Good morning, It’s currently 42 degrees and cloudy. Yesterday’s high was 41 with an overnight low of 35. Expect plenty of ice on your way up. -- I woke less sore than expected. Dressed and ready, I was already peeling off layers before making it into the kitchen. I laughed. When did 40 degrees become warm?! The coffee was soon ground and brewed. I was out the door just after 7:00AM. The walk to Myrtle Point was filled with an energetic chatter. It was unmistakable that my companions, from thru-hikes past, held the same zest and adoration for the wilds. Smiles were anchored to our faces as the sun creeped out of the east. Alive and buzzing, our growing hunger was satisfied. Walking back to the lodge, I found a new hunger on the forefront. Baking was on the mind. Just the night before, a buddy from Sylva hiked up two unique requests (dried apricots and orange extract). The Apricot and Almond bread that had filled my thoughts would soon become a reality. I arrived back at the lodge. Walking into the kitchen, I removed more layers and grabbed The Fannie Farmer Cookbook… …I pulled a mixing bowl off the shelf. Cheers, Seth "Limits exist only in the souls of those who do not dream."
- Philippe Petit
Joy Trebolo
12/17/2017 12:05:47 pm
Your daily blogs and photos are a delight! I no longer live in my beloved mountains so your posts feed my soul.
12/17/2017 12:45:50 pm
The pictures are awesome. The smell of your kitchen baking bread has reached my nose.......awesome...I just know the breads turned out perfect. Onward Seth . :-)
12/17/2017 01:17:13 pm
Oh how I enjoy the LeConte Lodge blog. It sets a positive note for my day. The opposite of what else is on the net, TV, radio and paper; media I avoid for the most part. First thing every morning, I click on the blog and am greeted with awe inspiring pictures and beautiful prose. THANK YOU!
12/17/2017 07:47:30 pm
I so enjoy your blog & pics, so magical up there, thank you, thank you!
Tom McLain
12/17/2017 07:56:32 pm
Is Bullhead open?
Peppermint Pattie
12/17/2017 08:22:22 pm
No. Bullhead Trail is closed. Bullhead has a lot of damage from the wildfires and is unsafe at this time. Not sure when or if it will reopen.
12/17/2017 08:58:25 pm
Lovely picture. So glad your enjoying warmer temperatures. Best bread on the mountain !! Life is good! Keep smiling
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