It's been awhile! The cloudy high yesterday was 62 and the low was 45. Right now it's super sunny and gorgeous and we are all enjoying the sun. Also learning how to re-cane the dining room chairs which an extremely intricate process. Llamas are coming up tomorrow!
We apologize for the inconsistencies with the blog, we're working on it!
6/7/2016 01:39:38 pm
Save some chairs for me to work on.
6/7/2016 01:44:22 pm
Dave, any time you are ready, let me know. They await you The pics.of the llams from the 6th.makes me want to cry.We waited for them at Trillum entrance and our daughter hiked on to Grotto Falls and waited and someone said,they weren't leaving the Lodge till 4 so she came on down and we went on,maybe next time that is the 3rd.time we have hiked to Grotto to meet them.Saw the 2 in the trailer and I kept asking one if he was Rex.LOL.I had my camera and phone camera ready for hrs.for ALan and Crissy but I noticed she wasn't with Alan,is she o.k.??Had a wonderful the Smokies did some hiking at Cades Cove,Greenbriar and the Sinks but had to come Ms.sure wish I was still there.HAGD
6/7/2016 08:32:41 pm
Just curious, do the same llamas come up each trip or are they rotated?
6/7/2016 09:00:54 pm
There are two strings of eight llamas that rotate every other trip. In addition there are others in reserve or being trained to help out when needed
Jennifer and Chris Atkins
6/8/2016 08:52:40 pm
My husband and I stayed at the lodge tonight as part of my 42nd birthday celebration/bucket list check off! It was all that we hoped it would be. The sunset at Cliff Tops was incredible. We met incredible folks at dinner too. So happy to have this experience. Comments are closed.
LeConte LodgeWelcome to the official blog of LeConte Lodge. We hope you find the information provided here both helpful and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting the site, and we hope to see you on the mountain! Archives
January 2025