![]() It were as well to be educated in the shadow of a mountain as in more classical shades. Some will remember, no doubt, not only that they went to the college, but that they went to the mountain. Every visit to its summit would, as it were, generalize the particular information gained below, and subject it to more catholic tests. Thoreau Morning,
It was a relatively mild day yesterday. The high was 29, but it was sunny and winds were low. The low was 20. It was 20 and clear at observation. The trails are still icy, so beware on the upper slopes. This article in the New York Times mentions that "black-hole resorts" are now coming into vogue. LeConte Lodge both preceded and anticipated this phenomenon decades ago. Some truths are timeless. A memorable vacation is not spent watching TV in a different time zone, but in experiencing something vaster than your everyday. Strenuous physical activity, the grandeur of the natural world and intimate human interaction is the most authentic recipe for respite. I'm glad that the rest of the world is realizing that quiet is not a form of boredom, but of rejuvenation.
1/5/2012 01:18:55 am
Love the work you do with your camera. I'm on a count down, 311 days and I will be there to rejuvenate!!!!
James Workman
1/5/2012 02:14:15 am
Thanks once again JP for the pics and posts love it! see ya soon I hope!
1/5/2012 01:19:54 am
Love the pics you are doing a great job. Love the saying about quiet -being a time rejuvenate. That is exactly why I hike in those mist covered mountains!! Can't wait for summer vacation!!
1/5/2012 01:47:43 am
A few years back i was telling my bosses wife about our first upcoming trip to Leconte. We had a vacation home in Tenn. at the time and she had a hard time trying to figure out why we would hike 5 miles to stay in a cabin without electricity and other "necessities". I feel the same way. My friends all think I'm nuts. But the people on the blog understand. I hike 5 miles up for the beauty of it all. No better place. And JP love the qoute about watching tv on vacation in a different time zone. So true, get up and discover something.
1/5/2012 02:30:47 am
Yes wonderful pics! thinking about a day hike . Need anything?
Cathy Morrison
1/5/2012 02:43:49 am
I am trying to reserve time to bring my family up there but due to work, school and other outter worldly conflicts it's been hard to find an opening. We hiked up and back to LeConte on my 50th Bday and an overnight or weekend stay is in high order before I get too old to be able to do it! I LOVE what you have to say, how you say it and your photography.
Dale Potter
1/5/2012 03:25:02 am
I appreciate your updates. I enjoy reading your comments and the photographs you post. Would you care to share what you know about the Bullshead trail conditions? It is not my most favorite trail but we are looking at coming up Rainbow and down Bullshead in a couple weeks.
Question To JP or someone who may know?
1/5/2012 03:48:43 am
What is the water source for the Leconte lodge? Is all the water brought in, or is there a natural source available? Just curious, and thank you in advance.
joshua r
1/5/2012 12:00:16 pm
There is a natural spring at the top.
1/5/2012 03:56:52 am
There is a natural, year round spring just a little below the Lodge kitchen. This is the highest continous spring east of the Rockies. There is a very interesting story about the discovery (actually the re-discovery) of this spring. Send me your email address and I will forward you this information.
1/5/2012 07:08:58 am
Woody, I knew about the spring but not the story. Could you send it to me? Thanks. [email protected]
Keith Wyka
1/5/2012 12:25:22 pm
Woody, staying 2 nights in April and trying to learn everything I can, please forward the story of the spring, thanks Keith
1/5/2012 12:40:25 pm
Woody, please send the story to me as well. Thank you so much.
1/5/2012 02:19:13 pm
Kathy Garmon
1/5/2012 03:57:55 pm
would love to have the story as well. thnk you
1/6/2012 08:30:39 am
I too would like to read about the spings...please send to wiles_franck<at>bellsouth.net. thanks
1/6/2012 01:18:46 pm
I too would like to hear the story of the spring, e-mail is [email protected]. Thanks
1/5/2012 04:21:00 am
J.P., Your pictures are absolutely beautiful. I love the quotes you note each day. Thank you so much for keeping Mt. LeConte on my mind and thoughts each day.
Jacque J
1/5/2012 04:35:46 am
Absolutely love your pics today! Getting out and taking a nice long hike and just enjoying nature is for sure rejuvenating ! We love our hikes up to Mt. LeConte more each time we hike it! Can not wait to do it again! Enjoy your day.
Chris Winfree
1/5/2012 05:44:20 am
Love it JP! ...wish I was there.
Gary Pinkerton
1/5/2012 07:37:36 am
Golden light on the pines: exquisite
1/5/2012 09:24:32 am
Woody, I too would love to hear the story about the spring. My daughter crewed up there in the 90's but I don't her every telling me about the story and I've been up there nearly every year since 1976 and don't remember anyone mentioned it. My email is [email protected]
Bill E.
1/5/2012 11:52:19 am
JP - love the pictures & the quotes. Have been following your blog since you started. Titling today's post with a line from Otis Redding's "Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay," well... I just had to comment. Keep up the great work... and enjoy "watchin' the tide roll away!"
Becky M
1/5/2012 01:58:47 pm
Woody, please send me the spring story also. Love learning all I can about this wonderful place! Some family, friends and former coworkers do not understand the reason many of us are so drawn to this rustic and awesome experience. [email protected]
1/5/2012 02:08:59 pm
"A memorable vacation is not spent watching TV in a different time zone, but in experiencing something vaster than your everyday. Strenuous physical activity, the grandeur of the natural world and intimate human interaction is the most authentic recipe for respite."
H Clark
1/6/2012 01:17:52 am
The comments on the LeConte spring story are interesting. Please add my email address to the group. Hello Woody, I too am in love with Leconte and so look forward to the blog and pictures every day and would like to hear the story about the spring. Please send it to [email protected]. JP your photography is breathtaking. I do a lot of nature photography in Cades Cove but don't think I've taken any photos that are as great as what you have with the blog everyday. Keep them coming!!
1/10/2012 12:08:27 pm
I would like the story on the spring too. [email protected]. Thanks and great pictures. Comments are closed.
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
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