It was a cloudy, cold, dreary day on the mountain yesterday. The high was 57. Fortunately, the rain held off. Today is a different story. We awoke to a beautiful blue sky. It is looking like a gorgeous day to hike the mountain. The jewelweed is starting to bloom around the lodge. Just in time. I have a few spots of poison ivy that are begging for some relief. The leaves and the juice from the stem of the plant are used as a natural treatment for poison ivy. I learned about jewelweed, or also known as "touch me not", from a mountain man my parents met on a family vacation. My dad was into geodes and he met a man in Franklin, North Carolina who said he would take us geode hunting. I was around 8 or 9 years old. He showed us natural springs, geodes, and he taught us about "touch me not", or "tach me naught" as he called it. To this day, every time I see jewelweed, I think of that old mountain man.
8/28/2011 02:04:50 am
What a wonderful story...thanks for sharing! Great Sunday morning to the mountain top!
Ken T
8/28/2011 08:14:08 am
I knew a story was coming when I read the first sentence. Good one too !
Doug Y.
8/28/2011 09:07:56 am
How effective is that juice from the Jewelweed ? I don't often get poison ivy, but Clorox works too !
Tony Staggs
8/28/2011 09:23:49 am
Thanks for the take me away,I would Love to be on Leconte checking out the touch-me-not's,Have a Wonderful Day and Future!
8/28/2011 11:47:24 am
Two weeks from today!! I'm counting the days! Still trying to decide which 2 trails to traverse. I'm leaning towards Alum up as it is quicker and I'm more familiar with it and I want to get up there asap! Any suggestions? Anyone else going up on 9/11? Looking forward to the cooler weather and sleeping under those Hudson Bays!
8/28/2011 01:24:46 pm
thanks for the pics. i was at our country home this weekend and saw this same flower. now i know what it is! Comments are closed.
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