Morning y'all,
It's a warm, cloudy day atop Mt. LeConte. The high yesterday reached 47 degrees. The low got down to 36 degrees. It was 38 degrees and cloudy at 7am observation. The trails are pretty slushy already and I'd bet that'll be the case all day. Enjoy the warm temperatures! PS: Thanks to Greg for the Snickers bar! That thing has seen a lot of backcountry!!
Pat N
2/2/2014 12:56:12 am
Morning, JP! Cloudy, but still gorgeous! Any groundhogs up there for Feb. 2 ? Good morning JP. It was a bright sunny day yesterday and welcome to say the least. Such days are the kind that makes a hike anywhere in the Park refreshing. Looks like someone is keeping track of my trail mileage and comments, so, I'll let that be. Not too long remaining in our season. G'day.
2/2/2014 03:16:46 am
Doug y: good luck on your hike up Trillium this week. Let us know how frozen Grotto Falls are. I wonder if it is safe to hike behind the falls (or even possible) in this weather. When is your surgery scheduled? Hopefully before spring so you'll be ready to go this summer Thanks Barbara; I'll be on the trail either Tuesday, Wednesday, possibly Thursday depending on how efficiently my visits to some prospective houses go; I expect that most of the ice will have broken off and fallen; I'll just have to wait and see. As for hiking behind the falls, hmmmm, that could be interesting ! My surgery, regretfully has been postponed until November at the earliest or as late as Feb 2015. I'll just have to hike this season as things are.
2/2/2014 01:19:07 am
Beautiful picture this morning. Our Sunday morning here in Indiana arrived with about 1-2 inches of fresh snow. Looks lovely now since no one has driven down my street, We're expecting 10 to 20 to 30 inches more starting Tuesday (depending on who you talk to) so I guess our Spring here is not quite ready to emerge. Good hiking to all who venture out today!
Larry O
2/2/2014 01:31:34 am
Great hike up Alum yesterday, enjoyed meeting and chatting with you JP. Have a great day!!!
2/2/2014 06:31:16 am
Have fun next week Doug. I will be out and about on Wed but not sure which trek we will do....maybe we will cross paths. Grotto falls was still frozen yesterday but melting at the top and bottom with the water running through it. I took a cool video as I walked behind it, but just as I turned off the camera I slipped majorly and ended in an ice split! VERY dangerous behind. Most beautiful thing I ever saw, however. If parts start to break off, I would venture to say it is very dangerous to get too close! If I knew how to post video I would...sorry. I am PC illiterate! I hope I haven't scheduled to see too many homes in Cosby and nearer Gatlinburg this week -- I hope I can fit them all in as I don't want them to get in the way of a good hike ! I'm actually looking more for a small "cottage" type of place. Depending on temperature fluctuations Grotto Falls could be frozen or crumbling and I could very well not go beyond that spot. Just depends......When you learn how to post a video, share your knowledge with us, me in particular. I have a new Nikon AW110 compact digital which takes HD videos, but I'm only in the beginning stages of learning how to use it, etc. G'day
2/2/2014 07:06:24 am
smile! I am TRYING to get it posted to Youtube so maybe I can add a link here....but Youtube isn't liking me much! I will keep trying. Hope you find something suitable. We moved to the area this summer and I am in heaven! Nothing quite like the mountains! (nice camera....I have been wanting one, but my trusty pocket Cannon Power Shot does the trick and is very portable!) I just viewed your video. You did well; I only hope I do as well whenever I post my first one; I got my little camera expressly for shooting scenes in the Smokies during my hikes; my Nikon D70 is much bigger, bulkier, and cumbersome to carry along, although it's a good professional camera; it's not always the camera, though. yours does just fine. thanks.
2/2/2014 08:48:20 am
I found your video :) Sorry you fell afterward, but I enjoyed the video!!
2/2/2014 07:20:07 am
Paul B
2/2/2014 08:01:43 am
Video looks nice to me. I can't imagine the beauty in person. Thanks for sharing.
Tony Ga
2/2/2014 08:32:53 am
Cool vid. Thanks for sharing.
2/2/2014 07:47:38 am
Impressive video, Elisabeth. Real different view from when I came through there the middle of September. Thanks for sharing.
2/2/2014 08:28:31 am
thanks guys. I am just glad it worked. Looks like it messed up my post a bit, sorry JP! Hope everyone gets a look at it before it breaks up, it was AMAZING!
2/2/2014 11:13:39 am
Elisabeth: where did you move to? We'll be moving about 60 mi west of the park this Fall. I'm wondering how far from the park you are. Will be looking for hiking partners
2/2/2014 11:15:22 am
p.s. your video was wonderful. Answered my question re walking behind the falls. Hope you were not hurt.
norman 'the airborne rebel' acworth, ga.
2/2/2014 08:54:48 am
great job Elisabeth! if any one interested in brief history of leconte lodge and old pictures of lodge in the 60's go to
2/2/2014 09:05:14 am
Thanks, Norman!!
Mary F
2/2/2014 12:41:27 pm
Great video, thanks for getting out there and sharing :-).
2/2/2014 12:44:45 pm
Barbara...we are in the pigeon forge area, when you get here...let me know. I hike on my days permitting of course! PS, Norman we used to live on the other end of Rte 92 from you! (smile)
2/3/2014 07:43:32 am
Elisabeth... which end of hwy 92? west or east?
2/3/2014 08:07:42 am
Norman~ Paulding County (west, I guess that would be?) I miss it sometimes, but then I remember where I am..... go for a hike, and don't miss it at all !!
norman 'abr'
2/3/2014 08:46:56 am
Elisabeth--- you are right[west].would love to hike SMNP when ever i wanted to! my baby sister spells name with a 'z' instead of a 's'.by the way, where is the blog for the day??
2/3/2014 09:52:41 am
no sun = no solar power = no blog = no happiness
2/3/2014 10:25:37 am
thanks Randy........ for some reason, i though he had some battery back up for a day or two!
2/3/2014 10:34:20 am
I guess the park want let them have a generator for back up, like in the 60's.? Comments are closed.
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