Another gorgeous sunrise to start off another great day on the mountain. I love visiting other places on my days off, but John Muir said it best when he wrote, "Going to the mountains is going home. " I could not agree more. I get a feeling of comfort and serenity when I head back to work. I don't know many people who can say that about their place of employment. I consider myself fortunate to have those feelings when I return to my favorite mountain.
Today is shaping up to be another beautiful day up top. The high yesterday was 59 with a low of 41. It is still quiet around camp. I am sure that will change this weekend when people are off work and need a "mountain fix". Come on up and see us, we will be here waiting on you.
Big Poppa
9/13/2012 01:59:05 am
Couldn't agree more! When I bring my family "home" next thurs what can I expect for a water source. We are only going to b staying in the shelter and i'm tryin to fogure out how much water i need to haul up there. If someone could give me tha skinny, it'd be very helpful (water filter, steri pen?).
IN Tony
9/13/2012 02:53:05 am
@Big Poppa....There is a water pump by the office. I believe it is treated but at any rate I have obtained water from there numerous times, never treated it and never have had a problem.
Big Poppa
9/13/2012 08:13:33 am
Thanks Tony and Doug, Very greatful for that info. Lisa, i really hope u guys can make that trip happen. My wife and i r bringin our 15 yo son who is almost as excited about this trip as we are. Should b one of those epic family adventures!
Tony Ga
9/13/2012 02:05:12 am
My wife ask me what I was going to do when I retire. I said I would just like to have a job that I enjoyed going to every day. You are blessed to be able to have a job you enjoy.
Pat N.
9/13/2012 02:26:39 am
I couldn't agree more...what a wonderful work environment.
9/13/2012 04:30:59 am
Someone once said that if a person worked at his/her passion, then one never really worked a day !! That must be pretty near the pleasure of working at the lodge up there on that wonderful mountain ! I've stayed at the shelter above the lodge and have obtained my water from the lodge area. Anywhere else it's much safer to treat it. I would imagine that there are some fall colors beginning to come out. G'day.
Lisa Huskey
9/13/2012 04:38:41 am
If anyone has to cancel on short notice I'm trying to find a day/night I can bring my 16 year old daughter up. When asked what she wanted for her 16th birthday she said a trip up Leconte with just mom and dad ( She was 5 the last time she hiked up). What a parents dream that is but, I can't get in. Any help would be appreciated. We are flexible with schedule with just a couple of days notice neede.
9/13/2012 12:33:56 pm
University of Tennessee Non-credit Programs has a weekend overnight October 27 - 28, 2012. It is part of the Smoky Mountain Field School. Do not know if it is full.
9/13/2012 12:58:39 pm
Thanks I checked it out but it looks like it is already full too. I'm praying for something to come open, I'll keep calling the office to see if anything opens up. Thanks for all the support and please let me know if you hear of anything.
Shane S.
9/13/2012 09:44:41 pm
@Lisa. You must have raised your daughter well. Very few 16 yr olds want to do ANYTHING with their parents, let alone hike 10miles and spent the night with no running water. Congrats on a job well done....
9/13/2012 08:12:04 am
Lisa H: As much as I'd love to be at the lodge right now, if I had a spot anytime soon, I'd give it to you. I long for my own 13-yr-old grandson to get interested in hiking, but I fear that isn't going to occur. I'd love to take him to the lodge. I sure hope you're able to come up with something. I couldn't agree with Debi more about working up there ! It seems that I get on here whenever it's either breakfast or dinner time at the lodge and I almost drool over the very thought of being in the dining room enjoying the good food and the company of the good people that are there. What a great place !
9/13/2012 08:29:46 am
@Lisa and Doug, My wife and i were on the mountain for July 4th and 5th. We convinced our 8yo grandaughter to come with us. She did great and had a wonderful time. When people ask her if she had a good time she smiles and says yes. "PAP" is hoping he has a future hiking partner. Good luck Lisa on getting a spot. And Doug we'll say an extra prayer that your grandson will go with you soon.
H Clark
9/13/2012 10:25:33 am
Hiked the Sugarland from Clingman's Dome road to Husky Gap and ended on US 441. Nice hike, but we encountered a rattlesnake on the edge of the path. Hopefully, this will be my last encounter with them.
9/14/2012 12:51:57 am
H Clark: Yes, that's a nice hike; I've taken Sugarland Mountaiin Trail both ways and there are a couple of other variations using it that are good; Another hike I enjoy is starting at Clingman's Dome, going west on the AT a short distance, then right and down on Goshen Prong Trail to backcountry site #30 for a night, then on into Elkmont Campground; The Little River Trail from the Dome is another choice; Think I'll put the Sugarland Trail going down higher on my list. Thanks Galen; perhaps my grandson will go one of these days; I know he'd enjoy it; It's always pleasant to see the youngsters up at the lodge; I enjoy the quiet and solittude there intermingled with the company of good folks and the sound of youngsters only adds to the great atmosphere; I was a civil/miining engineer for 20 yr then became a science teacher where I happily discovered that I really loved youngsters and teaching them; Have a great day up there folks !! Comments are closed.
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