Low 26, High 46.
Bonjour! All the snow's gone! You have to look around for small patches of it now. Time off was very good, Got to see some good live music, Taste new beers, Eat ethnic foods, Backpack, go on some long runs, and watch a thunderstorm. I had a nice time in the Pisgah with great weather, We were near the Shining Rock Area. A few of these pictures are from there, Can you tell which ones? I hiked up Trillium from the Rainbow Falls parking lot yesterday. The first time i've hiked in shorts and was able to take a nap on trail in the sun in quiet some time, even got a little burnt :). I'll save pictures from trillium for tomorrow. I've got only 7 more nights up here, it's gone by very quickly. I believe y'all have kept the blog going with advice while I was gone haha, 50 comments! This week I'll be cleaning up my space, packing up, and trying not to make too big of a mess for the crew to clean up when I take off. The trails seem pretty much back to normal, except that there are still plenty of trees fallen on trails, and some icy spots in the shade. I counted 10 downed trees and 2 rocks slides on Trillium. There is rain in the forecast all this upcoming weekend. I'll be figuring out this week how I will be updating you all about my trip starting in a few weeks, any suggestions?
3/2/2011 12:35:12 am
Welcome back Alex. Glad to hear you had an enjoyable time off. Maybe the easiest way for you to keep us all up to date with your travels would be to just send a comment to this website. I have enjoyed your pics and all the comments from others this winter. But since i prefer the warm weather i'm looking forward to Allyson's pics as the mountain comes alive this spring.
3/2/2011 12:58:34 am
Glad to see you back Alex. Hard to believe you're almost done with the "winter watch". Have fun on your trip this summer. Thank you for all the pictures and updates over the winter. This is the first place I go every morning.
3/2/2011 01:08:02 am
I believe the third photo shows Sam's Knob on the left horizon with I guess Big Butt to it's right and on down the line would have Reinhardt and then Richland Balsam. Maybe taken from Shining Rock? You can look back from those ridges and peaks towards the area you are in taking this photo and see Shining Rock doing just that (shining!) clearly in the distance which is always for me a little surprising but comforting too in a way... like there's my old friend Shining Rock wayyyyy over there.
3/2/2011 01:16:21 am
Did you hike the Art Lobe trail? It's been a great winter, wishing you the best in the furture!
3/2/2011 01:37:27 am
Maybe a facebook account? You could post comments, pics and receive comments there.
3/2/2011 02:32:14 am
Welcome back Alex. Sad to see you go but I know you will enjoy your new adventures.
3/2/2011 03:51:13 am
It's been a real pleasure sharing your Winter! Thank you and keep us posted!
3/2/2011 04:26:33 am
3/2/2011 04:43:05 am
Yes, Alex, you will be missed. But, looking on the bright side, Allyson is like looking forward to the next season up top!
3/2/2011 04:57:59 am
Oh goody Alex is back! I recognize those pictures from Shining Rock. I will be walking there soon enough when we leave Coral Gables to spend the summer in Asheville. I go to Shining Rock a few times each summer (not bad for a 72 year old woman with a new hip and two knee replacements). I can't wait to make my first trip to LeConte this summer. I was wondering though, if I may encounter a bear? We have them get into our birdfeeder all the time in Asheville, but they are not tame. I hope the bears in the Smokies might be more tame so I can get close enough for a picture or even share some of my lunch. I've heard they like candy! Can someone with experience let me know how tame they are?
t hutton
3/2/2011 05:10:33 am
Bears love pic-a-nic baskets
Kathy F
3/2/2011 05:25:00 am
I enjoy seeing the bears at dusk when my husband and I drive Roaring Fork Motor Trail. Of course I like seeing them from my car. I don't get out to get closer! I'm happy just seeing them from a distance or seeing them cross the road on the way to Alum Cave Trail in the morning of a hike to Mt. LeConte. We have had to stop our car to let bears cross the road on NFG Road.
3/2/2011 05:28:21 am
3/2/2011 05:30:01 am
Welcome back Alex!!! You and this blog have been my "happy place" all winter here in KY. I have had a great time reading everybody's post and seeing all your great pics!! I have learned alot about hiking to Leconte from this blog.
Pat N.
3/2/2011 05:43:45 am
Sounds like you had a great time while off the mountain. Enjoy your last week just as we have enjoyed your posts.
