The high yesterday reached 44 degrees. The low was 36 degrees. It was 43 degrees and clear at 7am observation. The mountain received no new precipitation yesterday. There is still some patchy snow left up top. The mountain had some warm weather and sunshine yesterday afternoon, resulting in some good melt. The trails should be in better shape than the past few days, but I would pack some traction devices just in case.The blowdowns on Alum have been getting taken care of by the Park Service's trusty trail crews. That trail is in good shape. I've heard that Rainbow has 2 or 3 blowdowns and that Bullhead is still a tough climb.
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 12:38:53 am
Anybody ever overnight hike with a hammock? I have a backpacking hammock with netting and rain fly included. It is about 2 pounds total. I have used it many times. If the weather is cool at all, you will need thermal insulation below you, not just a sleeping bag since it will compress under you. I just use a short thermarest under me. To use a hammock, you must be able to sleep on your back or side. Sleeping on your stomach is not possible. I highly recommend it if you are solo and want to practice NO impact camping.
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 01:12:28 am
I really like the thought of not sleeping on the hard ground. What name brand, if you don't mind me asking, do you use?
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 01:27:13 am
Followed the link to your photos....WOW!
1/29/2013 02:12:30 am
Caving pics are amazing. Do you have a book?
Trish Waldroup
1/29/2013 04:31:31 am
Hennessy Hammocks are wonderful:)
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 04:36:54 am
Thanks. They look like they are one of the top names in hammocks.
Trish Waldroup
1/29/2013 04:33:18 am
Hennessy Hammocks:)
W B in LA (Lower Alabama)
1/30/2013 01:10:30 am
I use an ENO (Eagle's Nest Outfitters) system and I love it. I hate it when it's really cold and I have to use a tent. I'm good with my hammock and a thermal pad into the low 40's. I hate camping in anything but my ENO. I have the hammock (Double), fly and net. I've been high and dry in some heavy rains while watching the ground campers float away.
Steve D
1/29/2013 01:10:34 am
I had a great hike yesterday up to the Lodge on the Alum Cave Trail. One of the things I so enjoy about this trail is that it can change dramatically from the lower half to the upper half. Once I got about 30-45 min above the Bluffs, the fog started to roll in and it always beautiful to see that. Then at the last staircase, I put my beloved microspikes on, and boy did I need them! There were several places that were still just sheets of ice that definitely get your attention. As I came up the last mile or so, the wind picked up as it usually does and the temperature dropped and that is when you realize how different and amazingly beautiful that upper section is. Once I got on top, I enjoyed my hot chocolate, sandwich, and no bake cookie(what a treat!), and headed back down. It was so warm on the way down, I took off several layers, and was down to a short sleeve shirt and if I had shorts, I would have put them on. Another spectacular day on the mountain....
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 01:13:52 am
Sounds like you had the perfect day.
1/29/2013 01:18:55 am
Ah, the blog. Informative and to the point, no college professor or translater needed.
1/29/2013 02:30:38 am
*sigh* I miss the old blog...
W B in LA
1/30/2013 01:13:43 am
I miss the quotes and mussings as well.
Devin R
1/29/2013 02:41:59 am
Missing the prose that used to be in these posts... I can get the same info from for the most part. We visit this blog to get insight on life on Leconte...and to be able to escape for a few minutes a day to a life most of us wish we could escape to. We aren't visiting just for the weather report and trail conditions.
1/29/2013 02:59:45 am
same here
Ronnie TN.
1/29/2013 03:04:33 am
I check for weather and trails conditions. I hike Leconte every chance I get and it is very good to have that information. You CAN NOT get the weather on Leconte from the weather channel. The Mountain has it's on weather and I appreciate having someone with the correction info. I have been checking this site for several years and hope to many more to come. Hitting the Alum trail this weekend if weather permits.
Devin R
1/29/2013 03:10:29 am
You must have missed my hyperbole. The point is, that this used to not just be weather report. It used to be a blog that had life and body to it. I've been following this blog daily since Alex was the winter caretaker in the winter of 2010. Since then, throughout all seasons, the posts are not only informative, but insightful. We all appreciate the weather reports and trail updates (the wife and I have used them numerous times when we visit in the winter to see if we're going to make a trip that day or not), but moreso we look for what it's like to live on the mountain for extended periods of time. It's like we're now on a no-meat diet!!!
1/29/2013 03:24:39 am
Dear Members of LeConte Lodge Limited Partnership,.......The ransom for the release of JP has been raised to 2 dozen Krispy Kreme hot ones and 1 dozen assorted, a bag of Green Mountain coffee and a quart of Cocke County's finest shine delivered to your office......No questions asked.
1/29/2013 09:06:03 am
I will throw in 10 jars of peach salsa made from Georgia peaches!
1/29/2013 10:27:13 am
I'll raise the ante.... by throwing in a mix of Olive & Sinclair Chocolate bars (made here in Music City) and a generous portion of country ham from the Loveless Cafe'.
1/29/2013 01:26:58 pm
I miss my happy mountain moments and a chance to step away
Barbara C.
1/29/2013 04:27:48 am
I agree with the comments above the reason I go to the winter blog are for JP and the way he puts things into perspective. Nature is a wondrous thing and I love to find out the weather on Mt Leconte since I am in GA, and I love the pictures, but like others have said nothing can match JP's blog that he writes, he is so creative, that is what I check in for. I like the summer ones too, but last summers substitute I hate to say this was so long winded and had nothing on JP. That boy surely knows how to write and he is one with nature, hope he is OK, there is one in GA missing him, and I hate he had to miss his 8 inches of snow, here's hoping he gets some.
