Morning y'all, It's the coldest morning I've seen up top. The high yesterday reached 3 degrees. The overnight low dipped down to negative 17 degrees. The temperature at 7am observation was negative 13 degrees. It's a beautiful, clear morning and the mountain has received no new snow. The trails are in good shape, as the new snow has yet to thaw and refreeze into a slick mess. Please be careful and be prepared for arctic type conditions if you're out. Jeans and sneakers won't cut it. I had a gorgeous hike down Alum yesterday. It did not occur to me that the roads would be closed until I reached the cave and still had not seen anyone. I got further down the trail and realized how pleasantly quiet it was without the buzz of vehicles in the Park. Well, quiet isn't the right word - more like natural. If you stood there in the negative temperatures, you could even hear Mother Nature's stalwart trees creaking and groaning under the inhospitability of the winter's wrath. You know it is cold when the trees are complaining! The wind blown snow coming off the branches lit up like fairy dust across the deep blue sky and the rhodo tunnels crouching under the weight of fresh snow felt like hobbit holes to another (hopefully warmer) world. There is an ecstatic intensity to spending 5 hours in these virgin enchanted woods, unmatched in the altered world of man. Our ancestors spent their time in conditions like this. We reap the benefits of doing right in their eyes and justifying their legacy when we get out into the real world and move. We were made for this.
1/7/2014 01:49:50 am
Wow!!! Stay warm and enjoy the weather. I hope to get up there soon. Thanks for the post.
Lisa LeConte
1/7/2014 02:03:39 am
I enjoy your posts so much. Have only visited once but hope to come back soon, I believe there is nowhere in the world like it!
1/7/2014 02:05:43 am
1/7/2014 02:10:30 am
John Paul,
1/7/2014 02:10:49 am
Thank you for your thoughtful posts. They read like poetry and are a joy to read.
Tonya Kay Rau
1/7/2014 02:18:37 am
Wow, i am so envious. So beautiful. 2015 i start the AT
1/7/2014 02:20:59 am
My favorite post yet.
1/7/2014 02:25:09 am
Love the pictures. Keep warm !
sharon arnold
1/7/2014 02:26:18 am
You really have a way with words and it made me feel as though I was walking along side you and seeing and hearing the same things you did. Thanks for sharing! Yes, JP. COLD. One of the reasons I no longer travel the Alum Cave trail is that I like to shy away from all the tourists, although in winter they're not so numerous, and as you wrote, one can hear the sounds of civilization at the bluffs. Although Trillium is a bit longer, it's my preferred route up the mountain, and I wish I was on it this very minute. I love the sounds of my hiking boots crunching in a steady rhythm on the snow-crusted trail, with the only other sound being my breathing perhaps. I have a relatively big flock of those birds, I think they're called "Junkos" hanging around on my back porch. I'm feeding them daily and they seem to like that, Interesting little birds who seem not to fear me a great deal. SO, tomorrow, the NOC store !! Can't wait. g'day
1/7/2014 03:44:57 am
You wouldn't consider me a birder, but I do have an attatchment to my junkos. They build nests in the ferns hanging around our porch each spring. Sometimes they hang around long enough for two "batches" of babies. They only become unfriendly when those birdies are born; they make a distinct clicking sound and are very vocal if you get close.So much for my birding knowledge! Good luck with your property purchase in Gatlinburg. Thanks; I found the excellent Bird book I knew I had a little earlier, so I've learned a bit about those little birds. I have a lot of bird species around my home as I live a good distance out in the countryside. I've narrowed down my choices of a second home to two in Gatlinburg, one nearby, and possibly one in the Cosby area. I have plenty of time to make a final decision. It really must be a grand scene to be up on the mountain today !
1/7/2014 07:51:08 am
I just so happen to be downloading a album of bird pictures on my FB page right now. Cardinals, bluejays, little itty bitty birds(don't know there name) , doves, Its funny how this weather doesn't bother the birds a bit. And there great entertainment.
1/8/2014 12:39:02 am
Doug I have a home for sale in Boyd's Creek area between Sevierville and Seymour. Don't know what size home your looking for but ours is 2000 sq ft and listed with prime mountain properties.
1/7/2014 03:53:40 am
And to you, JP, the Alum cave trail picture is awesome. I enjoyed your perspective on this artic cold that has pushed it's way into our world. Thanks again for the stimulating thoughts. It's a good day for a hike!
1/7/2014 04:37:51 am
Yep, -17 is about what we've seen here in Central Illinois the past two nights. The winds have finally abated, today, and its pushing up into the single digits. If it hits the 20s tomorrow like they forecast, I'll break out the shorts and t-shirt. (Can I get a rim shot?)
1/7/2014 05:01:13 am
I tried giving you a rimshot, but my drumstick shattered in half against the hard frozen cymbal!
1/7/2014 05:06:50 am
Bummer! :(
Dave Wallace
1/7/2014 05:24:26 am
Beautiful! Haven't been up since Easter weekend 2007 when it snowed...
Tim G
1/7/2014 06:35:13 am
It is cold here in the valley near Greene County. It was so cold that one of our Artificial Geese apparently died from hypothermia. It was laying on its side but the other 2 survived.LOL.( Just being silly) But it was indeed a cold night I think it got down to -5 at our house. It will be in the 60's by the weekend but some rain as well. Everyone stay warm and be safe!!
1/7/2014 07:31:01 am
This is the best post you have written in my opinion. Thank you...I felt I was standing beside you seeing & hearing what you experienced.
Melissa G
1/7/2014 07:53:45 am
My favorite post ever! I felt like I was walking Alum trail with you and hearing the sounds of nature as you described them moment to moment. Thanks for allowing me to mentally accompany you on your hike even if I'm not physically able.
1/10/2014 09:04:53 am
Your writing is enjoyable. Well thought out and written description of the trail, cold, and quite conditions.
1/7/2014 11:03:28 am
I like the Khalil Gibran quote. Good choice!
1/7/2014 11:04:22 am
Kahlil. Oops
1/7/2014 11:27:42 pm
Congratulations JP. Photo you took of Alum Cave made front page of Knoxville News Sentinel.
1/8/2014 12:19:23 am
I saw JP on the Heartland Series about LeConte yesterday! What a great snipit about winter life up top!
The Real JP
1/8/2014 12:59:56 am
Val, Comments are closed.
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