Good Morning, It’s currently 27 degrees and partly cloudy. Yesterday’s high was 43 degrees, with an overnight low of 28. We received 0.9” of rain yesterday. It’s still gusty up top, but not nearly as windy as yesterday. -- The powerful winds from yesterday’s skirmish continued to gust as I approached Myrtle Point. The cooled temperature gave each puff a stinging bite. Looking out toward the rising sun, a sliver of vastness lay exposed. I let myself get excited. There would be a morning show, albeit a short one. I hope everyone has been enjoying the daily blog and photos! I also hope you all are getting excited for snow. It snowed 2” on my first day up top. I have a bundle of fun photos from that experience, and figured I would share one with you all!! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for more days like the one below. Until then… Cheers, Seth “And then there is the most dangerous risk of all -- the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.”
- Randy Komisar -
12/6/2017 09:39:36 am
I am truly enjoying your posts and pics from up top, each day I look forward to them. Thank you for sharing.
12/6/2017 09:53:36 am
Your pictures are beautiful; Mt LeConte is my favorite hike in the Smokies. You ever think about publishing a calendar of your photos? I’d order one for sure! 😊
Maggie Jeff
12/6/2017 09:56:43 am
Love your awe inspiring photos and poetic commentary. Confident your finger crossing expectations for winter days ahead will be realized sooner than you think. And you can offer up winter shots like the few on the LeConte home page. Looking forward to them. Stay warm, amigo.
12/6/2017 10:41:45 am
Seth your blog and your photos are so awesome. I look so forward to opening up the blog every morning and see what excitement will be on there and thinking, boy wish I was there. Keep up the good work.
Charles Kellner
12/6/2017 11:28:46 am
You are taking such beautiful pictures. Thanks so much for those. Keep them coming. I'll be in Gatlinburg on the 18-23, from Florida. Hope it snows too.
Doris Sexton
12/6/2017 11:51:39 am
Yes! So enjoying the pictures and your “words of wisdom”. Thanks! Keep up the good work.
Tony Salvo
12/6/2017 11:54:02 am
Great pics Seth.. We check them out every day since we missed our hike up there last month. I forgot which day it was but there was about 3 inches of rain that day so we decided not to risk it. We’ll see you guys in April :)
Carl Walin
12/6/2017 12:38:07 pm
Awesome pic! Is that sunrise @ Myrtle Point?
Rick Shepherd
12/6/2017 12:52:12 pm
Totally enjoy your blog pics and writing style, Seth!
12/6/2017 01:41:21 pm
Seth, I think I speak for all when I say we truly enjoy your words and pictures. Today's quote is so true. In many years of visiting the park,I always intended to day hike to the lodge but never did..Then I woke up one morning 9 years with cancer. I have been clear for 5 1/2 years but health won't allow me to simple things anymore. My advice to all is clear that bucket list and don't take tomorrow for granted.Keep up the good work Seth
Dan Goleach
12/6/2017 03:00:56 pm
Yes Seth, I know I speak for a lot of LeConte lovers on here when I say that your daily posts and pictures are awesome. Keep up the great job, and before long I know you’ll see snow up there. ☃️❄️
12/6/2017 03:30:09 pm
That is a very nice photo sir, your pictures make me yearn to stand on top again.
12/6/2017 06:11:14 pm
Enjoying the blog and your writing style. The photography isn’t bad either. 😉. 🍻
Jimmy Morgan
12/6/2017 08:47:04 pm
Just Right 👍😎
Bill Henderson
12/6/2017 09:36:27 pm
I enjoy your blog and photos immensely. The prose and photos are awesome.
Brenda Jones
12/6/2017 09:45:01 pm
Can not stop smiling!
12/6/2017 09:59:32 pm
You've outdone yourself again... beautiful sunrise shot today!
Tammy (TX)
12/6/2017 11:01:45 pm
I am so enjoying your blogs and photos! Your descriptions of your wanderings up on the mountain make me feel as though I'm there as well. And wow.....your photos! They are absolutely breathtaking!
David M
12/7/2017 09:19:41 am
No snow yesterday or overnight?
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