The high yesterday reached 46 degrees. The low was 36 degrees. It was 42 degrees and cloudy at 7am observation. The mountain received .56" of new precipitation yesterday. There is no more snow left on the ground. The trails are clear of ice, but are still very wet. I will be spending the next week in San Diego. The blog will return on the 26th. Enjoy the mountains.
Tony Ga
1/16/2013 11:50:44 pm
Enjoy YOUR trip!
1/16/2013 11:53:20 pm
Enjoy your travels, Sir :)}. 6/4/2013 07:30:01 pm
I guess it would matter how packet priority was setup on the controller. Obviously real-time devices like phones and video would need a higher priority than the refrigerator when it needs to phone home with the new grocery list. 6/4/2013 07:33:47 pm
Practice making noises with your instrument. Even if you are quite familiar with playing it, experiment with the range of different possible sounds, and how to make them. 6/4/2013 07:34:11 pm
One of the best forms of entertainment is music, but it is also the best form of relaxation also. The best way to enjoy your favorite music is in solitude with only yourself for company. 6/4/2013 07:34:33 pm
When you are looking for best home decoration ideas at a cheaper rate, you can opt for the magazines that offer tips on houses and interior decorations. 6/4/2013 07:34:58 pm
I bet chicken or turkey sausage would be yummy, either in addition to or in place of the mushrooms.
Tony Ga
1/16/2013 11:54:27 pm
doug y, one hiker in the photo (plus the one taking the picture, twayne).
doug y
1/17/2013 12:07:54 am
Tony Ga: I see two hikers, plus the photographer; Maybe my eyes are failing me in my "old" age. Regardless of the number, I enjoy the photos that include fog, but I enjoy all the photos from the mountain. I value your comments, too, Tony Ga, as they're always spot on the mark. Thanks. Next week I'm returning to hike up Bullhead I think. I was wondering about the trail I see on my old Park trail maps that begins down near the Sugarlands visitor center and if it's used much these days; it's been years since I took it.
1/17/2013 12:13:05 am
FYI. Took Bullhead 12/29/12 and there were over a dozen tree falls to cross, half requiring a crawl or a complete departure from the trail.
Tony Ga
1/17/2013 12:16:18 am
Always enjoy your post too. Have you seen a picture of the washed out road in the park? http://www.citizen-times.com/article/20130116/NEWS/301160065/
1/17/2013 12:08:26 am
Have a great trip. Hope you get some sunshine after this long stretch of clouds and rain.
1/17/2013 12:23:15 am
Hey DougY, the Old Sugarlands Trail starts across from Park Headquarters by the bridge. About 4 miles to the junction with The Bullhead. The trail is used often & very easy. The Bullhead is a long, continuous climb 6 1/2 miles to the Lodge. And yes there are blowdowns the last I heard.
1/17/2013 12:33:04 am
Have a great trip and take some pics to share with us. I do miss your quotes!
1/17/2013 01:45:02 am
Sorry you will miss all the snow
1/17/2013 03:43:22 am
ok, I was slow to the party.
Raz Theo
1/17/2013 03:33:41 am
I have been away from the blog for a couple weeks and I see I have returned to a web of mystery. JP's pic has disappeared and if he's still writing, his heart is no longer in it. Would someone who knows what's going on care to share that information?
Tony Ga
1/17/2013 04:01:29 am
My "theory" is that all the negative banner the other day has caused it. I feel like JP is a very non confrontational person and will avoid it any way he can and maybe some orders from up top has caused the change in his post. Also usually Allyson is here to delete any negative comment and when she does that it keeps it from getting out of control. I have been guilty of such post before and have had them deleted and they needed to be deleted. Like someone said this is no place for it. I will try to do better and keep this a "Happy Place".
Raz Theo
1/17/2013 04:46:20 am
Tony Ga
Tony Ga
1/17/2013 04:51:03 am
1/9/12 towards the bottom of comments. Not to bring it back up for argument, just to read what happen.
