It was yet another beautiful day yesterday. The high was 47 degrees and it got down to 27 degrees overnight. It was 37 degrees and drizzling at observation. The mountain received .25" of rain yesterday evening. It looks like the clear weather has departed for the day. The mountain is in a cloud, a silver dome of mystery. I hiked down Alum Cave yesterday with a few friends, picked up my mail in town (much thanks to the NOC for continuing to help me!) and grabbed some lunch. I was able to catch a ride back to the trailhead (thanks so much Marty!) and headed up Bullhead. I would not recommend coming up Bullhead, other trails are much more easily passable. There are at least 4 blowdowns that require significant acrobatics. I'm often asked if I ever get lonely up here. The short answer is no, not really. I choose to view boredom as a failure of the imagination. If I feel a hint of it, I do something. It's that simple. While I certainly miss friends and family from time to time, I look at this as an opportunity to consciously deprive myself in a way that will better enable me to cherish the time I have with them. For the most part, I have plenty of books to keep me company and one of the worlds' most majestic parks as my backyard. What more does a man need?
11/27/2012 03:35:30 am
its always good to read your words, JP. Keep'em coming!
j workman
11/27/2012 03:40:26 am
HOTEL?????? I DIDNT KNOW THERE WAS A HOTEL UP THERE You mean i slept in a room with no water a small heater, no toilet, and no insulation requiring me to sleep in long johns for two nights last month! AND THERE WAS A HOTEL, WHATS UP WITH THAT? JP Your holding back!
11/27/2012 03:44:05 am
Lol @ workman. JP I love your art with words
11/27/2012 10:19:00 am
11/27/2012 03:38:55 am
Boredom, a failure of the imagination. Ha! Have to try that one out on the kids sometime. Good one JP
Brian N bama
11/27/2012 03:56:30 am
Ok so now I am back. Ready to obsess with Mt Leconte once again. Thinking a shelter hike a day or 2 before Christmas might do the trick. JP, hope you have a wonderful winter stay this year. May the snow & the bob kitten come your way this year.
11/27/2012 04:12:56 am
I love the bordom comment also! But I really like your entire yard being the GSM!! So true. Sorry you missed the snow this year but I'm sure you'll get more! Hopefully you will see the bobkitty too. Love the pics! How was your summer JP as exciting as it is on Mt. LeConte? Hope it was good and welcome back!!
11/27/2012 04:55:22 am
j workman, what is wrong with you? That was unnecessary.
Connie Houk
11/27/2012 05:24:01 am
Love your take on boredom. I can't "imagine" not having enough hobbies to stay busy. My problem is having too many and not enough time! Enjoying your pics!
Barbara- Charleston
11/27/2012 05:27:03 am
11/27/2012 05:28:31 am
Whatever your reaction to j workman's comments, it is rather interesting that Leconte Lodge could be called a hotel. That's strictly a matter of personal opinion. For me, it's a lodge. My definition of a hotel is a facility that has running water, electricity, television, internet access, a jacuzzi, and so forth but I much more prefer the Lodge and the mountain where as JP stated it's a magnificent back yard ! Boredom ? The word's not in my vocabulary. I don't always take some of the comments here seriously, just another person expressing their opinions. Not long ago I recall some reactions to a guy's comments regarding a sign on the dining hall which I don't think were meant critically, but they illicited some terse replies nonetheless. Nice composition in the photo above JP ! I feel that the true hiker finds boredom rather agreeable than painful. It is the symbol of his liberty, his freedom. He accepts boredom, when it comes, not merely philosophically, but almost with pleasure. I can excuse everything but boredom. Boring people don't have to stay that way. I like to think that the cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity, G'day to all !! Hike well, hike safely, and look around you !
Linda M
11/27/2012 06:20:16 am
JP, we love the pictures and your prose. Just one request for those of us that have only been up there a few times and have only covered some of the trails.....would you please let us know where the pictures were taken. I would love to find some of these places on our next trip (and there will be a next trip). Thanks!
11/29/2012 07:15:16 am
11/27/2012 06:49:58 am
I look forward to your words,thoughts, and of course, the sharing of the beautiful pictures...did you notice...looking at the trunk of the dead tree...is like a person...the grain of the dead wood, hair, with high cheekbones, nose and a chin...as if..the figure, is looking down the path...
Paul B
11/27/2012 06:56:53 am
Nice, I didn't catch that when I looked at it the first time. See just more curiosity coming through in all that we see.
11/27/2012 08:12:20 am
Nice JP. I know in later years you will look back at this time in your life and be very thankful.
11/27/2012 09:09:56 am
Doug,J.P.We are brothers in spirit in our thoughts,but at 59 I merely resemble Joans comments on the tree ! Enjoy Life While We Can ! THANKS TO ALL.
11/27/2012 09:54:30 am
amen..enjoy life while we can...papawig...I hear that.....I am right behind you ..
David Tucker
11/27/2012 10:28:16 am
Do you have any idea as to the conditions of the Boulevard Tr., especially the upper part past the slide?
Sharon Hasting
11/27/2012 11:41:02 am
I'll never look at "boredom" the same again! As far as missing family and friends, you know the old saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder". It's very, very true!!! And a good book is the best cure-all for whatever ails ya!!!
Raz Theo
11/27/2012 11:42:22 am
Not only is your prose/poetry/posits impressive but your photographic compositional skills are quite remarkable.
11/27/2012 11:56:06 am
I love your posts I wish i could just run away from the real world and hide. But i would prob miss my tv.
Renee Ryan
11/27/2012 12:29:46 pm
So good to have you back as the winter caretaker for another season!! I missed your witty posts and the way you look at life.I live through your eyes every winter and dream of being able to hide away in the beauty of the Smoky Mts.You are very blessed.I look forward to reading your posts and seeing your amazing photos!
11/27/2012 12:51:24 pm
Love the photo
11/27/2012 04:07:02 pm
I'm so glad I found this website. I've been to Gatlinburg and all surrounding areas dozens of times through the years and have always been in awe especially of Mt. LeConte. Thanks for the beautiful pics and the inspirational thoughts. I'm gonna have to plan myself I hiking trip real soon...
11/28/2012 12:09:43 am
Joan: I agree with your perspective on that tree trunk; interesting. Papawig: I'm a bit older and it seems that sometimes I've reached that point where life has stopped givinig me things and has started taking them back ! But I'll be hanged if I give in ! It just takes a little more effort, planning, and, for me, plenty of optimism. As long as I can manage to set one foot in front of the other I'll hike. My soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which my reason and my judgement wage war against my passion and my appetite ! So I let my soul exalt my reason to the height of passion, that it may sing ! Good day to all !
11/28/2012 12:12:15 am
No matter how carefully I proofread my comments before I submit them I usually leave at least one word misspelled !! Great Galloping Gertie ! If I just typed away it might lead to a most interesting narrative !
11/28/2012 01:02:31 am
I 2nd you putting names on the trails of the pictures you post. Just wondering where the latest trail is you posted. Thanks so much It would be appreciated . Comments are closed.
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