"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike."- John Muir
Good morning from our favorite mountain. The sun is rising as is the temperature. The high yesterday was 69º with a low of 55º. I looked up the high for this season and so far it is 74º. We have reached that temperature 5 times this summer. The average has been in the mid to high 60s. We have had less rain but the temps have been cooler. That is just fine. I will take more vitamin D over rain any day. We are plugging along on the mountain. Nicholette has decided to stay on as head cook for next year. I am trying to pass on as many tips as I can. Anything to make her life a little easier next season. Ruthie is learning the ways and eager to do so. She is super excited about the future and spending it at the lodge. Between Nicholette and Ruthie, the lodge is going to be in good hands.
Becky Moorr
8/24/2014 02:01:23 am
Thanks for picture and quote today - really needed that. Hopefully to make it up in two weeks for annual stay. Hope you don't mind me posting the quote and picture on my status today. As always, thanks for all you and the staff do all year for the guests and our awesome mountain.
norman 'abr'
8/24/2014 10:54:51 am
Liked the quote of John Muir, very good. Picture is new wall paper for a day or two or three?
8/24/2014 12:28:24 pm
Quote from John Muir is beautiful and so TRUE! Thank you for sharing it with us. Allyson, you do such a great job with pictures and writings. Appreciate all you have done for so many of us.
8/24/2014 12:35:04 pm
Stayed Friday night. Great food & weather. Glad to see old friends and new ones too!!
Deborah Pottkotter
8/24/2014 03:21:37 pm
We are home after a great trip to Mt Leconte..we spent 2 nights up for the first time we usually only stay1..Well done crew we loved every minute we were there..Much love to the whole crew and congrats to Ruthie the new site manager...We hope to return next year... Comments are closed.
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025