1/17/2013 05:02:10 am
1/17/2013 04:00:50 am
I miss hearing about the intoxicating sunsets and the hair of the dog sunrises.
Raz Theo
1/17/2013 06:16:27 am
Thanks for the input. I've got a few opinions I'd love to express but I like and appreciate this blog (and everyone who adds a lot of genuine, creative content) so much that I don't want to diminish it by turning it into a rant.
doug y
1/17/2013 06:58:29 am
Sherry: Thanks for the information; I remembered where that trail began and had taken it a couple of times but it had been so long ago that I wondered about its condition, so, again, thank you. Tony Ga: I believe I need to reread some of the comments from the previous few days myself to see what you refer to as "negative banter" because I did read them before and perhaps I let them slide past me somehow; but regardless of intent I think that different people will naturally interpret them differently, so there'll be as many conflicting opinions as there are comments. I agree that JP is a non-confrontational individual and is quite intelligent enough to recognize the differences in all the varied opinions. I try myself to keep my comments neutral, even if I disagree with those of others, and regardless of how strongly I might differ. I hope I've never offended anyone here. Your comments in particular Tony Ga have always been ones that I found to be very honest and informative. Perhaps in time this period of "banter" will subside, Love the photos of the fog. It always gives the mountain a look of mystery. I was hoping to finally get to meet JP when I hike up in a few days as in the last several times I've been up there I've had a destination in mind and never really stopped for long enough at the lodge to meet the guy. He'll still be out west when I pass through there next week. I, too, hope things are allright with him. G'day.
doug y
1/17/2013 07:03:40 am
I forgot to mention that I have five of those remote, motion-sensing "trail" or "game" cameras. If the lodge people wanted I could easily let them borrow one for as long as they desired. TOny Ga: I think I owe you an apology because I may have been thinking of the photo of the other day of the two hikers because the one for today, 1/17/13 has just one. Anyway, regardless of how many were in either photo, it's always good to see those photos, and they serve also to make me envious that I'm not out there, too !
Tony Ga
1/17/2013 07:33:07 am
I thought there was only one hiker, but I wanted to remain "neutral" and didn't want to argue with you doug y....LOL. Have a good day.
1/17/2013 08:15:02 am
jp.thanks for all you do and have done!we are all concerned.have a safe trip,enjoy,and be back to your NORMAL cant we all just get along ? live well,love life,and god bless all.papawlg.
Fraley Family
1/17/2013 08:32:25 am
Sounds like snow on the mountaintop...hate that JP will miss it...but San Diego is a beautiful city...hope he enjoys his break. Hoping we get some beautiful photos of snow in the next few days on the blog. We have been checking out the photos of the flooding and road damage in the park.....lots of work to do.
1/17/2013 09:43:28 am
Was lucky to meet JP on 12/30/12, on a perfect sunny clear and snow scape day. (I have killer pictures!) Gave him a gift of hiking socks (sorry, no NYTimes) then saw him hike off. I told him how much I appreciated his writing skill, and how it makes some of my dreadful days so much better. All guessing about the abrupt change would be pure speculation.
1/17/2013 09:48:03 am
Ive always enjoyed your comments Tony, I like your sense of humor. But then again Im from GA to, LOL. I live in Maggie Valley, NC now. I own/operate a small mom and pop motel here. There are so many mudslides around here right now. Very bad for business. Snowing now. Nice after four days of rain.
Tony Ga
1/17/2013 10:33:49 am
Thanks Gina. I like to have a good time, I just go overboard sometimes. : )
1/17/2013 01:07:47 pm
Shame that the comments of a few have to spoil the site for everyone. I, along with many others, miss JPs thoughtful and inspiring posts. It's one reason I come here every morning to see what's happening on the mountain. Hope to see things back to normal eventually.
