Good Afternoon. Nathan has been trying all afternoon to log in to post, but apparently the weather is causing a problem with getting connected, so he asked that the office post. The high was 55, low 47. It started raining about 7:00 this morning. It is very windy so watch for fallen trees if you will be hiking tomorrow. Temps are dropping today so it will be a cold start hiking in the morning.
Those hiking tomorrow on Grotto Falls/Trillium Gap trail will be getting a (hopefully) pleasant surprise as the llamas will be packing. They are off schedule this week due to a few llamas eating some purple mint which is toxic to them and other animals. It has a short growing span and with the mild winter is more abundant than normal. Chrissy and Alan learned something new this week about llamas and what they shouldn't eat. The llamas are all fine now and should be back on schedule Monday.
4/19/2013 09:22:39 am
Glad the llamas are all ok. Rotton animals, just like kids, you have to watch them every second. :) I'm happy there back in tune again. Live and learn. Thanks office people for the post. Missed Nathans adventures, but I'm sure he'll tune in tommorow. Didn't get too much rain in Ludington, but alot more south in Grand Rapids, which lays my husband off work while the river calms down. Was just thinking about hiking some trails. Hmmmm!! Now I'm thinking.
4/19/2013 09:26:56 am
Alas, alack, the days of the 1-wire telephone from the Mt. View Hotel to the Lodge that ran up Bear Pen Hollow are long gone. Poor weather was an almost guaranteed threat to that means of communication.
doug y
4/19/2013 10:28:40 am
I agree Debi, kids have to be watched every second - - but that's something long, long behind me now ! I believe they all love 'pogs & 'nakes ! We got your rain here in London; some came into my basement, but that's a rare occurence; when I saw it coming down across my back yard it reminded me of the photos posted here showing the water cascading down the steps to the dining hall ! It's time for me to get on the trails again; it's a rotten shame that I don't live closer to the Smokies. Woody: That's information I didn't know; I really must take some definitive time and read & research more on the history of the lodge; I'm sure someone who frequents this site can direct me to some good sources. Where is/was the Mt. View Hotel ? My favorite place to stay when in Gatlinburg town is the 1937-built Gatlinburg Inn; I could live there.
doug y
4/19/2013 10:53:14 am
I hear it ! I hear it ! I hear it ! The dinner bell is ringing at LeConte Lodge !! Yes. I hear it ! My clock says 6:59 - - yep, I hear it !
doug y
4/19/2013 10:56:22 am
Maybe it's the rum in the coffee I'm drinking right now .............
Tony Ga
4/19/2013 11:26:55 am
Rum! Somebody say rum?
doug y
4/19/2013 12:26:30 pm
I said rum, not moonshine my friend !! Hmmmm, but that could work in a pinch ! 'Shine is also good when you start your lawnmower for the first time in the spring - - just add about a tablespoon to the gas and it'll fire right up ! Don't put too much in, however, 'cause you couild have an explosive device on your hands !
Tony Ga
4/19/2013 01:47:28 pm
Putting moonshine in a lawnmower....sounds like a case of alcohol abuse to me. LOL
4/20/2013 12:08:57 am
You 2 crack me up. Google up some pictures of Grand Rapids, Michigan. A hour in a half south east of here. They got the terrible rains. I'm going to have to try that moonshine stuff. I wonder if it works for weedwhackers too. Finally bought myself a electric one. Sick of fighting with my gas one.
Brian N bama
4/20/2013 02:02:58 am
Debi, here in north east Alabama, my "weedwhacker" of choice comes in jug and is call roundup!! 3 weeks till i I am up top.
4/20/2013 11:08:26 am
Brian, Yep, I hear ya. We have a best friend like that. But I'm a glotten for punishment. While my inlaws are not back from Florida yet from the winter I went up to their house. We all live on the same driveway. And I did a couple of her flower beds. There are a few plants I just cut down, just because I don't like the pineapple plants as I call them. I was about to take the shovel to them and dig them out, but decided it best to just cut them down so they could come back and torture me more next year. I am about ready to take out a few of her flower beds, since she has 3 or 4 more that need done. She has knee problems and the flower big time person she is, just can not get down and get everything done like she used too. Sooo, when I drive up the driveway and see all of her beds covered in leaves screaming help me, help me!! I come to the rescue and do it. Not because I want too. But because I want to see the flowers. And don't want to see the eye sore. Hehe!! Gees, I sure do hope she doesn't read this blog. Lucky you 3 more weeks, yeah. I say thats a good excuse to go for me. I have to celebrate mothers day. Ha!!! We will probably see you and your wife up there on the 4th. That will be awsome. I sure hope it doesn't rain on our fireworks!