3/2/2011 05:51:51 am
Oh dear. Galen are you sure? We throw slices of bread off of the deck into the backyard whenever the bears are there and they seem to enjoy it so. Sometimes we will rub bacon fat on beer cans and throw them into the backyard too! You should see those beers biting those cans and drinking beer! it surely is entertaining, but I don't want to do anything wrong or that might hurt the bears.
3/2/2011 05:59:49 am
Wow Alex, I can't believe how quick the time has come for you to leave already. It feels like you just came on recently.
3/2/2011 06:06:19 am
I agree with Rod. I use a blogspot.com account and its pretty good. Not sure how many photos you can upload in a day, however.
3/2/2011 06:19:43 am
Juanita, can you give directions to your deck? Me and Boob would like to try some of that bacon flavored beer.
3/2/2011 06:28:56 am
Oh Yogi you are funny. Ever since my third husband had his second heart attack, we don't eat very much bacon and we both quit smoking cigarettes. Ah, the old lifestyle was very nice, but we are healthier since then. My cardiologist says there is no reason I should not go for LeConte!
James workman
3/2/2011 06:35:06 am
Great pics as usual, booking a trip forOctober now!!!!!!! and will do a dayhike within the next month if i have to do it alone!!! see you guys up there!! when is the helicopter drop!!
3/2/2011 06:35:33 am
Alex, you have aquired quite a following. You embark on cool adventure, have interesting hobbies, take great photos and communicate well. Why not start your own blog? I for one would be a regular.
3/2/2011 07:02:04 am
Alex....is back in the building....great! We will all enjoy a few more days of his high altitude banter.
3/2/2011 08:44:39 am
From the National Park website regarding the bears: The laws protecting park wildlife are contained in the Code of Federal Regulations. It states that “Willfully approaching within 50 yards (150 feet), or any distance that disturbs or displaces bear or elk is prohibited." In addition, feeding, touching, teasing, frightening, or intentionally disturbing wildlife is prohibited.
Dana P
3/2/2011 08:58:13 am
Dana P
3/2/2011 09:05:09 am
3/2/2011 09:48:11 am
I have greatly enjoyed spending my Indiana winter reading this blog. I hike to LeConte every fall as a day trip, but am planning on staying in the shelter this year. Alex, thank you and the following is a pretty good site to blog about your adventure this summer. Happy trails.
3/2/2011 10:25:56 am
Dear me, I had no idea this was such a serious proposition. I will definitely stay well clear of bears in the Smokies. Thank you all for your helpful advise. I do not have any experience or knowledge in these matters (we don't have any wild bears in Florida) and I am grateful for your direction. Thank you once again.
3/2/2011 10:27:34 am
Just also wanted to take a moment, agree with Dana P., and remind everyone about the incident on the Laurel Falls Trail last year. A hiker approached a bear, was injured, and the bear put down as a result of the hiker's wish for a photograph. I have camped and hiked in the Smokies for the better part of 50 years, I learned very early to enjoy the bears at a great distance. Please don't endanger your life or the bear's.
3/2/2011 11:17:27 am
I agree with everyone about the bears...give them their territory and keep them alive and yourself safe! Also agree on having blog on something other than Facebook. I don't have acct nor do I want one but would love being able to read about your European travels, Alex, on one of the other two sites mentioned. Wish you safe, adventurous and exciting days as you travel overseas. Have enjoyed immensely your pics and words of wisdom this winter. Would be helpful for all of us in the States if when you decide what site to use for a blog, you post it on this site so we can follow your footsteps overseas. Bon Voyage!
Ernest Lancaster
3/2/2011 03:20:33 pm
3/2/2011 09:49:57 pm
Thank you for your advise Ernest. I feel like such a foolish old woman. I had not considered the seriousness of feeding bears.
3/2/2011 11:53:20 pm
Great post Ernest.
3/3/2011 12:32:11 am
Juanita, I do live in Fl and we do have wild bears. Because of new construction throughout the state, bears are losing their natural habitat and starting to become a nuisance because of people feeding them. These bears are just like Smokey Mt bears. They are wild!
3/3/2011 08:03:47 am
Juanita, beer is not considered "food" so are we still shakin' for that bacon?
3/3/2011 11:40:41 am
Please blog but give us you blog site so we can follow your next adventure. I am still following last years winter caretaker and love his blog. Comments are closed.
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
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