1/17/2013 01:51:52 pm
I stumbled upon this blog by accident about 3 months ago. Have been hooked on it ever since. JP (and Allyson's) posts have given me the incentive that I needed to get back in shape so that I can hike to the lodge. Sincerely hope that JP returns after his trip!
1/17/2013 03:32:06 pm
I remember when I wrote my thesis. I thought I was so much more intelligent than the rest. I used to correct folks in my twenty's then I grew up. Now I'm a happy guy that enjoys all walks of life and could care less about grammar etc. etc. etc. etc. I love Christ, my wife, my son, kindred spirits & nature. This is the only blog I follow and am disappointed that it has changed. I want to thank all you kindred spirits out there. Maybe JP will come back because of you guys. I hope all the speculations as to why JP is MIA is not due to something so mundane. Since I've been reading this blog I am confident that something so frivolous would not hush JP. JP probably got tired of the blog. I know I would.
1/17/2013 04:55:47 pm
I have always enjoyed and appreciated the wonderfully~crafted posts by Nathan,
1/17/2013 10:24:37 pm
Happy travels, JP. I hope your knee continues to heal and that you return to us .. With your muses.
Tony Ga
1/17/2013 11:09:20 pm
OK let's keep ourselves entertained while JP is off the mountain. Maybe some different topics everyone can chime in on. Here's the rules: No grammar lessons (as I worry about my grammar as I type), no negativity, no debating. Let's keep it positive, informative and FUN. If someone breaks the rules, the rule for the rest of us is to ignore it (which will be good practice for me).
Ryan in Green Bay
1/18/2013 01:53:22 am
My favorite hike beside to the lodge is Ramseys Cascades. I would so loive to do that hike now. With all the rain and snow run off this week, I am betting the cascadesd are abundant with water.
1/18/2013 05:09:17 am
Hey was that the last of June 2012?
tomk in SC
1/18/2013 02:21:50 am
Tony GA: Great Rules!
1/17/2013 11:22:29 pm
Just catching up today.
Tony Ga
1/17/2013 11:43:19 pm
Mt. Cammerer! it ain't easy getting up there, but it's the best (to us) view in the park. Every time we hike it I have to forget how hard it was before I'm ready to go again. Try to do it at least once a year. Probably will be the first hike this spring we do.
1/18/2013 12:09:42 am
Debi have you thought about Pisgah National Forest? Its over here in western NC. Its about the same distance for me to drive to Pisgah as it is to The smokies (unless I do Cataloochee) so I hike there a lot to. Both are beautiful.
Mark S
1/18/2013 01:15:46 am
Mt. Sterling fire tower has some great views. Also, Rocky Top is a great spot with views of fontana and cades cove. Rocky Top might be a long day hike though, don't have my map in front of me so i don't have the mileage.
doug y
1/18/2013 12:04:59 am
Tony Ga: Nice idea; my favorite hike is the Appalachian Trail from Davenport Gap to Fontana Dam, about 68-70 miles; I do it about once every five years. Next time, which will be next year, I plan to avoid the Icewater Spring shelter as there are often people coming there from the Newfound Gap parking lot and who don't have the permits required, making for some really overcrowded conditions. Otherwise, the A.T. through the Park is a good long one. I have done it in both directions but prefer the N.E. to S.W. route. I wasn't seeking to argue about the "hiker in the photo" at all; if anything I was pointing out my own misconceptions due to my eyesight. Debi: If you want the "awesome" effect, keep going up and down Alum, but there are some other good routes for panoramic views and it all depends on the length of hike you wish to take. I have lots of ideas. I recently took one from "The Sinks" up and back around to Metcalf Bottoms picnic area, roughly 7 -9 miles, depending on any side treks you may make. What kind of a distance is comfortable for you ? I try to be neutral with all the seemingly adverse comments here lately, but I fail to see that the blog has changed much, perhaps just some different views. I, too, enjoy all walks of life and on my own new website I intend to describe many of my experiences, but here I try to keep to topics involving the lodge and hiking in the Smokies. All the differing opinions make for interesting discussion. But I agree that some are unnecessary. I worry more about my spelling mistakes, perhaps unnecessarily, but I make them often. I was wondering if there was any snow accumulation on the mountain with all the activity around. It's really an odd occurence here in London, KY as there's snow everywhere around this county, but it's a "bare" spot; no snow at all, just some cold temps. I actually prefer hiking in winter and the only thing that gets in the way of that is sometimes when the Park service closes particular roads I want to take to the traiolheads. Again, nice idea Tony Ga. G'day
Tony Ga
1/18/2013 12:14:56 am
I knew you weren't trying to start argument about the hiker, I was just trying to be funny. London Ky, my best friend from my Army days lives up there. Been there years ago, a nice place.