4/19/2013 11:36:09 am
We got rain, lots of rain here in Central Indiana too. My backyard flower beds are flooded...don't mind that too much but my basement got about 2 inches of water too since it had no where to go and a drain backed up. Drying it out with fans. Rather be hiking to LeConte in the rain than having to deal with water in my basement! Heading down to Smokies late May for some hiking but won't get to LeConte this trip. Ladies I travel with all say they can't make it to LeConte (don't know why - they are my age (72) and I can make it. So we'll enjoy hikes in the lower elevations until I travel up in September for my reservations with my grandkids, daughter and son-in-law. Just have to be content with being in the Smokies and enjoying the flora and fauna and trails without going to LeConte. Alas and Alack!
4/19/2013 12:05:21 pm
Lots of rain and strong winds down in the valley today, Im sure the mountain was hit hard
doug y
4/19/2013 12:49:27 pm
Scott A
4/19/2013 04:14:29 pm
Allyson, my wife and I hiked up Sunday the 14th. I have followed your blog for a few years now. Wish I could have met you but I did meet Chris, Matt, and Bethany. We didnt get to hang around as long as we wanted as Chris said he thought that maybe there was going to be a storm rolling in earlier than expected. So we ate and headed back down. Next time we hope to stay all night. I do have a question for you though. What are all the tanks? Propane or what. If its propane, how do you get them refilled? Was going to send you our pic so you could add it to the Guest Sightings but not sure where to send it. It was well worth the climb!!
4/19/2013 04:57:17 pm
The howling winds continue to blow at my 4200 foot height here in WNC so can't imagine the gales on top of Leconte tonight. Have had rain all day and forecasted freezing temps tonight. Is this the last hurrah for winter, I hope. They say chance of seeing a few flurries in the Smokies tonight.
doug y
4/20/2013 09:22:47 am
Must be some internet connection problems "up top" today; Saturday afternoon and after 4pm already and nothing new; I understand that. Debi: if you're using an electric "weedwhacker" now then you don't need the "shine"; it'd take only about 1/4 teaspoon for a gas one, though. I actually grew up taking a mixture of 50% honey and 50% moonshine for sore throats, tonsilitis, and strep throat mainly; I can drink it straight down, but don't. Powerful stuff ! Burns going down sometimes, kicks like a mule, cures many ailments, not too difficult to make yourself, clear as mountain spring water, long shelf life, and takes to additional added flavors if you so choose. I prefer peaches or strawberries - - gives it a warm color too. Of course, you'll be warm enough if you consume enough ! I'll bet that if you put a wee bit in the llamas' feed bucket they'd fly up that mountain !! I'll tell you what Tony Ga, if we ever meet up at the lodge, I'll bring along a smaple of some "good shine" for you. Sort of an after-dinner treat. Hope all's ok up on the "high post" today !! Coffee time for me, not going to add any moonshine ! . . . . . . . . . . . . G'day !
Tony Ga
4/20/2013 09:40:06 am
Some good Kentucky Bourbon (Wild Turkey) would do just fine. Enjoy the rest of your day.
doug y
4/20/2013 01:56:11 pm
Ok, Tony Ga, I guess that would quench one's thirst admirably. I'm actually not much, if at all, of a drinker, but I do like my wine and the moonshine I simply grew up on. Only two or three times a year do I partake of its particular "benefits" . . . . . . .bourbon on rare occasions, liqueurs sometimes {those are good to cook with, too - - I make a marevelous Grand Marnier souffle} and that's about it. I may have told this story before, but, on my first visit to the lodge back in 2004 I sat down at the dinner table not realizing that they served wine as I obtained my reservation as a last minute cancellation (wish I could get a couple of nights right now). I paid one of the crew members on the spot for a glass and rather delighted in sipping it with the meal. I sat the empty glass down on the table and turned to talk with the old gentleman next to me. When I turned back around my glass was as if by magic full again ! Geez, that little occurence alone could have made me fall in love with the place ! I told the crew member that I didn't want to pay again for another glass and that's when he told me it was a "bottomless" glass !! Hooo boy ! And away I went ! I felt obligated to consume what I thought was a reasonable amount without being piggish. I truly cannot recall how may glasses I sipped, but it must have been surely 8 or 9 !! The story ends with two people assisting me back to my cabin that night, and I'll never remember who they were ! But every time I'm fortunate to be at the lodge I do have the wine. Marveleous indeed my friend ! And, I'm convinced that consuming it is far better than cola drinks which I avoid these days. I'll drink red wine with anythng I choose and don't tell me that it must be only with certain foods - - I please my own palate, no one else's. Thinking about my next visit to the lodge, whenever that may be and hopefully sooner than later, I want to bring something that the crew doesn't always have the opportunity to partake of, whether it be food / snack items or something else. I guess I'll have to inquire about that right before I come up again. Would have been a tremendous day to have hiked up there if the weather here iin London was an indicator. Good evening. Comments are closed.
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