Chrissy and Alan made it up with the llamas for the first trip of the season. We had to pack yesterday to make up for the days we missed due to snow and ice. The llamas will try and keep their schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as long as the weather is permitting. Chrissy and Alan are planning on doing a back to back trip with another trip today. We have enough llamas for two teams. Today's team will consist of seven different llamas. Our wranglers have been buying new llamas over the winter and are anxious to get them trained and ready for the trail. We hope to have enough llamas for three full teams. Yesterday turned out to be a mix of a beautiful day which turned to cloud coverage with snow flurries by sunset. We did not get more then a few flurries, thank goodeness. The low last night was 16º with a high of 36º. This combination makes for a slick mess around camp. If you are hiking today, please be take your time and be careful out there.
4/3/2013 12:22:52 am
Incredible! I love llamas, it is amazing to see them used in such a practical way. Thanks for sharing.
4/3/2013 12:25:53 am
If roaring forks trail is closed how do they get to trillium gap? We are to leave in a couple of hours and would love to see them on the trail.
4/3/2013 01:11:44 am
Only Roaring Fork Rd. is closed. You can still access the Trillium Gap/Grotto Falls trail from the Rainbow Falls parking area. The Roaring Fork Rd. will open on April 12.
4/3/2013 01:45:36 am
What a dream job to have. Working with animals, hiking beautiful country, and getting a great workout while getting paid. Awsome!
4/3/2013 02:50:50 am
Pat N.
4/3/2013 02:35:19 am
Yeah!!! They made it!
Rick Shepherd
4/3/2013 02:45:59 am
Llama Heaven must be on Mt. LeConte!.....Hope to see you, and them, this year!....Love your pics 'n descrips!
Lee & Lonna
4/3/2013 03:35:28 am
Thanks for all the hard work you do in putting the blog together. We realize how much work it takes but we appreciate it so much. Well done!
4/3/2013 09:56:03 am
You two look great! (and so does Chester) Chrissy, you look so happy! Now you have the best of both worlds. Alan, you look younger since your knee surgery! Was this Alan's first hike since his surgery? Seems so soon...but that is the way to do it! Well, anyway, you all look wonderful!
4/3/2013 10:44:27 am
JP mentioned Mawma B who hiked the AT and they are friends. I think he even had a pic with her on this blog. I have followed a couple of AT journals this year and she is doing the trail magic thing. she seems pretty awesome.
4/4/2013 02:11:14 am
I think see this name in above the letters from Africa.
4/4/2013 02:49:03 am
Who is MB ???? who is workman ? Are they awesomes? in the caves?
4/3/2013 10:59:34 am
aw, that llama likes hugs
Pat Morgan
4/3/2013 11:17:47 am
Love the llama pics! I have a feeling it won't take the new members of the team long to appreciate the pancake treats that await them at the top.
Brett Hinson
4/3/2013 02:26:51 pm
I have a group coming up on Saturday to stay at the shelter. What trails are currently open?
Steve D
4/3/2013 02:38:40 pm
Brett-Alum Cave and Rainbow Falls are being used the most right now.
4/3/2013 04:05:11 pm
Can't wait, to be there!
doug y
4/4/2013 01:32:13 am
G r e a t ! !
4/4/2013 04:39:08 am
Just great to see you on Tuesday Alan. You looked great and fantastic that you are back at it. Cheers to the doc who did that knee. I didn't think the llamas would make it! Comments are closed.
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