tomk in SC
1/18/2013 12:31:46 am
I have been hiking LeConte annually (at least) for 24 years or so. We hiked the Boulevard the first year and then swore it off because we didn't understand that it undulates and therefore presents about as much climb as the other trails. When a few of us tried it again a few years ago we took the side trip to the Jump Off and I was blown away. If the weather is clear, lunch at the Jump Off is hard to beat, and it is a smidge closer than Charlies Bunion which is even better. To get to the Jump Off follow the AT towards the Boulevard out of Newfound Gap. 2.7 miles in, take the Boulevard to the left. Something like 100 yards after joining the Boulevard, the out and back trail to the Jump Off climbs away to the right. About 1/2 mile each way. Views outstanding. Many Boulevarders just blow by that side trail and miss a lot.
Paul B
1/18/2013 01:08:47 am
I was going to vote for Charlies Bunyon and Jump Off as well as a favorite. At 4 miles to the Bunyon and almost another 1/2 mile to the Jump Off it may be more than a warm up depending on what you are looking for. I will say that the sign for Jump Off says .3 miles but that was some of the hardest .3 I have hiked. We did Andrews Bald off Clingman's Dome last year. Only 3 miles round trip and had it not been a cloudy day I am told the views are great. If you like waterfalls and a relatively flat trail I hear that Abrams Falls in Cades Cove is quite nice.
Tony Ga
1/18/2013 01:20:40 am
We hiked to Andrews Bald from Clingman's Dome Parking lot last year by mistake. We were headed to Siler's bald, but took a left when we should have gone right. We realized half way to it we went the wrong way, but continued on to Andrew's Bald. While sitting at the bald a cloud came over the top and floated between us. It was something to experience. We left there and hiked onto Siler's bald then back the Appalachian trail to Clingmans Dome. That was some of the toughest up hill (mountain) I have ever done!
1/18/2013 12:44:24 am
Communication is key to life. 6 days of robotic mountain top information is not the norm from anyone who has every been in charge of this blog. I dare say we all follow these musings for more than just temperature status (they truly are a enjoyable read). My normal excitement of a daily journey to the site seems to be fading. I would just simply ask someone who knows why the blog methodology has abruptly changed "communicate" a response, which in turn would end such comments as this one. A view of all the comments by readers appear to be out of genuine concern for J.P and the lodge system as well. I trust that is how this entry is perceived.
Mary F
1/18/2013 01:21:50 am
I am hopeful that when Chris and Allyson return from their time off, the blog can return to "normal". This may be why we have not heard anything, and why some of the banter has not been removed.
1/18/2013 01:30:23 am
Well said Pee Paw. I could write a blog about my shoe retail business, but I would doze off faster than the reader. This site is an escape from the day to day routine, and gives us all a chance to think of a wonderful place. JP and the other writers of this blog are fantastic ambassadors of the Lodge and GSMNP. The Lodge management should clear this up ASAP.
