![]() What you call bareness and poverty is to me simplicity. God could not be unkind to me if he should try. I love the winter, with its imprisonment and its cold, for it compels the prisoner to try new fields and resources. I love to have the river closed up for a season and a pause put to my boating, to be obliged to get my boat in. I shall launch it again in the spring with so much more pleasure. This is an advantage in point of abstinence and moderation compared with the seaside boating, where the boat ever lies on the shore. I love best to have each thing in its season only, and enjoy doing without it at all other times. It is the greatest of all advantages to enjoy no advantage at all. I find it invariably true, the poorer I am, the richer I am. What you consider my disadvantage, I consider my advantage. While you are pleased to get knowledge and culture in many ways, I am delighted to think that I am getting rid of them. I have never got over my surprise that I should have been born into the most estimable place in all the world, and in the very nick of time, too. Thoreau Morning,
It was another insanely mild day on the Mountain. The high was 52 degrees. The low was 36 degrees. It was 46 degrees and cloudy at observation. It looks like today will be a bit of a rainy day up top. I spent yesterday reading down at Alum Cave. It was a great day for falcon watching. I think they must be nesting, as they seem more territorial than usual. In addition to their calls, I was able to hear the impressive WHOOOOSH of their deceleration into their perches above the Cave. They are almost too fast to believe. I took my time at the cave, reading in the sun for 3 hours. I set a personal record for 'soaking it in' on the way back up, taking an hour and 45 minutes and stopping all over the place to take pictures and soak in the sun. I can't believe this is my last night solo on the mountain! I'm having ebbing, flowing feelings about my time here. There is already a deeply rooted nostalgia about this amazing place competing with a preternatural joy about what's around the next bend in the trail. Life! PS: I am trying to get to New Hampshire for my new job in late March and am looking to buy a used vehicle. I am looking for anything at/under ~$1,200 that runs. A pickup, small car with good gas efficiency or motorcycle would be ideal. If any of you kind readers have any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it! Email me at [email protected] if you have any leads! Best, JP
2/29/2012 02:15:47 am
JP, What will you be doing at your new job in New Hampshire? Such beautiful pics as always. We are very fortunate to have seasons. Really appreciate that first Spring flower, first snowfall. Always ready to move on to the next season and always welcome a new one. Thank you for your sharing the mountain with us and all of your adventures this year. Hopefully you will be back next year to make our winter better. Enjoy!!
2/29/2012 03:36:38 am
I wish you a safe journey and hope you can be back next winter. Its been great to read your journey on the mt. everyday. Counting the days until I'll be in the Smokies! My students and myself have very much enjoyed your pictures. WOW! Thanks for sharing your talent.
2/29/2012 04:58:58 am
JP, thanks for all your great daily reports. I have thoroughly enjoyed them. You are by far the best winter caretaker that I have had the pleasure of reading everyday. Good luck and I sure hope you make it back to Leconte.
2/29/2012 05:03:52 am
Great job on all the post this season, I hope you will consider a blog from New Hampshire, perhaps some photos of Mount Washington.
Jmaes workman
2/29/2012 06:17:38 am
God speed JP, we have looked forward to your posts every day , and have saved so many pics for the future!! A safe journey ahead, and hope life deals you a big blow of future happiness in your endeavers!
Donnie R.
2/29/2012 08:45:01 am
Safe travels, and God Bless JP ! You have done a awesome job this winter. May you find happiness in whatever the future may hold...and I hope the future has another stay on top of Ole Smoky for ya ;)
Richard C.
2/29/2012 09:18:39 am
Raz Theo
2/29/2012 10:14:51 am
I hope there's a New Hampshire summit for you to conquer because methinks J.P. needs a mountain to get through his life like we the faithful need J.P. to get through our day.
Zellie's Granddaughter
2/29/2012 02:56:27 pm
2/29/2012 11:02:12 pm
You have done a wonderful job of posting this winter. I'll miss your insights and pics. God bless you on your journey. Thanks for all you've added to ours. Comments are closed.
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