"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost
Good morning!! The crew awoke to cloudy skies. That is not what we were hoping for in regards to our airlift. The weather forecast is not looking good for pulling it off today. I guess that means more cleaning is in our future. Yesterday was beautiful with a high of 38. It cooled down to 33 degrees last night. Alum Cave has seen a lot of foot traffic over the last couple of days. I heard it was still a slushy mess. Rain is in the forecast for today, that should go a long way in clearing the trails. I will keep you posted on our airlift progress. I am praying it is not a repeat of last year. I would like the supplies to get here before Thursday.
3/14/2011 01:32:47 am
Wow, those biscuits look like they'll be mighty tasty! Great way to start a day!
3/14/2011 01:40:34 am
I'd just like to have a dab of that raw dough....just to tide me over till the biscuits are done.
Joyce R.
3/14/2011 02:22:04 am
Allyson, Meredith is probably one of the nicest and friendliest crew members I have met at LeConte over the 20+ years I have been coming. Tell her I am glad to see her back this year!
High On LeConte
3/14/2011 02:34:32 am
Joyce, I will pass that along. She is the new Assistant Manager this year. She took over Henry's position when he retired.
3/14/2011 02:36:51 am
So glad to see you back and am looking forward to the post each day.
3/14/2011 02:58:56 am
Go Meredith!!!! looks like you are doing a great job! Can't wait to taste one of your biscuits. I've never gotten a bad biscuit up there.
3/14/2011 04:26:53 am
Those biscuits sound delicious, although I've never eaten a biscuit. I suppose they are similar to scones? I make ameretto scones served with raspberry marmalade and creme fresh.
3/14/2011 05:38:33 am
3/14/2011 05:45:59 am
Looks like how they made biscuits back in the day....except for the headlamp.
Edward Tisdale
3/14/2011 05:52:26 am
Scones with a piping hot cup of Sumatra coffee would be a great breakfast on LeConte. However I prefer scones with lemon curd. Don't know how well scones would sop up sausage gravy compared with biscuits. LOL
3/14/2011 06:09:14 am
Agreed Edward. Scones are more dense than biscuits and will not sop the gravy. I don't care for all the grease in a traditional southern breakfast anyway. I'll join you for that piping hot coffee, but I really like to have sticky buns in the morning.
3/14/2011 06:37:01 am
All this breakfast talk is making me hungry. As for me, I prefer to have two hen fruit-- wreck 'em, pigs parallel, two hockey pucks-- drown 'em with liquid heart attack, and a cup of Joe with a double shot of cow juice. Give it all a pair of legs so I can watch the sun come up while I eat. Got that order Meredith?
3/14/2011 06:53:07 am
Oh I forgot the spuds... sliced and diced, swimming in 40 weight, cover it with the twins and paint it red.
3/14/2011 07:59:11 am
Vernon you a cook?
3/14/2011 08:06:20 am
Nope Tony, sorry. I'm a retired truck driver. 40 years driving a big rig and who knows how many miles, my best guess is over 7 million miles. I still know all the best places to eat anywhere in the USA, just ask me. Now I live in Knoxville and enjoy my grandkids and hiking in the Smokies.
Midwestern Linda
3/14/2011 08:40:59 am
@ Vernon. Have you ever been to Des Plaines, IL? I live here and love to visit the Great Smokies. I go ther about every year
3/14/2011 09:54:01 am
Just hiked down Triillium today. Broke about 12" deep fresh snow for about first 1 to 1-1/2 mi, after that seemed didn't have the fresh snow on that part of trail. Counted 14 blowdowns from lodge to Trillium Gap, 4 of which I would consider "major". Had to hack our way through one with machete, no way around.. Climbed over / under all others, some tight squeezing.. There was one spot with a couple fresh boulders fallen in trail, passable for hikers but doubtful for llamas.
John B
3/14/2011 09:56:35 am
Welcome back to the mountain top! Looking forward to following you all during this season. Good luck on the airlift of supplies and getting the Lodge into guest hosting mode!
3/14/2011 10:51:29 am
Vernon, I guess you've had it all...good and bad.
3/14/2011 12:23:14 pm
3/14/2011 11:56:35 pm
Hope everything goes well with the airlift Allyson. My fiance Michelle and I will be hiking up Alum Cave tomorrow (wednesday) and might pop in to say hey! Comments are closed.
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