Afternoon to you all. You'd surely love the weather on top of LeConte today--just about perfect. Our high Monday was 47 with a low of 29, the mildest morning since Friday. Just after lunch today, we're looking at 50 degrees and plenty of sunshine. We've been fortunate enough to have so many sunny, clear days lately that I've not had to use a drop of gasoline to pump water up to our tanks--our solar pump has been humming along and up to the task.
The forecast calls for a pretty wet Wednesday, followed by better weather on Thursday. Please make sure you bring some rain gear any time you come to see us. The remainder of today's update is kind of a gumbo of events from the mountain the last few days. I mentioned that toward the end of last week the wind whipped wildly up here. It blew down a partially rotten tree about 18 inches in diameter across Trillium Gap Trail not too far from the lodge. The llamas had to climb the bank to get around it. Llama wrangler Alan and I went down on his descent with the llamas to move it off the trail. I think it's interesting that one of our veteran llamas is notorious for jumping a five-foot fence early in the morning to escape having to work. However, that same llama wouldn't consider jumping an 18-inch tree in the trail. Priorities, I guess. During all the wind I noticed the juncos ably carving their way through the turbulence, earning their wings as esteemed fighter pilots in the LeConte air force. We noticed red streamers of brake lights piled up during the weekend on the Pigeon Forge strip. Turns out there was a "Rod Run" for car enthusiasts down there. However, from our perch atop LeConte, we didn't see any of the hot rods (or anyone else on the road) moving very fast. Last night about 11 p.m. as I was doing my final checks for the night, my headlamp caught two glowing orange eyes about 10 feet away from me, just behind the steps to Old Lodge (or No. 1, as it says on the door if you've stayed there). It seems that the deer, some of our favorite neighbors, have returned to the top of LeConte in anticipation of spring greens. I did see one wandering around in the snow earlier this season, but there wasn't much for that deer to eat and it must have headed down below. That deer looking for good browse in the snow seemed like a vegetarian trying to get a suitable meal at a Brazilian steakhouse. Finally, to wrap up, we were glad to see Pat and Jeanie Lawley, frequent readers of High on LeConte. They hiked up to visit and gave us a promising flower report on the lower elevations in the park--from Cades Cove to the lower stretches of the Alum Cave Trail. The color will be working its way up the mountain soon, all the better reason to journey to LeConte. Thanks for reading. Allyson and Chris are scheduled to be back on the mountain this evening, so I'll turn over daily reports to her. Have a fine day. Happy trails.
doug y
4/23/2013 07:25:51 am
Sounds like a typical llama to me, at least from what I've heard about their disposition. I thought it an interesting fact that when they were "sheared" that their heads were left alone as they didn't like to be touched there, etc. But I truly do enjoy seeing them when I hike Trillium. I believe I said once that I like to hike out ahead of them, get to Grotto Falls where I take a brief rest and let the llama train pass me, then try to keep up with them on up to the lodge. But that feat is becoming harder to do with each passing year ! And it was intertesting to read about how they react(ed) to bears. Getting cloudy here in central KY - - perhaps another rain front and some cooler temps. Two glowing orange eyes ten feet from you , eh !? That's pretty close. I had one peer into the door of my cabin {no. 9 on the end of that row} early one morning - - I had opened the door well before dark to enjoy a fog that had rolled in. I guess I shouldn't leave the door open as I sometimes do in case it's a hungry bear rather than a deer ! By the way, I was wondering if there are ever any sightings of raccoons up there ? I have two that sometimes wander across my large back yard during the night, but they're usually in a hurry. Good afternoon.
4/23/2013 01:27:31 pm
A few years ago when I was relieving the caretaker for a few days I went to incinerate some trash and had a new experience. As I went by the controls, I reached out and turned it on like always then went around and opened the door to put the trash in. To my surprise when the door opened there was a raccoon backed into the corner trying to escape those roaring flames. I ran back around to the controls and turned it off then went to check on the poor animal. His whiskers were singed a little as can be seen in the pictures that I took but he was apparently alright and eventually came out on his own. Needless to say, since then I always look in before turning on the gas.
doug y
4/23/2013 07:27:09 am
I meant to write "before daylight came" . . . . . . .
Mike Clark
4/23/2013 07:39:52 am
Maybe you should read more and write less.
4/23/2013 11:18:05 am
Mike - I love you. I could not agree more. I used to check this blog first thing every morning. Not anymore because I get so upset by an overposter. Yet I still have to hear about it because my mom loves to read about the mountain and complain to me about the blog bully.
4/23/2013 11:36:01 am
Love this site but....I skip all these overly long posts. They do nothing for me
4/23/2013 08:22:14 am
I enjoyed a hike up to Clingmans Dome and then out to Charles Bunion yesterday. I could see Mt. LeConte while having lunch at the Bunion! What a beautiful day and hike it was.
Donnie R
4/23/2013 08:59:50 am
Enjoyed the post today...particulary the llama story lol. Thank's for all you do and see the folks up top in June ;)
doug y
4/23/2013 09:13:59 am
Mike Clark: I read plenty. Did my mistake bother you somehow !? Actually, I don't give a hoot if it did or not; or, maybe you never make mistakes, eh !?
