It was yet another bizarrely warm day yesterday. The high was 52. The low was 36. It was 38 and blustery at observation. It looks like there's a chance of afternoon showers today, so be ready for some rain. I had a nice hike out to the Jumpoff yesterday. I'd never been there before and it is definitely one of the most well named spots in the park. Thanks for the recommendation, Bill! I relaxed after I got back around 4 and did some reading. I'm looking forward to focusing on some of my indoor activities as the rain moves in these next few days. I'm going to be doing a few chores around camp, reading and starting my first whittling project. Safe hiking everyone!
Jacque J
12/15/2011 01:01:25 am
Great pics from the jumpoff! Raining here in Indiana too. Hope you have a great day on top!
Devin R
12/15/2011 01:33:35 am
Hey JP!
H Clark
12/15/2011 02:12:36 am
Always skipped the jump off overlook on the way to the lodge or hiking to Bunion and on to Kephart Prong.
12/15/2011 02:12:53 am
Tony Ga
12/15/2011 04:39:18 am
Was thinking about a hike (early spring). I am wanting to hike Alum and Boulevard. Which one would be best to hike up and which one down? Have hiked Alum a few times, never The Boulevard. Would appreciate input from anyone.
Tony IN
12/15/2011 05:34:10 am
@Tony GA....I have hiked the Boulevard both ways. I recommend hiking it down. If you go up the Boulevard there is about a mile (from mile 6.5 to High Top) that has a lot of elevation gain. It is difficult after already hiking 6.5m. The Boulevard has some fantastic views.
12/15/2011 05:41:26 am
Tony Ga: Boulevard up Alum down with a side trip to either the Jump Off of Charlies Bunion on the way up. Have lunch at either place. The view is marginally better at CB, but JO is outstanding as well. CB is a longer hike than the detour to JO.
Big Al
12/15/2011 05:45:05 am
Tony GA: I'll confuse the issue by suggesting up the AT/Boulevard and down Alum Cave. Either way, it's a big day, but you take out a lot of climbing by beginning your walk at Newfound Gap. The Boulevard has plenty of up and down regardless of direction. Alum Cave, however, is either all up or all down to the tune of approximately 2,750'. Guess it depends upon whether you'd prefer to walk up or down Alum Cave as to which direction you should choose.
12/15/2011 06:08:15 am
Love hiking up Boulevard. Yes, it is a real "burner" toward the top but coming down it....that extremely long climb to the AT is no picnic either. Especially in snow. Alum as was said earlier is either all up or all down...just depends on your mood and choice.
Tony Ga
12/15/2011 06:35:00 am
Have hiked to the Bunion before. I'm leaning towards Alum up and Boulevard down. It will be a day hike. I tend to over analyze things, so I will change my mind a hundred times before we actually do it. Just like to here everyone's opinions.
Tony Ga
12/15/2011 06:38:32 am
12/15/2011 06:51:28 am
I vote - Definitly Up Alum and Down BLVD...=)
H Clark
12/15/2011 07:10:13 am
I would vote for hiking to the lodge on Boulevard and exiting on Alum Cave Trail. The Boulevard does have several up and down grades. However, by using this trail to the lodge, you are always facing LeConte peak, your ultimate destination.
12/15/2011 07:41:19 am
We hiked the Brushy Mtn Trail a couple of weeks ago and that leaves only the Blvd Trail to hike and we will have hiked all trails to LeConte Lodge. We have a reservation at the Lodge in April, so we will probably hike in via the Blvd. and out on the Alum Cave Trail the next day.
12/15/2011 09:32:31 am
12/15/2011 09:37:13 am
Hey Tony Ga...
Carol in TN
12/15/2011 10:08:46 am
Tony Ga, my husband & I are on waiting list for Leconte Lodge for Sept. We both have knee issues, & I have issues with heights (boy, do I sound like a wimp). We thought Trillium up & down would be best for us. Seems that if loaded llamas could go up & down that trail, surely we could. Please, your opinion would be appreciated.
Tony Ga
12/15/2011 11:55:26 am
nonstop said it best, "It's all good!"
12/15/2011 12:29:28 pm
Jerry or someone
Bryon J
12/15/2011 01:27:05 pm
Good eye with the camera
12/15/2011 01:40:21 pm
The 4.5 mile Brushy Mountain Trail runs 1 mile from the Porter Creek Trail-head in the Greenbrier area to about half way up Trillium Gap Trail. There may be some debate, since it ends at Trillium Gap, that it is not one of the trails to LeConte. I do consider it one since it is other way to the top of Mt LeConte.
Devin R
12/15/2011 01:45:05 pm
Devin R
12/15/2011 01:51:06 pm
12/15/2011 03:32:22 pm
Love your posts. Could you add distances and times to your destinations so we can better visualize how far you hike each day and how long it takes you. Thanks for taking car of the lodge this winter.
Paul B
12/15/2011 10:54:03 pm
Carol, we did Trillium down this year and it was rockier than I expected. The view from Brushy Mtn is awesome so I am told and worth the slight additional side trip. Take your time and enjoy the trail. It was noted the other day to get two treking poles and I could not agree more. It is a huge diference maker. Also the stair training that was suggested is very helpful. I worked in a 9 story office building and would climb the stairs 3-4x 3 times a week. Now I work at home and going up the basement stairs just doesn't seem to help. 12/15/2011 11:24:34 pm
Awfully early in the morning for Nietzsche. Those views might humble even him.
Carol in TN
12/16/2011 05:25:54 am
Paul, thanks for your response. You are right on regarding the treking poles. I used them over Thanksgiving when we hiked part of the Alum Cave trail, & found them very helpful. I will also try the stair climbing.
Doug Y.
12/17/2011 05:42:43 pm
For decades I used old tobacco sticks, sanded, varnished, coated, and strapped as hiking staffs, resisting purchasing trekking poles; I eventually gave in and am very glad I did as they are a big assist; I still occasionally use the old sticks (I used to "acquire" them out of my grandpa's tobacco barn !)on short(er) day hikes; I have about two dozen of them and if anyone would like one and will pay for shipping I'll send one for free. Always glad to help a fellow hiker. Comments are closed.
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