (They haven't set a time, yet.) Good comments today regarding the trails to the Lodge; yes, each individual simply has to choose what is best for him/her. I almost always used to take Alum until I tired of the crowds on that one and Trillium is my favorite now, but, for me personally, I sort of "mix it up" a bit depending on the season and how I feel. Steve said it very well in that some make the most of every minute; I live like Death is chomping at my heels at every step ! He'll catch me one of these days but it will have been one heck of a chase ! I don't know who coined the phrase, but he/she said that "It's the journey that's the destination" !! So true, so true. G'day.
7/26/2015 02:05:10 am
I Couldn't Agree More, Doug Y! Life Is SO Short & I Really Try To Live Each Day Like It May Be The Last! I Wish More People Did, Too! Thanks, For Your Input!! ;)
7/24/2015 02:27:39 pm
Hiked up Trillium Gap Trail about the End of October last year. To be honest I was not is greatest of shape and I am in my sixties. My wife was planning on coming along but it became clear she wouldn't be able to make it. So she went back to Gatlinburg and I went on ahead. Leaving about 10:30 or so after getting my wife under way. I was mostly alone after Grotto Falls and had a great hike. Met the Llama train coming down the trail. Made it to the lodge just in time for supper. I came up behind the dining hall. Thank goodness one of the staff saw me and took my pack to the cabin and sent me off to eat. My legs were cramping and I don't think I could make it to the cabin I barely made it into the dinning hall. I tried my best not to look as wore out as I was. I ate a communal table with a family and a couple about 7 all together as I remember. The meal was great. I stayed two nights, far too short. Called my wife by cell when I could get a signal, so sad she wasn't there to share the experience. I must say the wool blanket was wonderful when the temps dropped at night. There is a propane heater in the cabin but the doors don't seal well and it got cold that night and the winds did blow. I used a towel to seal the bottom of the door which helped to cut down the draft. Each cabin has a bucket for water which I filled and left on the table to wash up in the AM. Getting up to walk to the john I tossed the towel into the bucket by accident. By morning the towel was frozen solid in the door gap. The alarm sounded, one of the staff comes around and knocks on the door to make sure you don't sleep through breakfast. At breakfast on day one in came a ranger and some of the staff with a family of 5 who had gotten lost and had been day hiking they were trapped out all night. They were taken in a back room to warm up and have some much needed food. Quite a wake up call, for me. I went off to the views and enjoyed a PP&J sandwich and trail mix on a ledge. But didn't think hiking out to see the sunrise was going to be a good idea for me. Maybe next time. There is a central room with a heater, games, and books for those who want to chill out for a while. Far too soon it was time to head down. I made much better time down the Alum Cave trail. When I read about you folk who come up that way I envy you, it is steep. I ran into people almost all the way down.The parking lots were full when I got down and tried to call my wife by cell. Forget this idea, there is no signal. I waited for a time, finally thinking I'd hike the road till I could get a signal. I found my wife just around the bend a couple hundred feet down the road and around a bend. I hope this little story gives any newbies an idea what to expect. For all the sore legs and feet I am waiting to return if I can win the lottery again, but this time I will be better prepared. Hope to see you there.
norman in ga.
7/24/2015 04:31:28 pm
What a story, David! Enjoyed. HAGE ya'll
7/26/2015 01:46:33 am
Wow, David! It Sounds Like You Had An Awesome Adventure!! Although, I Wish We Were Staying @ The Lodge, I'm Going To Just Be Happy To See It & Climb The Mountain! Lol Thank You For Sharing!! :)
7/27/2015 10:16:22 am
Good story. I will be hiking to the lodge for the first time in September and am not sure what the weather will be. Trying to gather all the info I can.
7/25/2015 03:36:14 am
Gsmnene, I recommend heading up Rainbow Falls, then bushwhacking to the Lodge up LeConte Creek. It's the second stream crossing after the falls. It's challenging, but an experience you'll never forget! It's great getting all those looks when you sit down in the dining room, clothes absolutely filthy! : )
7/26/2015 01:39:25 am
Omg, Kent! LOL Are You Trying To Kill Me??!! LOL Although, That Sounds VERY Adventurous!! I Don't Consider Myself A "Bushwacker" And Probably SHOULD Stick To Trillium! LOL But, Thank You For The Suggestion! Lol ;)
7/26/2015 08:15:15 am
That's a decent suggestion Kent, but Gsmnene seems to be a beginner and personally I wouldn't recommend "bushwhacking" to her or any beginner.
7/27/2015 02:41:03 am
LOL!! I Live In Gatlinburg And Have Hiked Quite A Bit In Greenbrier, But Yes I Am A Beginner To "Big" Hikes! Lol Thanks, Phillip! :)
Tammy ( Tx )
7/26/2015 05:07:51 pm
Phillip, I'm sorry, I couldn't resist...look at the date and time your comments were posted. You need to go buy a lotto ticket!
7/27/2015 02:46:18 am
Oh, Yeah! How Cool!! Thanks, For Pointing That Out, Tammy! :) Comments are closed.
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