1/18/2013 01:16:15 am
Mary F
1/18/2013 01:25:39 am
One of my favorite hikes, although not in the park, is the AT from Lemon Gap to Max Patch. When you clear the woods, and start the climb to the summit of Max Patch, you swear you can hear the music from Sound of Music!! The views at the top are unmatched!!
1/18/2013 01:31:52 am
We also enjoy the trail to Andrews Bald having hiked it countless times and we love to take visitors up there to enjoy the beauty of God's creation. We were lucky to see a bear just off the trail a year ago. The park service has also made a big improvement to the trail, it used to be like hiking down the middle of a very very rocky creek bed, but much nicer now. We live in Bryson City, and I am wondering how long it will take to complete the road after the collapse. We are hiking up to LeConte in May and will most likely have to take the long way around to get to Alum or maybe we will try one of the other trails just outside of Gatlinburg. But for now, we will have to stick to the NC side of the park. Another nice little day hike we like to take is the Smokemont loop trail..a little over 5 miles round trip and it is especially nice in the winter.
JT from mobile ala
1/18/2013 02:02:52 am
Morning to all you mountain readers, been in gatlinburg since last saturday. lot of rain this past week , thurs. afternoon snow was beautiful, rain changed to snow about 2 oclock .temp last night about 22 , everything frozen this morning . Hate to see the pictures of 441 across the park, this will be a major problem for a lot of folks . Hope to go to cades cove this morning , everything quiet in gatlinburg this morning . good day to all
1/18/2013 02:18:34 am
Does anyone know how much snow fell yesterday up top? Was planning on going up this Sunday and hoping to see some snow on the ground.
1/18/2013 02:25:12 am
According to national weather service site, LeConte received 8" snow yesterday.
1/18/2013 02:21:10 am
I love all of the trails and hikes that I have done in the GSMNP but 2 favorites that come to mind are: Arnold's Bald and Ramsey Cascades.....I also love Tremont.....The beauty of the GSMNP is amazing....any hike you do is beautiful in its own way durning any season! Happy hiking all!!
Donnie R
1/18/2013 02:26:58 am
Sounds like a heck of a slide on 441 JT ! Hope the park has all of that worked out for my visit in June.Take care and enjoy your stay in San Diego ;)
1/18/2013 02:30:40 am
It is me again......I meant Andrew's Bald....trailhead located off the Clingman's Dome parking lot! Oooops!
Donnie R
1/18/2013 02:33:13 am
Beautiful pic of Purchase Knob this morn. on park web cam as well !
Tony Ga
1/18/2013 02:39:26 am
Nice to be one big happy family again.
1/19/2013 11:26:43 pm
Very much so! :)
1/18/2013 02:47:53 am
Is there much ice or mostly snow? We're planning on heading to LeConte in the morning.
1/18/2013 02:52:21 am
I see where NOOA says LeConte got 8in, but anyone local in the area know about Cades Cove or other surrounding areas? Have two kids who are dying to see some snow! ;-) Trying to save them the disappointment though if we make the trip and the area didn't get much. We didn't get ANYTHING just 5 miles south of Knoxville. Thanks a ton in advance all!
Ros R
1/18/2013 03:43:17 am
Mary F....That was the first thing I thought when I went to "Max Patch"...The Sound Of Music.
1/18/2013 05:34:40 am
Thats in Pisah National Forest that I mentioned earlier. I have hiked it also. Nice hike. John Rock a nice one to just down the road from it, nice view of Looking glass from there
Fraley Family
1/18/2013 03:47:06 am
I think my favorite is Bullhead, although I've only traveled it down not up..up might be a different story. My least favorite is Rainbow...rocks, rocks, rocks! Hiked to the Jump Off on New Years Eve...since we bypassed it in our Boulevard trips. Top of my list is Gregory's Bald in June....looks amazing! One of our favorite local hikes is Hocking Hills Winter Hike...google it:) if the weather is in its favor some amazing ice formations are created.
Tony Ga
1/18/2013 03:54:19 am
Fraley Family, you from Ohio?
