The coneflowers have gone to seed and there are only a few specks of color left on the mountain top. After yesterday's inch of rainfall, the temperatures are a little cooler. The high yesterday was 66º with a low of 40º. We are currently socked in with a hint of sunshine every now and then. I did notice a little bit of color on the leaves when I hiked up on Wednesday. There is a familiar chill in the air that whispers autumn.
tomk in SC
9/13/2013 02:18:42 am
Great picture. The fog sort of begs for black and white, doesn't it?
Glenn TN
9/13/2013 02:37:38 am
I was watching Today show this morning and they are asking viewers to send in their best sunrise photos.They are moving back into newly renovated studio next Monday morning.They will be showing some of these pics on air in the upcoming weeks .I thought it would be great if Allyson and all other Leconte lovers send in their best sunrise photos from our favorite mountain .It would be cool to possible see these on national tv .You can get more info at .Let's flood their inbox with spectacular pics ! I haven't seen any better sunrises than I've seen from Leonte . Great idea Glenn. That would be nice to see; I think that a lot of people, especially in the eastern part of the states, do not know much, if any at all, about Leconte Lodge. I think, however, that I'm like a few folks in that I am a wee bit selfish and don't want it to become so overcrowded that it's extremely difficult to get reservations there, etc. Yet, I'm always telling people about the place and sometimes I meet folks who have actually been there in one fashion or another. In all the times I've been to the lodge I think I've only been out to Myrtle Point maybe three times to view a sunrise; Cliff Tops is almost a requirement, though; I was at Cliff Tops very, very early one morning and saw a spectacular setting of a full moon; It was well worth the mild inconvenience of getting there in the dark ! tomk: I like your suggestion; perhaps a donkey could be used in such a photo ! That makes me ask about when the llamas were first used to transport suppiles and such ? Good morning all.
9/13/2013 05:35:26 am
Doug glad to know Im not the only selfish one, I feel the same way!
norman the airborne rebel
9/13/2013 10:22:30 am
the less people the better i like it in every thing.
9/14/2013 12:05:48 am
Its already hard enough to get in. But when I tell people they say No electricity, 5 miles in , aguhh! I'm glad not all people like it, because a ton already do, the ones that don't just don't know what there missing. Meaning the ones that are able to do it should. I can totally understand about the ones that can't.
9/13/2013 10:43:45 am
I did a little research on the llama train and it seems they switched to the more mountain-savvy animals from horses to resupply the lodge in 1986.
9/13/2013 04:53:55 am
I love how quiet it is on the mountain when the fog is thick, you can really get lost in thought, and there is just something special when the drop of water are hanging off the fir needles.
9/13/2013 08:37:27 am
when i first saw the b&w picture, i though it had snowed! lol tomk in SC, good idear ,great picture! Comments are closed.
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