This is NOT a picture taken from today! In the spirit of Throwback Thursday, I thought I would post a picture from this day last year. Quite a difference considering yesterdays high was 54º with a balmy low of 44º. This time last year I was snow shoeing around the mountain and this year, I am wearing my sandals. Just goes to show, you never know what you are going to get on Mt. LeConte.
It feels like Halloween at the moment. The wind is howling through camp and the building is creeking. Clouds have draped over us and I feel as though Jack Huff might pay us a visit at any moment. I wonder if we will get any trick or treaters today?
10/31/2013 01:43:20 am
What a difference from last year! I would like to be there on Myrtle at this minute.
Alan T
10/31/2013 01:53:27 am
Will be heading up Gatlinburg today and hiking up tomorrow. We came up a week later last year and got the tail end of all that snow. Beautiful!
10/31/2013 02:25:58 am
I was watching the weather this morn and all the way down the middle of the US there calling for a mess of rain. They canceled our Trick or Treating for tonight yesterday up here in Michigan because its suppose to be windy and rainy tonight. Sounds like were in for the same weather. Hope no one blows off that mountain. 1st time in 22 years I have not been trick or treating with kids. There all too old now.Having withdrawls. Happy Halloween everyone!!
10/31/2013 03:46:37 am
I was their last year on this day. What and experience and so much snow. Hiking up the night before was and all day hike and got there that evening at 10:30 and supper was waiting for us. Miss not getting up there this year. All I can say it is so beautiful in the mountains when it is snowing.
10/31/2013 12:55:15 pm
We were watching from below. What trail did you take? I like Halloween, too, but I guess I'm a wee bit too advanced in age to get dressed up for tonight ! Might have been interesting, though, to put on some scary costume and lie in wait along, say, the Alum trail somehwere and jump out on some unsuspecting hikers ! Yeah, and I'd probably get shot or something doing that ! Where I live here in C.Ky out in the countryside I've never had a single trick-or-treater in the 13 yrs I've been here. I did spend Halloween in 2005 at the lodge and that was most pleasant. I hope the weather allegedly predicted for the region tonight doesn't get too severe; Yes, to be at the lodge this very moment would be delightful indeed !! G'day.
10/31/2013 09:14:18 am
My husband and were there last year and hiked up in rain and falling temps all morning. What a treat to enjoy a few mugs of the best hot chocolate before heading back down. As we walked outside the lodge we noticed the "rain" was no longer rain. It had turned to snow! We felt like we were in a snow globe that the universe had just given a good shake. How BEAUTIFUL. Heading that way again tomorrow for another full week of vacation, including hiking, biking, and shopping.
11/1/2013 12:14:02 am
Hiking in that deep snow was one of the coolest and most frightening things I have ever done in my life. Also, with Alum not open, the other option was not my norm. By the time we got to the final mile, we were dehydrated and exhausted! However, it was a great memory!
charlene trentham
11/1/2013 11:53:25 am
OMG!! tomorrow is the day for us . 10 people in our group. beginning our hike at 7:30 in the morning. hope the weather is perfect for us. will be my 5th trip up the mountain. Comments are closed.
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