The views from the mountain have been great. We are starting to see that crisp fall air that brings great visibility.
Today, however, is starting out on the cloudy side. I believe we might have some rain in the near future. The high yesterday was 60 with a low of 41. The top of the mountain has been fairly quiet lately. You can tell the kids are back in school. I have been getting questions about what kind of weather to expect during this time of year. We are reaching that point where anything is possible. It is a little early to get snow, but in the mountains, we don't count out anything. I am telling people to come prepared. Bring plenty of layers so you can add clothing as needed. It is better to have layers to add if you get cold. With that being said, we could also get an indian summer. The best advice I can give is to come prepared for anything and you will be comfortable.
DJ Atchley
9/12/2012 12:43:24 am
I'll be coming up Sunday for a couple of nights, and have requested dry weather, anything you can do toward this will be greatly appreciated!
9/12/2012 01:13:36 am
Allyson: I cannot recall how early it's snowed up on the mountain, but your advice couldn't be better; I bought a pair of cheap slip-on ice cleats two years ago but haven't had to use them yet; I always expect it to rain and prepare for it and having layers should be near the top of anyone's list; As you said: anything is possible. cheers.
9/12/2012 01:42:18 am
I meant to inquire about an item I'm interested in: hiking shorts; I have plenty of experience with and knowledge of a lot of gear, but I'd like to know if anyone has tried those "convertible" hiking shorts I've seen on the NOC shopping site; they appear to be an item that could be useful in one's inventory; I've almost always worn blue jeans for hiking, and I guess I've been lucky with doing so because they aren't the best material to wear; I intend to restock with a new wardrobe of pants. Have a great day all !
Bill Yeadon
9/12/2012 02:10:54 am
Yes those pants are the best thing I have purchased. As the weather changes so do the panys and if it rains they will not absord moisture like your jeans.
9/12/2012 03:33:20 am
Agreement about the hiking pants/shorts. Bought some many, many years ago at REI and in some style or another they are always a part of our gear. Light weight...dry quick...great to wear for layering if needed....Wonderful product.
9/13/2012 08:20:07 am
I have to agree with Bill and Terry. They are great for stopping the wind, are very comfortable and the legs come off and go on very easily. I am going to buy more.
9/12/2012 01:52:43 am
I am going tocome up a little lattter beaufiful thanks for sharing.
9/12/2012 06:22:31 am
Bill & Terry: thanks for your opinions; I really appreciate them; I had picked out a pair on the NOC shopping site, and your comments prompted me to go ahead and order them; I have been a customer and member of REI for a long time, too; G'day
9/12/2012 07:13:26 am
Tony Ga
9/12/2012 08:15:06 am
Second tomk's advice. NEVER COTTON. I wear my Under Armour running clothes. Under Armour is expensive, but worth every penny.
Paul B
9/12/2012 10:27:56 am
I'll put in another vote for the hiking shorts. The zip on work best for me as it keeps another pair of pants out of the pack. In cold weather hiking I add stay dry thermals underneath and I am as toasty as can be.
9/12/2012 02:10:50 pm
tomk: thanks for your comment; for so many years I wore those blue jeans and cotton t-shirts; how I got by so long with that I cannot explain, although I did always have a good poncho and/or rainsuit {and expensive boots for the feet are the most critical part one needs to protect}; they say you get wiser as you get older - - I must be getting old !! Just two weeks ago I was in the UnderArmour store in Tanger mall; I'll definitely go back there and acquire some shorts and t's; Most of my present gear is modern and up-to-date; the main thing when out there hiking is knowing what to do in various weather situations; I worry about those folks who do not. I'm not an "extreme" hiker ( I do like my ribs and pancakes down in Gatlinburg occasionally ! ) but I can survive in the "wild"; For me, it doesn't get any better than being on a trail; All my Smokies trail maps cover one entire wall of my "man cave" and I'm continually planning for future hikes: I've marked on them so much I need to get new ones; I've said for years [and now a car commercial is using the phrase] that "The Journey Is the Destination"; And remember: "No Matter Where You Go, There You Are" ! Thanks and g'night all on the mountain !! Comments are closed.
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