4/23/2013 11:26:36 am
Doug Y - Maybe you should read more. Mike was trying to nicely ask that you stop hijacking this blog. Maybe you and your followers would have more fun on your own blog about what you do all day. And by the way, I can tell from my mom forcing me to read your posts (she is greatly disturbed by them, but is not a poster) that you have very little experience in the mountains despite your prolific ramblings. In fact, I'd be willing to bet you've only stayed at the lodge once - was it 2010? Please, for the love of all that's holy, get a life and let someone else have a turn. Great galloping gertie! I bet they delete my honest post and leave your bull poopoo!
4/23/2013 10:05:55 am
What a cool picture!!
4/23/2013 11:33:10 am
Thanks for the great report! Glad to hear about the wildflowers. Love to make it for the pilgrimage, but I can't get away this weekend. Enjoy for us!
Bryan Be
4/23/2013 11:43:49 am
....pretty funny remarks today. :-)
4/23/2013 12:10:20 pm
The mountain is awesome, hikers are great, and haters suck. Life is too short for that kind of BS. Look forward to everyone's thoughts and comments. Can't wait to hike in GSM in May.
4/23/2013 12:35:27 pm
I'm with you Dewayne.
Tony Ga
4/23/2013 01:14:20 pm
What I don't understand is if you don't like it why can't you just skip over it. Why do people have to be mean?
4/23/2013 01:40:32 pm
Been hiking to see the beautiful wildflowers since Sunday. Would love to hike up LeConte but running out of time. Will be spending the night with yall in October, Can't wait. Will be my 12th trip. Looking at the moon just now in downtown G'burg thinking oh how I wish I was up on LeConte looking at the moon up there and looking down on G/burg. Wonderful pictures!! Love this blog. I read it daily.
doug y
4/23/2013 01:41:07 pm
Well, it appears that my sometimes lengthy blogs have offended some. I never intended that. And I have never resorted, much less even thought about doing it, to name calling. But I must answer what you said about me Leigh. No, I have bever attempted to hijack this blog and there seems to be plenty of room for everyone to post their comments here. Why do you attack my experiences !? I have been in the mountains all my life and what I write here is absolutely true. Yes, I stayed at the lodge in 2010, three times actually, and I've stayed there more times than is any of your narrow-minded business ! Well, they didn't delete your "honest post". As you said "by all that is holy" you should be careful with your hypocritical remarks. If the lodge management puts a limit on posts, well, so be it, but I've never said anything in mine untruthful and I've only wanted to share with others. You seem to have a great deal of trouble with that. Maybe others do, too, and perhaps I will hear from them as well. Oh, and no, Leigh, I have no followers - - what gives you the right to say these things about me !??
Tony Ga
4/23/2013 01:59:46 pm
I bet the Blog Angel will come tomorrow and make all this go away. : )
4/23/2013 03:05:35 pm
4/23/2013 03:29:31 pm
You're right. It is a shame that we can't all express our opinions, even mine that seems to be narrowminded if not supporting certain people. The mountains belong to us all, and hopefully we all love them. THAT is supposed to be the point of this blog, or at least it used to be - hearing about lodge happenings. I by no means mean to disrespect the blog, and hope that everyone will show respect to the blogger. I noticed that no one minded certain sassy retorts by... Anyway, that's what saddens me about visiting the park. People go, but they don't respect it. They vandalize historic structures, throw thrash down at will, and behave rudely at scenic pulloffs. Too bad, lots of people talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Let's get back on point, like we used to a little over a year ago.
4/23/2013 11:13:48 pm
"During all the wind, I noticed the juncos ably carving their way through the turbulence.."
doug y
4/24/2013 01:06:09 am
Tony Ga: I don't know about the Blog Angel, although that's a good concept. You are always a voice of reason here. Leigh: I couldn't agree more with you: the mountains belong to everyone. As for expressiing opinions, everyone has the opportunity to do that here; I might be straight and to the point with mine, but none are ever malicious or derogatory. Perhaps I can keep my posts here shorter than usual; they're only intended for the benefit of other readers and visitors to the lodge and the Park. As for sassy reports, I don't know what you're referring to. Now, as I'm trying to limit my comments, I will say that I get disgusted and angry when, like you said, I see people acting rudely and disgustingly at scenice points and such; if there's anyone who respects and cares for the Park, and not just this one, it's me. I seek no fame nor glory for my experiences or volunteer efforts. I love the Smokies. Yes, getting back to the point of this blog will be nice. Breakfast time at the lodge...........................
4/24/2013 03:38:00 am
I so enjoyed the post, you really had me day dreaming about coming up, I think for a lot of us that is the main reason we read the post each day, for a short trip to escape the daily grind...even if it is in our mind.
4/24/2013 08:41:46 am
Loved the stories about the wildlife encounters. My one night at the lodge (in April many years ago) a small herd of deer came through just before dawn during a short gap between heavy sleet and a thunderstorm. The night before we had enjoyed sitting on the deck in our parkas looking at a comet (Hale-Bopp?) in a clear, star-lit sky. No matter what the weather is in the mountains, wait a minute and it will change. Comments are closed.
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