![]() I know nothing whatever about true underlying reality, having never met any. I am pleased enough with surfaces - in fact, they alone seem to me to be of much importance. Such things for example as the grasp of a child's hand in your own, the flavor of an apple, the embrace of a friend or lover, the silk of a girl's thigh, the sunlight on rock & leaves, the feel of music, the bark of a tree, the abrasion of granite and sand, the plunge of clear water into a pool, the face of the wind - what else is there? What else do we need? Ed Abbey
It's actually starting to feel like winter up here. The air is crisp and all anyone wants to talk about is weather! It looks like we may receive 6-8 inches this weekend! I won't rejoice until I see it, but I am very encouraged. The high yesterday was 29. The low was 15. It was 28 and hazy at observation. I spent yesterday following Bobkitten's numerous tracks all over the mountain. I've still yet to see the little fella, but it's reassuring to know we take many of the same routes for our afternoon rambles. It further reinforces to me the conviction that we would make great friends. For what is the most apt definition of a friend? Simply put, I believe that it is someone whom I'd like to accompany me on a walk. There's no better or more intimate way to experience the world than a walk through cleansing woods with a friend.
2/10/2012 12:55:28 am
You may not have seen bobkitten yet...but I'll bet he has seen you! Hope you get lot's of good snow this weekend. Enjoy..
2/10/2012 12:56:10 am
Looks like your wish will come true this weekend! A game call is the best, but a dogs squeaky toy will work as well. Sounds like a mouse or rabbit, have called up many predator animals including owls & hawks. Discovered by accident! Enjoy the white stuff!
2/10/2012 01:35:26 am
The thought of being friends with a bobkitten? Pretentious, yet not offensive.
Josh C
2/10/2012 03:35:31 am
Speaking of offensive, I looked at the fly-over picture of the lodge that was talked about the other day on this blog. What a blemish on an otherwise beautiful mountain.
Pat N.
2/10/2012 01:44:44 am
As always, JP, beautiful pictures and words. I think I'll stare at the steps descending to the lodge all day...wishing I was really there. Hope you get a beautiful blast of deep snow. My best to you, bobkitten, and all of LeConte's creatures.
2/12/2012 02:44:03 am
I am trying, Henry! Hope to see you up here soon!
2/10/2012 02:02:57 am
Well, JP, i am a little dissapointed. I had picked the dates of Feb 10-14 for my hike in the high country of the gsmnp a while back, but something cane up and it got pushed back a week. Even in this mild winter, I had picked the perfect days for cold and snow. Oh well, it will still be as beautiful as normal. I will be at Cosby Feb 17, tricorner on the 18, Icewater on the 19, and I will see you on the night of the 20. Anything you would like me to bring? I would be more than happy to do it.
2/12/2012 02:45:01 am
Dana O
2/10/2012 02:12:13 am
I always thought of bobcats as strictly nocturnal. We were canoeing near the head waters of the (TN) Buffalo River over 30 years ago and slipped up on a bobcat crossing a log in the early morning hours, that's the only one I've ever seen in the wild. I was surprised to learn that during the winter they often become diurnal in order to hunt enough food to stay alive. No hibernating for bob kittens.
2/10/2012 02:20:27 am
JP, Kitty could be closer than you realize. These creatures have been known to den under buildings,protected from all the elements of the weather and if the building has any heat that would be a plus for Kitty. After the snow check around all the cabins for tracks into or out of !
2/10/2012 04:18:45 am
Likely not a bobkitten at all, but perhaps a fox or coyote. Only two ways to know for certain: (1) Visual confirmation, and (2) A taste test of the yellow snow. Go for it JP.
2/12/2012 02:45:52 am
2/10/2012 04:23:23 am
....here kitty kitty kitty....JP, I truly hope you are able to see him before the winter season is over for you.
2/10/2012 07:58:31 am
yes please keep us updated on the snow...very exciting and looking forward to seeing your pics and maybe getting up there if the roads allow.
2/10/2012 10:05:49 am
Hey...JP on TV! Keepin' it real.
2/10/2012 10:26:36 am
JP, So glad you are getting snow on the mountain, exciting! Also hope you get to see Bob kitty before the season is over for you! The pics of you turned out good that I took Wednesday.I left you my e-mail address so I could send them to you. I think that was Thursday. Hope you have a nice weekendand maybe you will get to meet Bob kitty face to face. Comments are closed.
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