Good morning!
Snow is BACK! I hope it stays for good! We had a high of 44 yesterday. It rained for the majority of the day. It dipped down to 18 last night and we got about an inch of snow. I heard some conflicting reports about whether the Gap road was open today. At best, it will be very icy coming up. The drive to the trailhead is statistically the most dangerous part of your hike, so proceed with caution! To celebrate the new snow, I'm going on a long hike today. I had my first day without seeing a soul yesterday and finished my 3rd book of the season (David Witherspoon's 'Song of the Winter Wren'). Have a safe hike!
Ryan in Green Bay
11/29/2011 12:06:21 am
I am eagerly awaiting our first significant snow here in Wisconsin. Doesn't seem like the xmas season without it. I am counting the days till the end of March when I will be hiking to the top. Enjoy your solitude.
Anthony W.
11/29/2011 12:28:16 am
Outstanding photo, JP! Enjoy your hikes around LeConte and cherish every day you spend on the mountain in this magical winter land. If you are blessed, and very attentive during a quite time, perhaps the Wood Elves would sing to you through the whistling trees as the snow falls.
Angela H
11/29/2011 12:44:00 am
Anthony, that last part was beautiful....just saying
Jacque J
11/29/2011 12:58:28 am
Beautiful picture of your cabin. A nice long hike on LeConte sounds great!!! Hope to see some great pics tomorrow from your hike today!
Devin R.
11/29/2011 01:28:47 am
You're getting me excited about our visit in 2 weeks. Enjoy your hike!
Tony Ga
11/29/2011 01:48:14 am
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Padley Wood
Tony Ga
11/29/2011 01:53:29 am
Sorry, quote was from Thoreau Walden. When I read it it reminded me of JP.
Jim S.
11/29/2011 02:44:24 am
Here in the Pacific NW we have snow in the Cascades but none here in Portland. Thanks for the photos of snow on LeConte. I miss hiking up to the lodge in the Winter! I shall have to make a trip back and visit you all up there~
11/29/2011 02:50:04 am
Oh the beauty and solitude of mountain snows. Beautiful photo.
Dave B
11/29/2011 03:33:42 am
To Devin R, I wouldn't advise wearing jeans in snow/ice. Once they're wet, they're useless. I'll typically wear rain/wind pants and gaiters. Usually one layer is enough for me, but if its really cold I'll wear a base layer below the rain/wind pants.
Guy R.
11/29/2011 03:35:05 am
It is snowing in the north Georgia Mountains too....Thanks for the pics JP.
11/29/2011 03:43:04 am
Snowing in higher elevations in Chattanooga, Tn. Got just a "dusting".
Phyllis Rademacher
11/29/2011 03:44:40 am
One of the most beautiful pictures I have seen. A fantasy place. Stay safe.
Erik B
11/29/2011 05:50:08 am
Great pic JP. Hope to see you sometime when I hike up this winter!
11/29/2011 06:04:21 am
Hey, J.P. - What are some of the books on your reading list this nice snowy season you have. 11/29/2011 06:50:04 am
God has blessed you by sharing his sanctuary with you...and you have blessed us by sharing it with us. Wishing you peace and comfort.
11/29/2011 07:58:32 am
Likewise, it is snowing here in Kokomo Indiana..about 2 inches on ground and still coming down. But the weatherman says it will stop overnight, be slick in the morning and around 40 tomorrow afternoon so it will probably be gone until the next issue comes. Really love that first fresh lily white non trampled snowfall! Envy you where you are. Keep safe and warm and enjoy the quiet.
stacey johnson
11/29/2011 11:23:49 am day i will make this hike.....please keep posting your pictures...
greg d
11/29/2011 12:08:16 pm
snow looks great.i will be up there the 17th of you need anything?
Renee Ryan
11/29/2011 01:01:00 pm
Absolutely love the picture JP!!! I look forward to visiting this page every single day and I live vicariously through you and your pictures.I bet it's awesome to get a whole day where you don't see another living soul..And to Sharon,what cabin are you refering to anyway? I thought the lodge had closed for the season? How could anyone complain about anything in the smokies? What are they,crazy..Enjoy your time up there JP and keep the pictures coming!!
11/29/2011 01:24:02 pm
My sentiments exactly, Renee. No matter the weather the Smokies are always a positive fun place to be. My grandson asked me what I liked about Leconte, the hike up there or spending the night. I told him I liked everything about the Smokies...never a bad day or dull moment there! I'd call little food and slightly adverse conditions "making memories".
11/29/2011 02:05:25 pm
Just cold & windy here in upper South Carolina, with no sign of Snow; what a bummer! I look forward to Snow, myself; and that picture of your Cabin is so beautiful and peaceful looking. Enjoy what Nature has to offer you. Hope you have a big book for all your pictures; for these will be Priceless in years to come; something to share with your love ones.
11/29/2011 10:42:24 pm
Sharon, I thought the cabins were closed down for the season?
11/29/2011 11:29:20 pm
11/29/2011 11:37:04 pm
Bill, 11/30/2011 03:16:25 am
Stunning photo.. We don't have places like that here in Texas... I so miss the mountains.. Thank you for sharing...
John D
11/30/2011 03:45:58 am
I can't wait for my thru-hike of the GSMNP coming up in 2 weeks!! Starting at Fontana Dam!!
11/30/2011 05:11:25 am
David was a personal friend of ours. His book was one of the first we read when we moved up here! Such a great accounting of life on LeConte in the 70's! We miss him dearly:)
11/30/2011 09:48:32 am
you r doing an awesome job...ah the beauty of nature-stay warm :)
11/30/2011 03:08:31 pm
John D, we did a short canoe trip from Fontana Dam to Tellico. Just about burned up that summer it was so hot. Would rather be hiking to Leconte in the snow. Comments are closed.
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