Woo it's cloudy up here! Sunset teased us yesterday after a pleasant 67 day and we were disappointed at Cliff Tops only to have a gorgeous display back at camp. 57 was the low, it gets pretty chilly up here at night so pack layers! Rain is in the forecast for this week-- be prepared! Let us know of more suggestions for our possible Olympics!
hamp kirkland
8/10/2016 04:00:09 pm
Seeing the guys in the kitchen made me consider some sort dishwashing and or table busing time trials.
8/10/2016 08:44:11 pm
Sorry you all could not have a good ,sunny day like yesterday .Loved yesterdays picture of the view of Mtns. Like a energy shot in my arm.
Tammy (Tx)
8/10/2016 08:44:52 pm
I went back and read the blogs about the 2012 Leconte Games. It sounded like alot of fun! I loved the rowing competition using a rescue basket/gurney and brooms! Another suggestion....LeConte Decathlon....100 metre dash (run or bear crawl)....broad jump (up the LeConte steps)....shot put (rock, backpack, water bucket (Herbert?))....high jump (clothesline)....400 metre run (trail running)....100 metre hurdles (llama feed troughs)....discus throw (pancakes).....pole vault (brooms or tree limb).....javelin throw (trekking poles)....finally the 1500 metre run (I've got nothing!) Ya'll have fun!
Bob Brown
8/10/2016 09:05:23 pm
Llama dressage; obnoxious guest placation; the biscuis (biscuit discus), or if the biscuits are heavy, the biscuit put; the laundry 4 X 100 relay.
Larry Russell
8/11/2016 09:29:47 am
You have to include tobacco spitting, after all you are in the mountains.
Tammy (Tx)
8/11/2016 03:01:02 pm
I like Larry's idea! I would imagine there would be more than a few ill crew "athletes". Might have to forfeit the games! Ya'll being in the Tennessee mountains, I was going to suggest fastest moonshine run! You could combine it with trail running!
Larry Russell
8/11/2016 08:45:11 pm
How bout skillet tossing? I don't know about these youngest on the crew, but I know some older women that are pretty good at it.
8/11/2016 10:31:10 pm
Last Saturday 6 of us, family and friends, hiked up and spent the night with 2 of my grandchildren to celebrate my grandson's first birthday. We had the best possible weather and birthday celebration. Buttermilk helped my 2 year old granddaughter ring the dinner bell for her cousin's birthday dinner. The crew sang happy birthday and presented the birthday boy with balloons. We had so much fun. I would love to share a picture if that is possible. Thank you so much to the staff and the guys in our group that carried those 2 toddlers up and down Alum! Comments are closed.
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January 2025