We had a low of 23 last night. With the wind, it felt a good deal colder than that. We had a high of 37, which was also the temperature at observation. It sounds like it's going to be clear and sunny the next few days. The trails should be very icy this morning, so beware! Ron & Gary are still here helping out with the solar panels and all sorts of other camp chores. Gary made some great biscuits this morning. Another reason I am happy to be back in the South! There's been a little bear cub spotted in camp recently. I'm going to try my best to get a picture of him today. I am going for a little hike this morning, then doing my last bit of chores before I'm up here on my own. Looking forward to our Thanksgiving feast tonight!
11/24/2011 12:15:47 am
Happy Thanksgiving! Wish we were there!
Tony Ga.
11/24/2011 12:51:50 am
Happy Thanksgiving JP and the LeConte Blog Bunch!!!
11/24/2011 12:57:57 am
Happy Thanksgiving JP from Chicago Burbs..I look forward to following your winter stay up on LaConte! Stay safe and enjoy your time up on the Mountain!
Tom and Jean
11/24/2011 01:00:37 am
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Have a good quiet day. You are a very special person to be up on the mountain all alone for such a long time. What will you do with yourself all of the time?
Ken T
11/24/2011 01:13:12 am
To All the Leconte Crew:
Jacque J
11/24/2011 01:21:44 am
Happy Thanksgiving!! Happy hiking!
Pat M
11/24/2011 01:26:16 am
Happy Thanksgiving! This will be the third winter that I have made checking High On LeConte the first thing on my daily "To Do" list. Enjoy the day!
11/24/2011 01:31:11 am
Happy Thanksgiving from the Eastern Shore of Maryland! A feast is so good after a hike... yum
11/24/2011 01:45:17 am
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for the beauty of Mt. LeConte, and for the people who help maintain it. I can certainly tell that I am going to enjoy your winter blogging - thank you!
11/24/2011 02:10:50 am
Let me add my wish for a Happy Thanksgiving to you and those up there with you. Have a safe and enjoyable hike.
Becky M
11/24/2011 03:26:37 am
Happy Thanksgiving to all involved in making the Mt. Le Conte experience awesome every year!!! This weekend ten years ago my family made our first trip up to check it out. Two years later my husband and I made an August trip up to stay at the lodge and celebrate my 50th birthday. As we had been told by other hikers, we are hooked!!! Now I am loving the blog. Always looking forward to the next trip.......mtflcamper
11/24/2011 03:29:49 am
Happy Thanksgiving and welcome to the the lives of all of us who love LeConte. Looking forward to each blog.
11/24/2011 04:15:46 am
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! From one that loves winters on Mt LeConte. Hope you have a great stay on the mountain.
Tony Ga
11/24/2011 09:56:31 am
Got a wild hair, headed up there tomorrow.
11/24/2011 01:57:27 pm
Never been there; but enjoy your Blog and pictures everyday. You have some amazing pics. Had planned on coming this week-end; but plans changed; but hopefully we will be there soon. I'm guessing by the pictures that anytime is a good time on Mt. LeConte. Happy Thanksgiving!
11/25/2011 07:08:40 am
We hiked the mountain yesterday and saw the little bear cub twice. One at the lodge and once on the way down on the trail about 1/4 mile from the lodge! Comments are closed.
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