Fraley Family
1/18/2013 04:22:01 am
Tony Ga
1/18/2013 04:34:24 am
I was born in Piqua, Ohio and lived in Ohio till I was 16. I too am a Buckeye!!! 1/18/2013 04:03:15 am
2" of snow in pigeon forge tn. 8" on laconte,love to read this blog daily i have met JP 3 times a good guy. Have a safe trip JP will see you soon.
innocent bystander
1/18/2013 04:23:20 am
old blevins
1/18/2013 04:31:00 am
is JP really bear hunting in Alaska?
Too Funny
1/18/2013 04:36:13 am
LOL. He's in San Diego. Don't know if he's bear hunting there.
Bob B
1/18/2013 04:42:40 am
I agree with Paul B. - Charlies Bunyon and Jump Off are my favorite trails so far. We were blessed to be there on a clear day in April 2012.
Fraley Family
1/18/2013 04:55:28 am
Another fall favorite and one that isn't too strenuous...great if you have little ones...is the Boogerman Loop in Cataloochee. Driving into the Cataloochee Valley is the worst part...but what a rush..lol Get there early...take the hike...have a picnic packed in your car...and when you're finished with your hike...enjoy your picnic while watching the elk herds move into the valley...and listen to the bull elk bugle...perfect day.
1/19/2013 11:18:09 am
When I was there last year the Caldwell Fork section of the loop had a missing bridge and and a bad washout, so I'd ask before taking kids.
Fraley Family
1/19/2013 01:30:32 pm
True..I forgot about the bridge...I shimmied down the logs and made it across..my guys just went through the creek. I think that was in the fall of 2011. Always best to check the latest trail updates. But if all is ok..the kids will love the huge poplar tree you can get inside...me, too.
1/18/2013 05:25:01 am
Wow, small world. I have been reading this blog for over a year. We try and day hike LeConte a few times a year and also like Andrew's Bald and Charlies Bunion. Tony GA, I am originally from Piqua too! Still live in Ohio, but would love to move to Tn someday. Thanks for suggesting this topic. We are looking forward to trying some new hikes during our "hiking" week in April.
Tony Ga
1/18/2013 05:31:55 am
Born in Piqua and lived in Fletcher. Still have kin up there. Like it there, but after living so long in Ga I think an Ohio winter would kill me. Lived there from 1963 to 1979.
Tony Ga
1/18/2013 05:39:57 am
...also Terri did you see the hike "Fraley Family" recommended, Hocking Hills Winter Hike? I googled it and it's near Columbus Ohio and looks really interesting.
1/19/2013 08:34:02 am
I did read the post from the Fraley family. It is quite a drive from where we live, but might be a great warm-up to LeConte. We have checked it out on line and it looks beautiful.
Tony Ga
1/19/2013 10:10:26 am
Miami East Vikings!
1/18/2013 05:32:14 am
Debi Mid June to July 1st Gregory Bald is a must and Andrews Bald is too.
1/18/2013 06:49:05 am
I wonder what J.P. will think about today's blog getting close to 100 posts?
doug y
1/18/2013 06:54:37 am
Tony Ga: I knew you weren't my friend; Your insights are very interesting as well as informative; that's all I, too, try to acheive with mine. It appears that your excellent idea has taken hold and I've enjoyed the last few minutes reading about everyone's favorite hike; There are many, of course, and these suggestions should serve others very well who might need or desire such suggestions. I have to agree with those who mentioned the Jump Off; many times I've gone there for a solitary picnic or simply to gaze off into the distance, so Debi, there's another good idea for you. This past year and this year I'm concentrating on taking some of the trails that I haven't taken for several years, some even for twenty or thirty years, having hiked them all in my years of being in the Park. I intend to get in that 70-mile A.T. journey through the Park, and as for the others I've mapped out and planned I'm going to focus on day hikes of three to twelve miles, both of which are purely arbitrary numbers. As for hikes that include one or two overnight stays at backcountry camp sites, well, those will possibly fall into place according to my whims, or perhaps depending upon if I find anyone wanting to accompany me. I find these last few years that having someone along enhances the journeys. I enjoy a modest amount of good conversation, and I promise that if anyone joins up with me that I won't talk their head off, which I am very capable of doing !! I'm not bragging or boasting or anything, but in all my years I've never been bothered by nor scared of bears, but I am giving in to wisdom and common sense in that I have purchased some "bear spray" just in case !! It appears that the number of posts today could well exceed 100 ! So, Tony Ga, I hereby nominate you for the "Royal Order of the Lodge" ! G'day to all and ENJOY !
