in her eyes i will discover another reason why i want to live and make the best of what i see.1/16/2012
It was a beautiful day on top yesterday. The high was 33, but that came after a warm front pushed through overnight. For the majority of the day, it was in the 20's, yet it was calm and sunny. The low was 10 degrees. It was 32 and clear at observation. There is still quite a bit of snow up top, but many of the trails have been packed down. The lows have been low enough to keep from melting and refreezing, so the trails aren't too dangerously icy. In light of some recent events, please be sure to be prepared for the conditions. If you are not prepared, there is no shame in turning around. The mountain will continue to be here, you will not if you use poor judgement. NEVER go off trail in an attempt to take a shortcut. It will most certainly turn into a disaster, as there are a select few with the gear and expertise to traverse this park in the midst of winter. We are very fortunate to have the ever diligent Park Service there to help with these near-catastrophes. Also, special thanks to Sheldon for bringing me up some ibuprofen and pecan brittle!
Chris D
1/16/2012 01:07:19 am
So what visitor mishaps have recently taken place on the mountain?
1/16/2012 06:51:28 am
I was wondering the same thing. I tried to look it up from some local news stations, but to no avail.
James W
1/16/2012 01:09:46 am
Great day and pics JP we did a great hike yesterday in North Ga hope to be up there soon!! have a great day!
1/16/2012 01:14:21 am
JP, What kind of camera are you using to get these great shots?
1/16/2012 08:29:14 am
1/18/2012 06:40:50 am
Thanks JP. I am looking for a camera to use fly fishing but I would also like it to be simple to operate. Would this fit the bill?
1/16/2012 11:41:39 am
That first picture was Filmy Angelica. My younger daughter when we were doing a hike on Roan Mtn thought I was saying "Feel me Angelica." Thanks for providing such a rich experience.
Josh C
1/17/2012 07:10:37 am
If I run into you in the Backcountry Ashe I will run up and hug and kiss you just so you know we care brother.
Jacque J
1/16/2012 01:57:30 am
Terrific pictures! What a great way of roughing it! Would love to be there. Coming up the end of March and can not wait!
1/16/2012 02:33:46 am
man i really enjoy your posts and the pictures are awesome.keep em coming.
Doug Y.
1/16/2012 03:13:50 am
Roughing it !? You can't convince me of that !!
Tony Ga
1/16/2012 04:10:21 am
Hey Allyson how's the "vacation" going? What do you think about the job JP is doing? Hope all is well with you and yours.
1/16/2012 01:07:48 pm
Hey Tony, "vacation" is going great. We are training for a marathon in February. Then a backpacking trip to the Grand Canyon.
Tony Ga
1/16/2012 11:00:38 pm
Glad to hear you're doing well. Good luck with the marathon. I ran my first one last November. First 20 miles went good than the last 6.2 was a death march. I finished, it just wasn't pretty.
1/16/2012 06:07:52 am
I am so enjoying your daily comments and gorgeous pictures. Will be a first timer at the lodge in April. Cant wait! Take Care.
Dana O
1/16/2012 06:24:27 am
JP, when you say 'at observation' I assume that is at a regular time each day. If so, what is that time? Look forward to the pictures and comments each day..
1/16/2012 08:31:38 am
Rebecca Mc
1/16/2012 07:11:32 am
Hey JP!...we (some of the members of the great smokies hiking and adventure meet up group) enjoyed running into you saturday as you went down, then back up with your friend on the Alum Cave Trail. It was an awesome day to visit the snow covered lodge. Thanks for taking care of it! And thanks for posting pictures and stories to keep us up to date when we are trapped down here, and wishing we were up there ;)
Donnie R
1/16/2012 07:12:26 am
I've been following the Leconte blog since the beginning, and can I say YOUR THE BEST offense to the ones that came before however. You have set the bar high for those that follow my friend ! Thanks for the awesome work you do !
Bill & Brett
1/16/2012 11:57:01 pm
HI JP: Great to meet you on the trail yesterday, we enjoy you blog. It is a real treat to get first hand news from LeConte. Your photos are especially nice. B&B
1/17/2012 04:12:09 am
Wonderful quote ....... much truth there !!! all the best ... my wife and I made a number of trips on the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving -- that was our date each year ... for the past four years she has had heart challenges and this last May she received a heart transplant (at Brigham and Women's in Boston) .... she is doing great ... and our goal is to make that trek again ....
Josh C
1/17/2012 06:06:14 am
But the whip-poor-will wails on the moor, And day has deserted the west: The moon glimmers down thro' the vines at my door And the robin has flown to her nest.
1/18/2012 08:26:51 am
Thanks for sharing, Josh. Comments are closed.
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