Just wanted to let everyone know...
We currently have 1 1/2" of snow and hasn't stopped yet! Please be prepared with warm clothes, ample food and crampons if you plan to visit us today! Check back later for more! Have a great day!
4/5/2011 12:20:03 am
Oh and they say we're going to reach 90 this weekend in Tampa. Seems like we're just about through our 4 weeks of spring and are about to kickoff summer already!
4/5/2011 12:23:41 am
Sure hope spring has sprung somewhere because it hasn't in Ohio and sounds like it hasn't on mt either. Maybe next week????? Darn groudhog anyway! Not listening to him next year!! LOL Keep the great pics coming. Love to see them and then start the school day. My students even enjoy them. It's our mini vacation! For most of our students it's the closet they'll get to a vacation. :(
4/5/2011 12:47:49 am
@Pam, Good for you exposing your students to LeConte. Maybe you'll inspire some of them to make a visit! It's sad that some can't experience it in person. Even though I hated them when I was younger, I am greatful now that my father did his best to expose us to as much as possible on our annual family road trips. If it wasn't for him I would have never experience LeConte in the first place. Now my fiance and I visit about twice a year and would visit more if we could!
4/5/2011 01:27:01 am
Oh my goodness gracious I can't believe it is snowing again. We had one golly whopper of a storm in Asheville last night. I told Frank I thought the wind was going to blow us back to Florida! LOL!
4/5/2011 03:11:23 am
Where are the snow pics?
4/5/2011 04:44:28 am
Thanks for the kind words Devin. We do enjoy it and I too thank my parents for the fun (but at the time, not seeming fun) experiences. Like walking across Mackinaw Bridge on Labor Day!! Didn't really like it as a sixth grader but would love to do it again now! Someday soon hopefully. Juanita you can't blow back to Florida we need a pic of you on the trail in your "I'm Juanita" T-shirt.
4/5/2011 06:28:38 am
There must have been a lot of rain on the lower part of the mtn. The Little Pigeon is flowing wide open. Comments are closed.
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