We are resupplied and good to go until the end of the season, which is only 25 days. Not that I am counting or anything. It was a cold day yesterday. The high was only 47. Last nights low was 35. The sunrise was great this morning. You could see the city lights twinkling while the sun was coming up. Sevierville had a small strip of cloud that made it a neat site.
I have been asked about winter plans. I can tell you that as different as the crew is, so are their winter plans. Some of the crew are thinking about what to do after being up here. They are considering working on a ski slope, being a horse wrangler in another national park, hiking, working, and Chris and I are planning on working on our house that we bought a year and a half ago. It takes a little while to get back in the swing of being in the "real" world. Remembering you can actually turn on a light in a room, instead of lighting lanterns. I enjoy having a bathroom inside. I also enjoy having ice cubes in my drinks. I tend to go a little crazy on that one. It is nice to be in the "land of plenty", as we refer to it on the mountain. By February, I am ready to return to my little mountain home.
Bill Yeadon
10/30/2010 01:10:48 am
I find it amazing that the 2 worlds are so close together, yet so vastly far apart in every other way.
Patty Steven
10/30/2010 01:31:16 am
Before reading the other comment mine was the best of two worlds.....what an amazing life. I love it up there and my live revolves around your posts. That way I can be there every day. Many thanks.
10/30/2010 02:55:29 am
What a stunning picture. From the Parkway, Leconte seems so far away. But from this view....
Dave W
10/30/2010 03:18:49 am
It sounds like you find a way to bloom where you're planted, whether up on the mountain or down in the valley. Glad to hear you're resupplied because our hiking group is coming up on Thursday 11-4. We're looking forward to the great food, hospitality, and bottomless wine. A glass of wine in LeConte Lodge is like a sip of whiskey from an old tin cup on a favorite trout stream. Life is Good!
Tom K
10/30/2010 04:37:22 am
How often do you have to resupply late in the season? It would seem that given the number of guests are known before the preseason supply, that adequate supplies would be in place. What supplies were getting scarce? Wine, cakes and lunches seem most likely as those can be purchased late.
10/30/2010 05:30:19 am
Allyson, seems like a lot of us use your photos and Gatlinburg area webcams to keep in touch with the place we all love so much. So in that pic looking at Sevierville, would Gatlinburg be to the left out of view? Thx
High On LeConte
10/30/2010 06:40:32 am
Tom, due to great hiking weather we have gone thru more of everything. We have seen a lot more day hikers this year and they all seem to be eating at the top. It is a good problem to have.
10/30/2010 12:46:54 pm
Allyson, your daily Blog has become as much a part of my life as Coffee and Blueberry Muffins for breakfast! Thank you for making it possible to share daily in the Happenings @ Leconte! Have a great time on this side of the mountain.....looking forward to your return in spring! Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Years and A Loving Valentines.....time to come back!!!
10/30/2010 04:53:19 pm
Wow! What can I say?!!!!!!! Your pictures are just great!
Priscilla watts
11/1/2010 04:34:34 am
11/5/2010 04:17:47 am
Allyson, from the lodge...where was this picture taken..? Comments are closed.
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