The fall colors are vibrant in the higher elevations. Chris and I took a stroll out to Myrtle Point yesterday. I think the 29 degree weather helped bring out some of the bright reds. We were fortunate enough to spot a bird a we have only seen one other time in our ten years on the mountain. A bald eagle soared around Myrtle Point on its way home. There have been nests discovered around Douglas Lake. It was a jaw dropper as we finally figured out what we were looking at. A truely majestic bird.
Judging by the colors we have seen, I think my predictions are spot on. I am still saying that peak fall leaves will be between the 1st and 2nd weekend in October. It will be great time to visit Mt. LeConte and have lunch with us. If you do hike up, bring some warm layers. It was 59 yesterday with a low of 30. The areas in the shade are pretty chilly.
9/25/2012 01:02:50 am
In all my years of hiking in the Park I don't remember ever spotting a bald eagle. That's great ! Perhaps more sightings will present themselves. By the way, isn't the distance from the lodge to Myrtle Point about 0.7 mi ? It never fails: almost every morning I get on here during breakfast time at the lodge and wish I was up there. Have a great day.
A friend of mine, from Florida just came up and rode all the beautiful roads in the park, Deals Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway,etc. by motorcycle. Had about 20 awsome pics on my Facebook. Really makes me want to come down for the week and do the same.
9/25/2012 02:08:24 am
We had to thank you and the crew for ordering up such a beautiful weekend for our visit. Friendly faces and friendly skies. What a glorious visit! We didn't see the eagle, but did catch a glimpse of the rapidly increasing colors.
tomk in sc
9/25/2012 02:50:52 am
Muscles and the Eagle.
High On Leconte
9/25/2012 03:45:01 am
No eagle in the photo. By they time we realize what we were looking at, it was to far for my lens to get a good photo. Maybe next time.
Joyce R.
9/25/2012 03:06:24 am
I thought I saw the eagle flying in the distance--very disappointed when I realized it was dust on my computer screen!! Have a beautiful day!
9/25/2012 03:13:56 am
We were blessed two years ago to see a bald eagle during a beautiful afternoon of reading out at Myrtle Point. I have a fairly good photo of it. I remember telling Doug when we got back to the lodge that afternoon. We were so excited and thrilled to have had that experience.
Tony Ga
9/25/2012 03:44:10 am
I found the eagle. It's perched right above Waldo. LOL I don't think there's an eagle in this pic.
H Clark
9/25/2012 04:17:49 am
Lucky enough to see one on the Rockcastle River (KY) in 2009. Did not know it was a bald eagle at that moment, but confirmed it with a computer search after returning home.
9/25/2012 07:50:43 am
Just checked the webcam, looks like a beautiful day on Mt. LeConte.
9/25/2012 01:25:45 pm
I smiled when I read what Allyson said, "Chris and I took a stroll out to Myrtle Point." Funny- whenever I have been there, it was more like a breathless trudge! But the effort is always worth it, whether it is at the end of a hike to the top of the mountain, or a pre-dawn adventure (before coffee) to catch a view of the glorious sunrise. It is my favorite view in the Smokies & what I yearn for all year until our annual hike to LeConte.
hart "bucksnort" tolliver
10/4/2012 06:16:20 pm
me and my buddy took a much needed hike up the mountain. we stayed the night in the shelter on the 24th and met a awesome doctor from north carolina whom ruffed it with us, i remember waking up and feeling the wind blow through the cracks in the rock walls. it wasnt too cold though :).also,READ THE TRAIL SIGNS, we accidently went about two miles down cherokee orchard before realizing we were on the wrong trail, though the it was beautiful, i learned good and well the hard way where alum cave trailhead was at. i cant wait to come back and bring more family and friends, see you in january and hopefully sooner, much love from knoxville Comments are closed.
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