Tony Ga
1/18/2013 07:38:22 am
Thank you, thank you. I want to thank my mom and dad, cause if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here today.
Nancy and Henry Humes
1/18/2013 06:58:46 am
We too are most fond of the Jump Off by way of the Boulevard Trail. The last time we were there though, the fog moved in so fast it appeared we were looking across an ocean of fog. We met Mama Bear and 2 cubs on our way back but they soon departed and we continued on. A most beautiful hike for anyone! Enjoy it.
1/18/2013 07:19:08 am
doug - i understand your"non-fear" of bears. took me a few trips to outgrow mine. my 1st over nighter in the park i almost shared spence field shelter with a medium sized sow. the little girl within me startled it enough that i got the door closed... ramsey cascade any time and lower crammer in the spring are really hard to beat. With a number of comments about people enjoying the Jumpoff, I will be so bold as to mention that I published a book last year titled "Murder at the Jumpoff." You can find out about it on my website (see arrow next to my name). It's about climbing the Jumpoff off-trail from the bottom.
Mary F
1/18/2013 11:13:41 am
Jenny I read your book, hiking friend of mine heard you speak locally and we decided to read it. You are far more adventurous than I, I stick to the marked trails, lol!! Really did enjoy the book, thanks!! 1/18/2013 11:24:06 am
Great to see everyones favorite hikes. If the topic is going to change daily I would like to see some talk about Bear encounters in the park. My wife and I ran into a rather large bear a couple of years ago at the base of Rainbow falls coming back from the lodge. I think the bear was as shocked as we were to see one another.
Fraley Family
1/18/2013 11:54:35 am
The only time we have encountered bears on the trails have been at the Trillium trailheads/Grotto Falls. They frequent the parking areas and trailheads there. Never had a negative experience...the bears simply went on their way with a shew from us. We've seen scat many times on the trail...some pretty steamy..so we're sure the bears see us many more times than we see them...just like we like it. I was pretty skittish at first but I guess you just get used to them. We do carry bear mace and I wear bear bells. We talk on the trail and let the bears know we're coming so they move on their way...especially in switchbacks. We hiked this past summer in Yellowstone...our first in grizzly country and I was nervous..but saw nothing...even scat. We take precautions...double bag snacks and food...I don't wear scented lotions, etc. Another reason I love winter hiking..less likely to encounter bears..and no bugs!
1/19/2013 11:38:59 pm
Thanks everyone for the ideas. I wrote them all down and then also dated my index card Jan. 17th so I could look back at the post. Now, not to loose my index card, so I remember to look back at this post. Greatly appreciated. :)
1/20/2013 09:56:16 am
I haven't been able to hike nearly as much as I want to in the Smokies, but for family friendly fun, someone mentioned Abram's Falls in Cades Cove. Enjoyable walk, great falls and picnic space on the rocks by the falls. I also particularly enjoyed a nice day hike from Fontana Dam up to the Shuckstack Fire Tower. Awesome views of the park and Fontana Lake. It's pretty cool to stand at the dam, look up and see exactly where you are headed up to the tower, which is a little shaky and certainly not perfectly safe but provides a very cool experience. Comments are closed.
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