I am happy to report Chris and I made it back safe and sound yesterday. The trip up was beautiful. The mountain laurel is in full swing around Inspiration Point. It was a hot and humid day, but I swore I would not complain about the heat since I had just returned from Phoenix where the high was 108º. I know, I know, "It is a dry heat". Well, to this mountain girl, 108º is 108º. I am used to the mountain temperatures. The high yesterday was 65º with a low of 51º.
Our days off were great. We witnessed two of crew members tie the knot. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Belmont. I know you will have a happy life together. I then made my way to Phoenix where I spent three days holding triplets. There was no shortage of quality baby time. All in all, it was a great vacation, but I am glad to be home and back to my routine. Now, time to get breakfast ready.
6/26/2013 12:55:23 am
Welcome back Allyson and Chris! Congratulations to the happy couple! I'm happy you made it back "home" safe and sound! Enjoy your day!
6/26/2013 01:05:23 am
Wow! Triplets!!! Hopefully they have a lot of help. They are so much in for a major life change, I wish them luck on their great adventure.
doug y
6/26/2013 02:22:26 am
Mountain Air. It's the best. I wonder if I could get a bottle or two of it !? Welcome back Allyson and Chris.
Brian N bama
6/26/2013 02:37:27 am
I can hardly wait to get up there on the 4th!!!! Hopefully it will be BEAUTIFUL weather and clear skies, maybe high of about 60'ish or so.
Tony Ga
6/26/2013 03:50:18 am
Brian N bama, are you going rain or shine? Rain would keep us from going.
Brian N bama
6/26/2013 03:54:01 am
That would depend on who you ask. My wife= heck no. My son= of course. Me= whatever I am told to do. I really think probably no if it rains but who knows for sure.
Steve D
6/26/2013 11:03:23 am
Hey you guys-no doubt in my mind it will sunny and blue skies and a cool breeze blowing off the top!
6/26/2013 11:40:59 am
I hope its decent weather. Brian, if it snows, you can have my night!
Tony Ga
6/26/2013 11:41:05 am
Sure hope you're right Steve D.
Pat N.
6/26/2013 02:52:16 am
Congratulations, Beau and Courtney! Welcome back, Chris and Allyson. Thanks for the wonderful mountain lodge hospitality during our brief visit with y'all.
norman (18th airborne)
6/26/2013 03:05:46 am
beautiful pic.! is that rhodoendron or mt.laurel?
Mary F
6/26/2013 03:14:22 am
Welcome home Chris and Allyson. Thank you Nathan for a job well done while they were off the mountain. Congrats to the happy couple, that photo is absolutely gorgeous in it's beauty and simplicity, love it!
6/26/2013 06:43:17 am
Another beautiful photo! Thanks for sharing.
6/26/2013 09:39:55 am
Steve D
6/26/2013 11:02:05 am
Norman-it is Mtn. Laurel-very beautiful, I was up there today, the rhododendron is fading at the lowing elevations.
6/26/2013 11:19:44 am
Steve D- thanks, that what i though. Wish i could get up there, but my wife is fighting cancer wright now! But soon day...
6/26/2013 12:35:32 pm
After years of waiting to have a chance to hike to the lodge I finally did so with my friend Tyler on Monday. It was a great thrill getting up the mountain and seeing the lodge in person. A bit surreal. However, I was really stupid in my approach, because I had no plan. Armed with one bottle of water and an apple I became depleted of energy by the time I reached the top. My legs were cramping and my energy level very low. Thanks to Courtney, I drank a recommended glass of pickle juice which she said can help alleviate cramping. The day-hiker snack bag and three bottles of water were enough to re-energize me to make it back down the hill, but not without some uncertainty accompanied by prayer :)
Tony Ga
6/26/2013 01:14:16 pm
Rob, my first time up was rough too. I didn't anticipate the temp change from the bottom to the top. I was really cold, luckily I was able to purchase a LeConte hoodie. It saved my life. Live and learn. It was cloudy and very cold up top that day, but we enjoyed it so much we returned the very next weekend....it was shorts weather that trip.
6/27/2013 08:39:05 am
Interesting about the pickle juice. Was it sour or sweet pickle juice?
6/30/2013 01:26:05 pm
Tasted like dill pickle juice Tom. Not totally sure. It didn't taste very good, but I really didn't care I was feeling so badly. Comments are closed.
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