“I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.”- Nathaniel Hawthorne
I know exactly how Mr. Hawthorne felt. Autumn in the Smokies is time to get out and play in the woods. The weather is too perfect to waste sitting indoors. The mountain is starting to look like fall. The flowers are dying off and some of the trees are starting to display their fall colors. The witch hobble is turning bright red. It is a beautiful sight. The high yesterday was 60 with a low of 41.
9/21/2012 01:21:45 am
la famile c est la vie ! "Like a ghost" The composition in this photo is excellent ! All your photos from the lodge are great ! I never run short of backgrounds for my computers. Being indoors won't harm you very much, IF taken in moderation !! Isn't this fall weather simply magnificent !? Have a wonderful day up there.
lee Fox
9/21/2012 10:36:39 am
carpe diem - Latin for "seize the day!"
9/21/2012 01:34:27 am
Well, I believe my french has gotten weak; "Comme un spectre" means like a ghost; carpe diem escapes me right now; sorry, my mistake; I don't use the language much these days, so I need help with this one; Have a great morning.
9/21/2012 02:03:18 am
I love having fresh (and beautiful) shots of the mountain to put on my computer - it brightens my day and keeps me eager for our next trip! Thanks!!
Dennis Crumby
9/21/2012 02:49:29 am
Wow. What a view. We were at the lodge Sunday and Monday nights and got to see 48 hours of beautiful fog and mist! We pulled in the driveway in middle TN to see the last puff of clouds blowing east and leaving scorching blue skies. Maybe next time:)
9/21/2012 03:40:22 am
Wow! ~~breathtaking~~
9/21/2012 05:28:44 am
9/21/2012 11:41:04 am
I saw that the winds will be near gale force on Saturday. Can anybody describe what this is like on the trails? I may be up in the morning. Comments are closed.
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