Sorry for the delay in the post. We have been in a thick blanket of clouds all day. The rain has come and gone and the sun is finally trying to find its way to the mountain. The colors are beautiful in the lower elevations. We can see glimpses of reds and yellows from our back deck. The high yesterday was 53º with a low of 47º. It was socked in most of yesterday as well. It has been a wet October so far. This weather pattern is different from most of our Octobers on the mountain. If this continues we could be in for some snow as the temperatures start to drop again. I, personally, will be happy if I don't see any more snow until I get off this mountain. I don't think my wish is going to be granted. I guess it would benefit Ruthie to learn the snow routine while we are up here. She will have to watch the water system like a hawk to keep it from freezing. Chris tears down the water pump every night when we get freezing temperatures and then puts it together the next day. She will have to watch the large water tanks to keep them from freezing. The flushing toilets will get turned off and the kitchen sink has to run all night. This is on top of helping guests make it up the mountain. We usually have to go out at least one time a day to help guests make to the lodge when there is snow on the ground. Some times there are more than one trip out in the snow. When the day is done, all the guests are here and warm in their bed, we get to go to bed and wake up to do it all over again. The good think about the snow, it makes for some spectacular photographs. So, right now I will enjoy the beautiful colors on the trees and hope rain is the worst of it the weather until November 26th.
10/12/2014 08:30:06 am
I always enjoy the period just before the foliage hits its peak, for some reason. Maybe it's because I prefer a little green mixed in for more contrast. Give me too much color and I can't see it at all.
Gulf Coast Doug
10/12/2014 09:31:05 am
I'm up in Maggie this week. Drove along the Blue Ridge today out to Graveyard Fields. Socked in with fog and light rain, but pockets of sun opened up in the valleys. Dramatic and spectacular. Took my breath away. Best color between 3000 and 5000 feet. Heading for the Smokies tomorrow
10/12/2014 09:45:03 am
The color change is looking nice. I like this time of the year and the mix of red, orange, and green. Its still been warm and rainy here, so everything is still growing and green.
10/12/2014 12:24:38 pm
That's in Texas, right? Here north of Atlanta, leaves are turning and falling, mostly browns. Have to go to the mtns for good color!
Sharon S
10/12/2014 01:36:57 pm
Last year our final overnight at the Lodge was during the first week of November. Although we were past the peak color change, we were treated to a golden-leafed forest on our drive out. It was almost blinding. I'm not sure it's possible for those mountains to be anything but beautiful, regardless of the time of year.
10/12/2014 03:25:34 pm
10/13/2014 03:12:29 am
High winds are predicted for tonight and tomorrow(Tuesday). Be careful hiking the trails with the potential of downed trees and limbs
10/13/2014 03:45:46 am
Is this Doug Y?
10/13/2014 05:27:17 am
No, its not doug y, just another daily reader that saw bad weather heading to the area.
Gulf Coast Doug
10/13/2014 12:14:12 pm
Oh Oh...we now have three Dougs on this blog:) Yes, Tuesday looks nasty. Drove past the Alum Cave trail entrance today. Swarms of cars up and down the highway. Trail must have been jammed on lower end. Never saw so many folks heading up... Leave a Reply. |
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