What a gorgeous morning to wake up on a mountain top. There is a cool breeze and blue skies. The flowers are shimmering in the morning rays. The weekend is upon us and it looking like a good one. Yesterday was a mix. We did see some rain and some sunshine. The high was 64º with a low of 48º. All in all, it was a good day for a hike.
The season is plugging along. I do appreciate all of you who have made your choice for site managers clear. The one thing you have missed is the fact that Chrissy and Alan love the llama farm and love those llamas. They also love the hundreds of miles they get to hike while doing their job. The llama farm is home for them and they would not change a thing. LeConte Lodge management is working hard at finding replacements. We will do our part to make sure the replacements are trained well and they learn all the secrets to making LeConte Lodge the special place that it is to so many people.
7/25/2014 01:34:54 am
Why do you have to leave the mountain?
Tony Ga
7/25/2014 02:55:33 am
Read the 3/15/14 blog.
7/25/2014 03:01:10 am
Glad you and Chris will train your replacements well! Great picture this morning
Devin R
7/25/2014 04:16:36 am
Seems like a cooler summer on the mountain this year. I don't remember July temps in the 60s for the past couple years. Is it just my imagination?
c boone
7/25/2014 04:41:10 am
I love the photo.Why is it built so high off the ground and is there lodging underneath? When we were up there in 2011 we didn't get to look around much because we were doing trip in one(1) day.We were 74 & 80 and our first time so we weren't moving too fast.LOL
7/25/2014 10:13:18 am
Carolyn, it may be that the cabin is built kind of on a hillside assuming it is a crew member's cabin and not the office. It also doesn't look big enough to be one of the lodge type accommodations they have. Just guessing this is why it is so high up..maybe someone else has a better idea. Figured it was a crew member's place since it appears to have personal items hanging on the porch. Reminds me a little of the cabin my daughter had when she crewed up there except at that time hers didn't have aporch...they have added some porches since then to both the crew members and the visitors cabins. Hope you and your hubby have been ok and enjoying the Smokies.
Beverly Duckett
7/25/2014 01:12:34 pm
It has been great having you two as the team leaders. We've always enjoyed our times there and Allyson's cooking, especially the vege loaf. will be different with you gone but change is not always a bad thing - just takes some getting use to. We do wish you well in your next venture. Will see you the last part of October, 2014. Comments are closed.
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