It feels great to be back on my favorite mountain. I tried to capture an amazing double rainbow from the beach, if you look hard enough maybe you will see it. I have been looking at it all morning trying to warm up. I awoke to a cold 38 degrees. It is a big difference from being in the 80's for the past week. The temperatures on the mountain have been in the high 50s during the day to the high 30s at night. Fall is on its way. I spent the first part of my time off on a four day backpacking trip on the AT in the park. It was amazing. I did see some patches of fall. I believe fall is going to hit us early in the Smokies.
If you are staying with us over the next few weeks, remember to bring layers of clothing. You will need some warm clothing at night. The days are beautiful. The skies are clearing off and the bright blue skies of September are upon us.
9/11/2012 01:09:53 am
Welcome back Allyson; I'm sure it's a bit of a "temperature" shock on returning to the cooler temperatures on the mountain, but very nice. The AT through the Park is one of my favorite hikes and I do it about every five years. I suppose one could do the entire 68-70 miles in four days, but the best I've done is six. I was wondering where you started and ended; I usually go from Davenport to Fontana. I could easily see both rainbows in your photo; very nice shot. I just bought a new Nikon Coolpix AW100 and am eager to try it out on a hike up the mountain; Have a good week !
High On LeConte
9/11/2012 01:39:32 am
Hey Doug,
Tony Ga
9/11/2012 01:23:40 am
Welcome back Allyson!!! Now my day is complete. Thank you.
Susan B
9/11/2012 02:19:19 am
Yes, Welcome Back! Allyson if you go back to the previous day, you will see we missed you. Some of us need to have to our daily "fix" to start the day. I so wish I lived closer so I could hike more to my favorite place! As always, beautiful pic!
Talisa ga
9/11/2012 03:40:04 am
Welcome back! Can't wait to be there Friday to enjoy the cooler temps!! It was quite warm in July. Didn't know if you knew or have anything to do with the website but it seems to be down. All it says is 'Apache is functioning normally'. It's been this way since yesterday.
9/11/2012 05:01:31 am
looking forward to our hike next week... would like some info on the brushy mt trail...we have been coming up since 2007 and have hiked all of the other trails but never this one...
9/11/2012 08:07:53 am
Here you go.
9/11/2012 09:13:30 am
The Brushy Mountain trailhead is reached by driving east out of Gatlinburg to Greenbrier. Turn right into Greenbrier and follow the gravel road about four miles to the end.
Wanda R.
9/11/2012 06:52:35 am
I know that the Brushy Mtn. Trail intersects with Trillium Trail, but
9/11/2012 07:19:45 am
Allyson, that was a good hike you described. I've not been on Low Gap often, usually going down it, but Cosby Knob and Tri-Corner shelters are where I usually stay on my second and third nights on the thru-the-Park AT hike; I like to start late on any afternoon and just hike about one mile to the Davenport Gap shelter, then begin my longer sections the following day. Although I've been by Kephart a few times, I've never stayed there; It might be an alternative, however, on my next AT journey next year or in 2014 because Ice Water Spring shelter can be choked with tourists coming up for a single night from Newfound Gap; It's my least favorite shelter so I may detour around it next time. I'm thinking about creating my own hiking guide service but am only in the early stages of that; I know the Park well and it could be something I'd like to do; Just a nice thought at this time and I believe I have a great name for it. Have a good week up on the mountain !
9/11/2012 08:05:25 am
9/11/2012 02:28:29 pm
High On LeConte
9/12/2012 12:03:10 am
Hi Pam,
9/12/2012 01:05:42 am
tomk: I liked your description of the "unpermitted knuckleheads" who arrived at Ice Water that late ! On one of my stays at that shelter there were three or four "macho athlete" types who had no permits; They were bragging about their exploits and bravery and such, but I knew what might happen later that night when they managed to bunk down next to the walls in that shelter, and I wasn't disappointed. Sometime around the middle of the night one of the "brave ones" jumped up screaming bloody murder because a couple of mice had run right across his face !! I laugh even now as I remember his screams ! I simply grinned to myself and when I got up early the next morning I made as much noise as I could in departing the shelter ! I, too, wear shorts when hiking, even in cold weather, but those stinging nettles can be problematic ! Galen: thanks; it will be next year; I love to share my experience with others and I love being in the Park, as I have for more years than I can remember. It looks like fall has arrived here, as I know it already has up at the lodge, where I'd like to be right now enjoying breakfast !! G'day !
9/12/2012 02:31:10 am
Doug - I can just see that guy screaming! You had made my day! Yes, I absolutely love when I see "novice" hikers out on the trails and they think they are invinsible. They are the ones that make our hike more interesting.
Brian N bama
9/12/2012 06:23:57 am
I to wish that people had more respect for the shelters. If you have a reservation and can't make it, cancel it please because people like me often make the decision to come up less than 24 hrs in advance. Makes me wonder it leconte shelter was really full on sunday before labor day. Comments are closed.
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