In the nine years I have been here, I have never experienced winds that hard core. I could feel my room shaking and rattling. We missed the biggest part of the storms. We received a little under half an inch of rain. The winds stuck around the whole day. We had a little sunshine for a couple of hours while the llamas were here.
The weather man says partly sunny today. I am ready. I hope everyone reading this is safe and did not have any damage. Being from Alabama, I would like to say my thoughts and prayers are with all of you folks down south. The crew is also sending prayers out to the folks in our beloved east Tennessee. That was a long night.
Paul B
4/28/2011 01:08:01 am
Glad to hear everything one is ok up there. Watching the Weather Channel last night I was thinking of you and how scary it could be up there during a severe outbreak. Frame buildings on top of a mountain during a storm would be a bit unsettling. Our prayers as well for all those affected by yesterday's and this whole spring's devestating weather.
Greg Parsons
4/28/2011 01:21:49 am
Happy to hear that the crew and guests are safe. I was worried because last night the NWS said that you could have up to 90 MPH winds!
Tony Ga
4/28/2011 01:29:21 am
Work for a power company in North Ga. Long night and going to be a long day. Thoughts and prayers to the ones who need them. 4/28/2011 01:44:28 am
Glad to hear everyone up top is doing well after last night's roller coaster ride. Those in Alabama, and Southeaster Tennessee seemed to have received the worst of it and our prayers are with them all.
Atti's Taxi
4/28/2011 02:13:51 am
Really glad you all are doing ok after last nights storms.We all had a ruff evening and night last night but i can only think of what everyone at the lodge had to put up with. Glad everyone is ok and i hope all your loved ones are alright in Alabama .
4/28/2011 02:15:15 am
Glad everyone & everything is ok up there. We (Tom & Laura James) were up there Mon-Wed, only got a little wet on the way down Alum Cave. Had a wonderful time, can't wait to come again.
4/28/2011 02:26:43 am
Agreed, thoughts and prayers are in order for those so severely affected by these devastating storms. Although many people are going through hard times right now, the Lord will lift them up in their time of need.
S Taylor
4/28/2011 02:30:18 am
We will see you on Friday. Hopefully, all the bad weather will be gone. Glad all is well.
Doug from Ohio
4/28/2011 02:48:34 am
The worst day in history for tornadoes was 150 in one day until yesterday. It's at 160 and counting with also the longest single tornado touchdown of over 200 miles in length. I'm a State Farm agent praying for those down south.
Jan from KY
4/28/2011 03:36:45 am
Three of us stayed in the open shelter during the 70mph+ winds on April 4.(Missed seeing you Allyson!) We had unbelievable rain and then 3 inches of snow and 16 degrees. We were very proud of ourselves for sticking it out and we were the only 3 brave souls (dumb?) in the shelter that night. The winter wonderland was an awesome sight the next morning! Thought of you and SO Thankful everyone is safe up there today!!!
4/28/2011 03:53:30 am
Glad to hear everyone on Leconte is safe! Praying for all who have been affected by all these nasty storms in the past few days!
James W
4/28/2011 04:25:45 am
Lightning hit a tree in my neighbors yard here in Maynardville. It fell on his doghouse and killed both of his dogs. It was a long night here.
4/28/2011 10:01:22 am
Oh, the dear sweet Llamas-! How their comical expressions lifted me as I finally neared the top Monday and passed them on the trail ! It was my first trip up Mount LeConte- I hiked 8 1/2 miles up barefooted.
Ken T
4/28/2011 11:27:39 am
We live in Oxford, AL , little damage here but we have poultry farms in Blount and Dekalb where our good neighbors experienced death and extensive damage. We escaped major grateful. We very much appreciate the concerns and prayers of the LeConte family. Just learned we have a cabin in November. Lot of work to do until then but it's great to look forward to a night up top.
Vicky, Indiana
4/28/2011 02:37:12 pm
had a bit of a scare here in Kokomo,Indiana last night. Wild weather all night long and started hearing a clicking sound. Looked outside and an electric wire had come loose and was flying around and sparking like a firecracker. Called the firetrucks, but it rained and put the sparks out right when they got here. Out of electricity for a few hours, had electricians in our yard most of the night. A transformer blew. Everything ok now and safe. God bless the people in the south.
Danny Blair
4/29/2011 09:55:24 am
Spent wed. night at the lodge.I've never experiencd wind like that before.I might have slept 1 hr. I'd fall asleep and you could here the thunder ,lightning , and the wind blowing. It only proves that there is a GOD. I'm sure there were a lot of answered prayers.
4/29/2011 12:52:05 pm
Dee, so glad to hear you made it to the top okay, especially after having to go barefoot! Was great meeting you on the trail!
4/30/2011 03:05:02 am
@Hussein~ It was enlightening meeting you and your family on the trail, as well; thank you for stopping for friendly chat/info. Barefooted was fun! Comments are closed.
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