1/29/2013 04:33:54 am
Case in point, come on man. Hyperbole, I had to go to to see whay that meant. No doubt JP is a very intelligent and knowledgable about his sourroundings and the mountain. I'am sure if Jack Huff wanted to, he could have built a road to the top, or throughout the years have had electricity and indoor plumbing to each cabin. That's what makes the lodge so special, it remains the same for the most part through the years. Progerss seem to have passed it by. That's why you sweat, indore pain, and carry 20 pounds on your back to get there. Been up the mountain 15 times and had never passed anyone with a laptop. I'll bet people with all those fancy words would rather drive than hike. You should be able to read the blog without having to have a college degree to understand it
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 04:41:03 am
I had to look that word up too. Now can we all just get along?
Devin R
1/29/2013 05:11:41 am
You guys had to look up hyperbole? Yikes!
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 05:16:13 am
Thanks for the insult.
norman <airborne all the way> acworth,ga.
1/29/2013 05:37:04 am
common sense trumps college degrees any time!!
Tony Ga (Army)
1/29/2013 05:41:25 am
Country Girl
1/30/2013 02:11:33 am
Have you ever considered some of us have not made this hike and check this post and blog for information and insight. It has nothing to do with ones level of education or whether or not they have hiked the trails to leconte or not.
1/29/2013 05:19:15 am
Yes we can and we are beating a dead horse into the ground. It's apparent that for some reason the tone of the blog has changed and sadly is not reverting back. JP continues to fill his responsibilities by providing weather and trail info. And the pics so we can view the our mountain. The rest was a gift, not required but so appreciated.
Ronnie TN.
1/29/2013 05:27:07 am
I totally agree grammie. I know the ou MOUNTAIN has rules and regulations. I have met JP and he is a super nice young man.
Devin R
1/29/2013 05:33:28 am
I went back through the archives to a post Allyson made on Dec 26, 2010 where she stated that the purpose of the blog was simply "as a way to share the weather conditions and some of the amazing views we experience from the top." So what we're getting now is what it was originally intended for it seems.
1/29/2013 06:50:34 am
Well said, grammie. I hope JP enjoys the rest of his winter season. Thanks to him for sharing his life on the mountain.
1/29/2013 07:19:40 am
I miss Alex! He took some spectacular pictures!!
Devin R
1/29/2013 07:47:00 am
I'm not disagreeing with you...but to his benefit (and unfortunately for JP) Alex had one heck of a winter that year! His pictures and blogs were what sparked us to start traveling up during the winter instead of just July and August. Though we haven't had a winter like 2010 these past 2 years... last December it was 74 degrees in downtown Gatlinburg during the latter half of our visit! oy!
Joey From Waterloo
1/29/2013 08:24:27 am
No Progress On LeConte?! Does anyone recall hiking BFT as I do?
1/29/2013 08:30:40 am
If JP has been "tongue" tied, I'm ready for Alex Hughes to return. He had excellent photos, a great storyline & one heck of a winter up there!!
Bryan Be
1/29/2013 08:35:05 am
No to interrupt the fun....but I just read an update on the 441 landslide. Construction is expected to be completed by late May-mid June. Clearing the debris is already underway, and will last a few weeks. A contractor for the rebuilding will be picked in February, and work should begin soon after.
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 08:47:35 am
I hope they can get it repaired by then.
1/29/2013 01:39:07 pm
That sucks for us in western North Carolina!
Jay McA
1/29/2013 08:36:41 am
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 08:46:03 am
I was wondering the same thing. Calling for 60 mph winds tomorrow up there.
Saying No To Drama
1/29/2013 12:45:19 pm
I'm a long time fan of this site and have taken supplies up to the winter caretakers, including JP, more than once but no fan of drama for the sake of drama.
Tony Ga
1/29/2013 01:05:34 pm
I think I am too. The IQ level here is getting above my pay grade. See you this spring. As a guest of this website, I have enjoyed reading JP, Allison, and Nathan's post. I find they all run along the same lines, however, different personalities comes out in the postings. JP's post often crack me up. He has to have the best outlook on life. I have a suggestion for LeConte Lodge, the postings of the caretakers are enjoyed by so many, the rumblings of a few we can do without. As I said we are mear guest, cease the comments postings, and let us enjoy your website. As a message to JP, miss your musings, and in your style here is a quote. "We have no more right to put our discordant states of mind into the lives of those around us and rob them of their sunshine and brightness than we have to enter their houses and steal their silverware." Julia Moss Seton on Complaints and Complaining
Dana P
1/30/2013 10:18:40 am
marie, I agree with you! Must really suck to be some of the posters who have nothing better to do with their day but bitch about EVERYTHING!!! As I stated before, they are NOT forced to visit this site and those that do should not act like spolied children bragging about who got a gold star in school for being so damn smart. I have a college degree but refuse to go around rubbing it in other's noses, that is just tacky.
m ha
2/1/2013 04:44:47 pm
Yes college degree for begin it need work in field This site is very good in this case you say i accept ....
1/29/2013 08:51:19 pm
Well, huh, I seem to have missed alot of conversation yesterday. I will just set back and absorb it all in. Happy day everyone!!
Brian N bama
1/30/2013 03:00:03 am
good morning Debi, I have been away for a while. what seems to be going on with all the chatter? What is all the fuss about. Message me on facebook about it if you can. Comments are closed.
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