The mist is very reluctant to leave us! Rainy morning gave way to a sunny 52, the 28 night giving us a taste of things to come over the weekend. It's going to be cold outside! Any guests coming up within the next four days need to pack for chilly, chilly weather. Bring the micro spikes just in case, you never know what's going to happen up here! For all of those who were worried about Herbert II, he was located hiding in the tall grasses, along with some items from the neighbors. Thank you for your concern, it was a tearful reunion.
Quick note. For those who park at the Trillium Gap head, please respect the " Authorized parking only" signs, it makes the llamas boys so much happier when they know they can park where they need to!
Tammy ( Tx )
4/2/2016 11:28:32 am
I'm glad "Herbert" and the laundry were found! Heehee! I wanted to say the other day, that if it was Alison from Florida's laundry that got "blown" off the mountain, I felt some sympathy for her! Because having to shovel snow for the first time ever, on her first week on the mountain and losing your belongings to mother nature the second week would be a rough start to the season, for me anyway. Have a beautiful day ya'll!
4/3/2016 11:26:54 am
I wish they would change that sign to "Llama handler parking only" or "emergency parking only" or even "No Parking." "authorized parking only can be interpreted to mean people that are making the hike to Mt. Leconte. Comments are closed.
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025